"If there’s a bright center to the universe, you’re on the planet that it’s farthest from."
-Luke Skywalker, Star Wars: A New Hope
NAME: L'uke, born Laruke
BIRTHDATE: Spring 2749
AGE: 26 as of 2775
OCCUPATION: Dragonrider
WING: Midnight
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Blonde and scruffy
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'9", on the smaller side of fit
PLAY-BY: Mark Hamill
EXPY SOURCE: Luke Skywalker (Star Wars)
L'uke is a small guy all around. He's short for a guy, he's on the skinner side of being considered fit, and just generally looks like you'd be able to lift him with relative ease. His hands are calloused from farm work, and any muscle that he has resides in his arms. He has scruffy, chin-length blonde hair with bangs that sit just above his eyebrows, pale skin, and pale blue eyes.
He wears practical clothes, and pretty much only practical clothing. He thinks they're better suited to day to day life. Rarely, if ever, will he wear anything that is super fancy. Instead, he'll just put on his nicest leather jacket and go.
L'uke, if you boiled him down to his bare essentials, is a wide-eyed farmboy who is usually way over his head. He's curious, impulsive, and reckless. He wants to see the world, and wants to know whatever there is to know. He's not the best with reading and writing, but you can be sure as sugar that he wants to learn! Of course, he doesn't have any real awareness of personal safety, and his recklessness and impulsiveness often translates into him being impatient and throwing himself into the face of danger without a second thought of the cost. He has a brash and sassy streak, and words can fly out of his mouth faster than his brain has the chance to catch up with them. And, he is HORRIBLE at lying.
At the center of L'uke's being is a good heart and a happy attitude. He wants to be able to protect those he loves and cares for, and if the chance is presented to him, he'll take the chance at it. He really wants to see the best in everyone, regardless of what they've done. He's very idealistic and would give anyone a second chance, but only a second chance. No thirds. He wants more out of life than to be seen as a farmboy- yes, by others, but mainly his own brain- and has no problem complaining if he really wants more than what he has.
FAMILY: Parents deceased, Owen (uncle, alive), Beru (aunt, alive)
BIRTHPLACE: Small cothold beholden to Fort
HISTORY: [TW: death]
Laruke was born on a small family farming cothold beholden to Fort Weyr. His mother died in childbirth, and his father died of sickness soon after. From then on, Laruke was raised by his aunt and uncle. Years and years of farming made the boy long for something more than crops, crops, and more crops. What else was there? Daydreaming of what would happen if he were to be searched someday. But, that was just a daydream. So, farming and complaining about farming was his life. It wouldn't change.
Until it did. One day, Laruke was searched and brought to Fort Weyr to become a candidate. He felt out of place from all the 'big Weyr' kids, he was just a cothold farmboy. He didn't fit in. Wasn't the best at reading or writing (aka, he couldn't), and didn't get all the politics and interworkings. It didn't take long before a gold clutch came along, and with it came strange dreams. He shook them off pretty quickly, as strange as they were. When the Hatching came along, Laruke was happy to find that there was an egg there that was meant for him. A bronze, a lady bronze. Bronze Paleskyth, who was everything that he dreamed about and more back on the farm. He took up the honorific L'uke with pride, and couldn't wait for Paleskyth to be large enough to fly on.
L'uke is not a fan of Z'osh and his ideas or actions by any sort of means. He knows that everyone should be able to fly, regardless of color, and that- even if Tuckal isn't the best leader (from what he'd gathered from politic talks)- the Weyrwoman should be in charge.