"I am so over the toxic masculinity in this hallway right now."
--Veronica Lodge
NAME:Ronica, or Ronnie for short
GENDER: Cis woman
PRONOUNS: She/her/hers
ORIENTATION: Bisexual, slight preference for men
BIRTHDATE: Fall of 2747
AGE: 27 as of Summer 2775
OCCUPATION: Whitehandler, socialite
WING: Dawn Squad
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Long, black, and wavy
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'5", slender
PLAY-BY: Camila Mendes
EXPY SOURCE: Veronica Lodge (Riverdale)
If you had to pick one word to describe Ronnie, it would be "immaculate". She has a staggeringly sized wardrobe, and knows exactly how to dress to impress. Unless she is actively doing hard labor, she will rarely wear anything practical, and can frequently be seen with a string of pearls around her neck. She tends to keep her makeup more subdued and natural-looking, apart from vibrant lipstick that will draw the eye to her full lips.
Ronica has an oval-shaped face and a slender feminine physique. She looks good and she knows it. She's quite short, but doesn't see anything wrong with that. She carries herself like a woman who is powerful and knows her worth. Her voice is slightly deeper than the average woman's with a rich quality.
Ronica likes attention. Between her habit for monologuing about herself, waxing poetic and her sometimes unusual word choices, and the fact that she's consistently hopping from one boytoy to the next, there really is no doubt that this is a young woman who thrives under the spotlight. In another life, she could've been a very successful Harper. Unlike some people, though, Ronnie knows how to share, and is more than happy to give others a chance to shine. She tends to give people nicknames, and will often add a 'kins' to the end of the name of whatever boy she's currently dating, has dated, or wants to date.
Despite the fact that everyone is living in the very modern time of the tenth pass and that women now have a chance to be the equals of men with a myriad of opportunities, Ronnie is acutely aware of the fact that not everyone fully believes in the equality women have earned. As such, she doesn't tolerate sexism, calling it out where she sees it, and doing everything she can to uplift the women around her. She values her female friendships above all other relationships. Between that and her habit of prioritizing her own wants and ambitions, her boyfriend du jour can often end up feeling a little neglected and undervalued, more like arm candy than a serious partner. This has been the cause of many a breakup for her.
Ronnie was born into excess, and while she is not shy about doing the hard, dirty work that needs doing, she sometimes forgets that not everyone has the resources she does, or that not everyone has the cast-iron willpower she does or the creativity to find a solution, any solution, to a problem. She can be rather ruthless when it comes to getting what she wants, steamrolling everyone who stands in her way and not listening to the well-meant criticism or doubts of others. It's not until after the dust settles that she realizes she may have hurt others in the pursuit of what she wants, and even then, it's often only when they're standing right in front of her.
Ronica has a tumultuous relationship with her parents. As their only child, she often feels a responsibility to side with them despite the fact that they've done less than scrupulous things to get to where they are. As a modern woman, she chaffs at the idea of being daddy's little girl, despite the fact that she desperately wants his approval, wants for him to see her as just as good - if not better - as any son. She both wants to support her mother and resents the fact that Hermine seems to have no backbone when it comes to Lodge, simply refusing to stand up to the man despite being a strong woman in her own right.
Father - Lodge, wealthy steward at Fort Hold
Mother - Hermine
Older half-sister - Hermosa (an illegitimate daughter of Lodge's from early in his marriage to Hermine)
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Changes frequently
Ronica was born to Lodge and Hermine in Fort Hold. Lodge had built up a substantial fortune for himself and his family using less than scrupulous means, so from birth Ronica had only ever known luxury and comfort. She moved in elite circles, got the very best education, and as a result can sing and dance quite well in addition to knowing all the things a young woman needs to thrive in the sometimes socially cuthroat world of the elite.
Despite the tumultuous political situation at Fort in the early '60s, Ronica's parents seemed to remain untouched by any of it, always correctly guessing which way the wind was going to blow and making the friends they needed to in order to maintain their resources. They were not above using their daughter in order to curry favor with important people's sons as a way to get to the boy's parents; nothing untoward, they simply encouraged Ronnie to dance with the attractive young men, to flirt, which she seemed inclined to do anyway. Eventually, Ronnie understood that she was being manipulated in this way and began trying to distance herself from her parents' political scheming. It was clear they wanted her to marry rich to further add to their own wealth, but Ronnie was less enthusiastic about the idea.
In 2765 during a dinner party Lodge and Hermine threw for their daughter's 18th turn celebration (that happened to include many of their own wealthy friends and benefactors of course) they made a show of giving their daughter a wher egg. It was for her own protection, they claimed, and they managed to intimate that it had been given to them specially from the clutch Lord Vellaren had handed out at the gather not too long ago. Ronnie saw this as the rather obvious lie it was, but as she had no proof and they hadn't actually said where they'd gotten the egg, there wasn't much she could do but grit her teeth and accept it. It was clear to her that they were trying to use the egg's implied connection to Vellaren to improve Ronnie's prospects for marriage, something Ronica still was not certain she wanted for herself. It was hard to resent Onisk, though, as from the first moment she came out of the shell, it was clear she was a sweet, gentle little thing, a wonderful friend as far as Ronnie was concerned.
While Ronica's new companion did boost her parents' standing for a time (and earn her a few additional suitors) it backfired rather spectacularly in 2769 when all wherhandlers were banished. Ronnie had no choice but to flee to the nearby Weyr, finally giving her a chance to not only physically leave her parents, but to cut ties with them for a while, and all their many machinations for her future under the guise of distancing herself from them for their own safety. She adapted quickly to life in the Weyr, delighted at her first taste of true independence. She was well-suited to the tumultuous political situation in the Weyr at the time as well, having survived for many turns in her parents' home after all, and unequivocally stood against everything the traditionalists preached. She loved finally being able to take a definitive stand for something, instead of constantly hedging and implying her beliefs so she could play both sides. She was loudly outspoken against the Traditionalists, and when riders were placed under house arrest, did what she could to help get them information, creature comforts, and even helping a few sneak out. The last few turns of calm have been nice, though, she has to admit. Although it has given her parents the excuse to reach back out to her again, eager to resume their plan of marrying her off to the highest bidder.
- Spring 2776: An old, brown wher some of the Fort wherhandlers and candidates rescued chose to bond to her, becoming Osk