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Yew of Green Yesk

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Yew of Green Yesk

"No, not you, like 'Hey, you!' Yew, like the tree."



BIRTHDATE: Early Summer 2750
AGE: 26 as of Early Summer 2776
LOCATION: High Reaches Weyr
OCCUPATION: Wherhandler
WING: Ground Crew

EYES: Amber
HAIR: Brown
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 6'2", lean well built
Well built and broad shouldered, Yew stands at the slightly above average height of 6'2". Though he's well built, most of his bulk lies in his frame, not his musculature. He has wide shoulders, a long, sturdy torso, and long legs covered in lean muscle. He has medium length, thick brown hair that is more often than not messy and hangs in his amber eyes. Yew mostly wears plain, practical clothing, though he's in no way opposed to fancier things. He simply doesn't own many 'nice' things. He has a few faded scars here and there from his childhood and calloused, work roughened hands.

Yew, bless him, has known for quite a few turns that he's destined to be the butt end of many jokes. He loves his mother, truly, but sometimes he wants to ask her what she was thinking naming him 'Yew'. He's had to explain so many times that his name is not, in fact, 'you' that it has led Yew to become a bit resentful of her. Yew can also be a bit of a defeatist. He's resigned to the fact that some things won't change no matter how hard he tries, and it often leads him to give up on his endeavors too quickly, or when things get difficult. If he isn't good at something he tries, he will more often than not stop trying without putting any real effort into it. At this point, it's become more of a bad habit than anything else. He knows it's not healthy for him to do, and that continuing to do so will get him nowhere, but he doesn't know where to start to break the habit.

Yew is astoundingly patient, though his patience isn't endless. He's good at keeping a level head, until he's pushed to his absolute limit. Even then, Yew isn't the kind of person to have explosive anger. His replies may become clipped and short, but he seldom ever screams.

Juniper(Older half brother)
Various siblings and cousins
Yew never knew his parents well. Being the product of flightlust, and with both his parents being riders, he was raised by the Creche. From a young age he was aware of quite a few half siblings on both sides of his family, but it got a bit tedious to keep track of them all. He knew a few of them well enough, and that was okay with him. One in particular he found himself close to was Juniper, his older half brother.

Being a weyrbrat, he aged into candidacy at Igen at 15. He had a great chance of impressing, in his mind. Gold dragons laid so many eggs after all! How could he be left standing? Turns of bad luck soured his opinion on candidacy considerably. He found himself irrationally bitter with his situation. He warmed up to the idea of a wher over those years too, seeing as Junpier had one of his own. He decided to switch to being a dual candidate when he was 19.

Another turn of no impression had made Yew a bit restless. Maybe the problem was just Igen, and not him. With that thought in his head, Yew put in to transfer to High Reaches at 20, arriving at the weyr in the early fall of 2770. He was just in time for the donated Ista clutch to hatch, including a gold! It shook High Reaches, but he found himself more annoyed that such a big clutch still yielded no impression for him. He just hoped the change of scenery would bring him some luck before he aged out. At least here, at High Reaches, he had several more turns than he would have at Igen.
Last edited by Ignys on Fri Jul 26, 2024 6:23 am, edited 5 times in total.
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NAME: Yesk
BIRTHDATE Early Fall 2771
AGE: 5 as of 2776



LENGTH: 12.75 ft
HEIGHT: 5 ft
COLOR: Green
Yesk is a long and leggy by the standards with a green whers, with an intimidating cast to her face that makes her look like the sort of wher who takes no shards. She is a relatively lean wher, built for speed rather than distance, although she is surprisingly strong and perfectly capable of throwing her weight around. Yesk is primarily a pale green in color, fading to a darker green along her wings and tail. She has stripe-like markings around her face and markings that resemble bracers around her legs.

Yesk is a wher of a strong ideals, believing firmly in justice for all of Pern and wanting to see everyone have a chance to live a happy, peaceful life free of fear. Her temper is undoubtedly her fatal flaw and try as she might, she will never fully be able to master it. When Yesk is provoked, on purpose or accidentally, she reacts on impulse, with decidedly more "fight" than "flight". It will take her a long time, hours, days or even weeks, to calm down and as she stews in her fury, she is prone to making bad choices that feel right in the moment, even if they go against everything she otherwise believes. Yesk will feel guilty later for lashing out and do her best to make amends to anyone she's hurt.

Yesk is a wher who is never entirely sure she belongs. Her insecurities drive her to constantly try to improve herself and earn her place in the weyr. She never feels quite like she's good enough. Yesk loves her handler very much and will strive to become a wher they can be proud to call their partner. She deeply values her personal ties and is willing to bend or break the rules of the weyr to protect the ones she loves, although she won't betray her own values for the sake of another. Yesk has a long memory for the kindnesses of others and her loyalties are easily won by acts of decency. She is prone to hero worship and tries to live up to the example of the whers she admires most. Yesk prefers to be caught by female whers when she runs and will often chase other female whers who catch her eye.

Voice: Yesk's voice is deep but feminine and she speaks with a lyrical accent

Why Me?: Yew is steady and calm while Yesk struggles to control her emotions. Where Yew is resigned to the way things are, Yesk still hopes the world can be better. They can bring each other needed balance.

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