"To know yourself is to be at peace."
NAME: Genji
ORIENTATION: Biromantic Pansexual
BIRTHDATE: Spring 2745
AGE: 31 as of 2776
OCCUPATION: Dragonrider
WING: Midnight Wing
EYES: Light Brown
HAIR: Black
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5' 7", athletic build.
PLAY-BY: Genji Shimada (Overwatch)
Genji's body is heavily scarred, including his face. The most noticeable scars on his face include one that crosses the bridge of his nose, one that cuts over his lip on the right side of his face, and one that bisects his eyebrow and passes over his eye on the left side of his face. He doesn't suffer any blindness in his left eye luckily, as the wound that created the scar did not damage it. The rest of the scars on his face are smaller and less noticeable.
His hair is short, and he wears it back so it doesn't get in his eyes. Before the incident that caused the scarring he had near flawless skin. He takes good care of his skin, lest his scars itch or become inflamed.
Genji is a friendly man, despite his appearance. He is quiet, but opens up around people he knows and likes. He is one to make sure those close to him are in a good mood, and will do what he can to alleviate any negative emotions his friends might be feeling.
He tends to not be open about his own problems, preferring to meditate on them and try to solve them himself than burden others with the knowledge. He is calculating, but sometimes doesn't take things as seriously as he should. This has lessened as he grew older.
Sojiro (deceased)
Hanzo (Older Brother)
BIRTHPLACE: A relatively well off Cothold
HISTORY: TW: Violence, Injury, Alcohol Abuse
Genji was born the second son to his father. His father was a minor lord, and he and his brother always aspired to be riders. Sojiro encouraged this, especially for Genji. He was pampered when he was young, spoiled some would say, and got out of a lot of trouble because his father simply let him. This led to him being a rebellious child, and as he aged into his teens his rebellious nature only grew.
In his teenage years Genji could be described as reckless. He was into partying, and didn't much care for responsibility. This included getting as drunk as possible as often as possible. Sometimes he would be so drunk he wouldn't remember anything of the previous day after he had started drinking. This got him into more than one bad situation. One such incident resulted in a fight breaking out, and his face and arms being scarred up as a result. After that, his family arranged for him to be Searched, and he was moved to Fort Weyr.
For a while after he was bitter. He wasn't used to following rules to get what he wanted, and he felt betrayed that his family had decided to, in his mind, get rid of him. He kept to himself a lot in that time, and didn't make many friends, focused more on following the rules rather than being social.
Eventually, he grew discontent with himself, and chose instead to seek out other people. He eventually came to forgive his family, though they would never know it, and overall became a lot more comfortable where he was. He even found the structure to be helpful in his own personal growth, and learned to prefer it rather than resent it.