"The sunrise, of course, doesn’t care if we watch it or not.
It will keep on being beautiful, even if no one bothers to look at it." - Gene Amole
RETIRE INFO: Retire preferred. Adopt bonded.
NAME: Kylan
GENDER: Agender
PRONOUNS: they/them/their, fine with he/she
ORIENTATION: Greyromantic Demisexual
BIRTHDATE: Winter, Turn 2751
AGE: 25 as of Spring 2777
OCCUPATION: Brownrider; Apprentice Dragon Healer
WING: Healer's Wing
EYES: Dark Green
HAIR: Dark Brown
HEIGHT AND BUILD: Roughly 5'11" and Lean
As a whole, they are blessed with a largely androgynous physical form, neither too-wide at the shoulders nor the hips, and no bust to speak of, leaving their physical sex extremely difficult to discern. Not only that, but a neutral voice--high for a male, but deep for female--serves to help. Their height falls roughly in the mid-ground for most men and women both, a little tall for female average and a little short for male.
Ky's skin is a healthy tan--not too dark, but not quite pale enough to risk burns from the sun while spending long periods of time outside. Their hair is a sort of dusty sienna brown. In the back it falls to their shoulders, tapering from the fringe over their brow and long enough to cover their ears at the sides. This seems to be a preferred length for them, as it is neither "too long" nor "too short." This may be influenced by their parentage--after all, long hair does not fit well under a riding helmet. They do have a few various scars flecked across their arms and legs, tiny and insignificant--just from an adventurous childhood.
For clothing, Ky tends to lean toward bland earthy tones, browns and tans with off-whites. Their usual garments consist of work boots and trousers. Practical clothing that won't get in the way or hinder them, but also a few extra layers for protection in the cooler seasons. All of their clothing is well-worn and oftentimes patched. It's very obvious they will wear something until it has nothing left rather than replace it.
Growing up, Kylan was quite a troublemaker. They would often follow their curiosity and get into trouble. Although this has calmed somewhat since they have grown and matured, they do still have a powerful curiosity. This can sometimes lead to them becoming involved in things they may have done better to avoid. While they don't actively seek out trouble anymore and have a much better sense of places they shouldn't be wandering around or are off-limits, they are still very much subject to the whims of a long-forgotten proverb, "curiosity killed the cat." Although they may have a good enough head on their shoulders to not be killed, at least not yet, they definitely still do get into trouble whether meaning to or not.
Ky is a very open-minded individual when it comes to forming opinions of people. They will never turn someone away for their looks, choices past, or opinions--but they will not associate with those who continue to hurt others. Even with their generally good nature, they do have their downsides. Although friendly when approached, they will not often go out of their way to speak to someone unless they know them.
Despite having been well-funded whilst growing up Ky has never been spoiled by either parent even as an only child. They were taught well to keep their things and to spend on only what they need, never making frivolous purchases. As a result are actually very resourceful and quite useful to have around in a pinch. On the flipside, they aren't fun at all to take shopping at Gathers, because they are nearly impossible to push into buying something that isn't going to serve some sort of use in the immediate future. They would rather wear the same pair of carefully-patched trousers for the next few Turns until they're more patch than pants rather than purchase the new pair hanging from the stall just down the way.
On the other hand, they seem to have no issue when it comes to helping others. They will willingly purchase an expensive gift a close friend has been eyeing, or give their food to someone who looks or expresses hunger. And if they say they will do something, it will certainly get done (or Faranth help the one who causes it not to be). This does mean that some individuals could easily take advantage of them if they chose to do so. They may not be stupid, but their kindness does make it difficult for them to turn away from someone in need--even if that person is someone who should be seen as their enemy.
At the moment it is highly unlikely Ky would be able to bring themselves to hurt another living creature. Compassion, atop a soft heart, makes them hard-pressed to perform any sort of violent act. They may go so far as to playfully punch a friend, but cannot bring themselves to actually become aggressive toward another individual--or creature. They also feel toward even those who are supposed to be their enemy--if someone is suffering, they would rather help them than condemn them. This may seem an odd thing given the state of the world and general distrust of Weyrs amongst each other, but it's something they hold to strongly. This passifism, while not making them a complete pushover (as it is tied to physical harm rather than emotional), does make any decision or action which may result in them causing injury to someone other than themselves much more difficult.
A'dyn - Parent - Alive - Bronzerider at Telgar Weyr
Lenara - Mother - Alive - Harper at Telgar Weyr
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Taken (Kouichi of Green Kuzoth)
Kylan was born in Telgar Weyr between a union of a bronze rider named A'dyn and Harper-turned-weyrfolk Lenara. Despite the busy schedule of a rider, A'dyn was a devoted parent and shared their weyr with Lenara, helping raise their child with pride. Thanks to A'dyn's own love for their human mate, Vandiroth did not Chase and never chose to father a clutch. Instead, he seemed to adopt the human child and often helped Lenara keep tabs on Kylan as they grew.
Which was probably a good thing, considering the child was an absolute hellion from the day they figured out how to crawl across the stone floors.
As a toddler, Kylan would constantly get into trouble. Always running off, putting things where they did not belong, and frequently needing to be rescued by an adult (and on odd occasion, a wher or a dragon, as humans weren't able to quite figure out how they had gotten where they had). If something was not tied down in the weyr, Kylan would figure out how to move it, climb on it, or use it as a toy. This did include Vandiroth, who was often used as a big, soft napping spot--which suited the bronze just fine as he also spent most of his free days napping in the sun anyway.
Although they calmed down a bit as they aged Kylan was also an incredibly curious child, always sticking their nose into things and bringing small animals (or their eggs) back to their parents with a request to keep them. As soon as they learned how to talk, it was getting them to stop talking which was the trick. Always asking questions, craving knowledge. As soon as the Harpers found that giving them a reading task shut them up, they gave extra assignments--which also resulted in keeping them out of trouble. This led Kylan to devour just about any book they were given (figuratively speaking, of course)--or at least as much as they were allowed to do so, considering the fact that books were not the most common... commodity.
When their parent's dragon was injured in a particularly rough Threadfall, Kylan began to express an interest in dragonhealing, choosing to leave their family in pursuit of training. Although the farewell was tearful, Kylan was gifted with a firelizard egg in hopes that they would be able to train it to take letters back and forth between the Healers Hall and the Weyr. When the egg finally hatched into a little blue firelizard (and Kylan of course stuffed him full of tasty meat pie), the two were immediately inseparable. From there, Kylan devoted themselves to their study, working hard to impress their masters.
Great change came when Searchriders from Fort arrived at the Healers' Hall and found the Apprentice suitable. Although they wanted to pursure their training as a dragonhealer, it was a great honour to be chosen on Search--even amidst the turmoil of the Weyrs and the tragedy which had befallen them all. Kylan agreed.