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Candidate Toska

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Candidate Toska

"Take your chances looking for girls who are boys,
who like boys to be girls, who do boys like they're girls,
who do girls like they're boys- always should be someone you really love!"
- Girls & Boys, Blur


NAME: Toska
GENDER: Yes? (Non-Binary, AFAB)
PRONOUNS: Sure! (Any pronouns)
ORIENTATION: Okay! (Pansexual)

BIRTHDATE: Fall 2757
AGE: 19 as of 2776

EYES: Grey
HAIR: Platinum blonde, mullet
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'11", slim
PLAY-BY: Picrew by Makowka
Toska is very androgynous, and that's exactly how they like it! She's very tall, slim, and lithe, with pale skin, grey eyes, and a smattering of freckles across her entire body. His platinum blonde hair is smooth and very healthy... but is in the most "home-style" mullet style that's ever been styled. While she has a distinct 'bump' on the bridge of her nose akin to a downturned nose, the bottom of her nose is definitely upturned. His jaw is a bit on the square-r and sharper side. They're very happy that puberty didn't hit them as hard as some of their siblings or friends, resulting in very minimal breast growth and a more rectangular body shape.

Their style is very stylish, but in a way that emphasizes comfort and practicality. Yes, it's work clothes, but maybe the shirt is a size too big so that it's a comfier wear. Maybe it's a different fabric that is gentler on the skin. But it's always styled in a way to make them look a little cooler. She always wears three necklaces, each of which has been made by one of her three younger siblings. His eyesight is absolute forsking shards and he requires pretty strong prescription glasses to see.

Toska is a bit on the eccentric side, having a silly and goofy disposition. To bend the rules a little is their favorite thing- what? It spices up their life! She tends to act on instinct rather than discipline, leading her to think up unexpected, creative solutions on the fly. Sure, the solutions might be... unconventional, but you can't say they don't work at least half the time! His carefree and easygoing attitude leads to a more inactive lifestyle overall- not in the physical sense, more as in not being particularly driven by any ambitions or need for achievement. Toska is content to let fame and glory pass him by, appearing generally unmotivated.

At their core, Toska is a kind and trusting individual. He believes that people are inherently good. She tries her hardest to see the best in other people, approaching friendships with (most of) her heart on her sleeve. They value collaboration, teamwork, and shared success over their solo achievements. They are deeply devoted and willing to go to great lengths to support the ones they love. Toska is (or, wants to be) a friend to all animals- from the smallest kitten to the largest dragon.

When it comes to confrontation, they shy their heart and run away. Great displays of emotional intensity scare him just the same. Sure, they could make plenty of friends pretty easily, but how close are those friendships when they never let people in? Not very. On top of this, his reluctance to assert himself during external conflict often leads to internal conflict. They push down their own needs and wants to keep the peace more often than not. That internal mountain of repressed emotions is going to build and build until, one day, it'll spill over.

- Pelento (father, alive) [+23]
- Eneska (mother, alive) [+22]
- Pelka (younger sister, alive) [-1]
- Lenka (younger sister, alive) [-2]
- Enesto (younger brother, alive) [-3]
Toska was the first of a pair of farmers' four children. They were well loved, well cared for, and given plenty of work between helping with their younger siblings and caring for the farm. Their early childhood was idyllic- time not spent outside farming was spent outside playing games with their siblings and the other Peyton Hold children. She was closer to her siblings than any of the other children, although she did have the odd close friend here and there.

Toska always knew she was a bit different- she didn't feel like a girl or a boy, really she felt a bit all over the place and in the middle at the same time. Once he had the words for it, somewhere around his 12th turnday, he came out as non-binary. It went over well for the most part. Their family was fine with it, which was all that mattered to them.

As she grew older, Toska's responsibilities on the farm increased. Being older meant she could do more, harvest more, and work longer- and her parents put her to work. She didn't mind, though. Toska was just happy to do... well, anything He didn't care, as long as something somewhat interesting was going on, he was content. It was a mundane, repetitive life, but it was one Toska was happy to live.

Of course, their mundane life would get a bit wilder when a dragonrider came to Peyton Hold. Of all the things that could happen, Toska was searched. What was he going to do, say no? You didn't do that, not with an honor like this, even she knew that. So, they went off to Fort Weyr to stand as a candidate. That was fairly recent, and he has been quite excited to stand at his first hatching- let alone his first GOLD hatching! What great luck!
Last edited by AtlasHyperion on Fri Aug 30, 2024 8:22 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Fort Weyr
Aries of Bronze Vereigth
L'uke of Bronze Paleskyth | Green Kyber
Ony'ra of Bronze Sekigaeith
Cal of Brown Langeth | Blue Wing & Gold Daylight
Driscoll of Brown Lobsevith | Canine Sam
Johnny of Brown Cobreth
Sr. Weyrleader Negan of Brown Wireth | Blue Walker & Blue Roamer
Rainbow of Blue Rasuneth
Zhenya of Blue Kraskath | Green Ksyusha
D'eryn of Green Hachimath
Er'sa of Green Kapitath
Reign of Green Asakurth
Roisin of Green Twelith | Gold Supernova
Serras of Green Inashtath
T'rix of Green Clohoth | Green Daisy May
Laurie of White Lacheith
Qrow of White Brachyth | Gold Firecracker & Garnet Pipsqueak
Vox of White Varelsith | Bronze Baker's Dozen & Sonora Sunrise
Dawn Squadleader Theseus of Gold Thesk
Wherleader Reinhardt of Bronze Reinsk
Misun of Brown Emissk and Green Misusk | Gold Lonny
Journeyman Starsmith Bastille of Garnet Bassk | Brown Teide
Briayse of Garnet Briaysk
Jimmy of Garnet Jamesk
Journeyman Smith Geoffrey of Blue Eldreosk
Journeyman Healer Jonathan of Green Jonask
KV of Green Kirvisk
Journeyman Harper Tommy of Green Tomsk
Candidate Toska
Dragonless Matyll
High Reaches Weyr
Zagreus of Gold Galdeneth | Garnet Cerberus
Caleb of Bronze Marceth
Firestorm Wingsecond T'lery of Bronze Maskerath
Weyrling Elise of Brown Mririhgith
Graemerre of Garnet Ofereth
Scarlet of Garnet Phalanth
Dennys of Blue Vilkarath
Apprentice Miner Le'nore of Blue Vickoth | Garnet Bajiquan
Journeyman Healer Moira of Blue Deoraith
Wheatley of Blue Usurth
D'ot of Green Mystreth
Florian of Green Uesugith
CM Pomegranate of Green Lyth | Bronze Arils
Iovi of Bronze Zerusavisk | Gold Sundrop
Andreyane of Brown Andreysk
Dante of Brown Dansk and Brown Ask | White Rebellion
Shoresy of Garnet Shorsk | Green Big Sexy
Sonic of Garnet Sonisk
Jr. Weyrleader Connor of Blue Andorsk and Hemimorphite Connosk | Canine Sumo & Garnet Traci
Master Vinter Glaidan of Blue Glaisk
Linny of Blue Linirask
Laoghaire of Blue Laosk | Bronze Gilleasbuig
Aida of Green Aidask | White Boots
Ascelin of Green Celisk
Journeyman Smith Ash of Green Assk | Green Boomstick
AWM Joel of Green Joesk
Volo of White Volosk
Headwoman Nanette | Brown Boreas & White Notos
Weyrbrat Galina | Brown Stripe
Semaca Weyr
Kenn'y of Azurite Iscaroth | Garnet Ruby
Snake of Brown Emmerith | Canine Sunny
Journeyman Healer J'velle of Garnet Selulath
L'ux of Garnet Ambraliath | White Coal
Tec'na of Garnet Melodith
Wild of Garnet Kagerith | Gold Triforce
Minuet Wingleader Blumiere of Blue Nastasiath
He'ra of Blue Entreneurth | Snake Sonder
Pirate Weyrling Ka'fka of Blue Abhorseth | Feline Sir Meowsalot
Lori of Blue Raerth | Blue Skip-It
Nikola of Blue Manarth
O'dair of Blue Ovisreth
Chopin Wingleader Rogers of Blue Tesseth
Sportacus of Blue Kidulth
Journeyman Healer Victor of Blue Taeth
F'ythe of Green Padaranth | Blue Esda
Kihaza of Green Ariaath
Rhys of Green Vauth
R'inash of Green Ioth
Pirate Tetra of Green Yilylath | Gold Goddess
K'ymask of White Lothwyth
Guzma of Bronze Guzmask
Mak of Bronze Valask | Brown Petryshyn
Bella of Garnet Bellask | Green Plumbob
Journeyman Healer Borealis of Blue Borealisk
Wherleader Lacra of Blue Mioarask | Gold Luminita
Journeyman Harper Hedroom of Green Hedrosk
Spengler of Green Spesk
Dimentio of White Disk | White Prognosticus
Valentine of White Valensk | Green Piper
Journeyman Harper Mondlicht
Journeyman Healer Vokonis | Green Charo
Pirate Conway | Brown No-Name
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Joined: Sun Jun 24, 2018 4:24 pm
    Mon Jul 01, 2024 9:00 am
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IC Information
What type of candidate is your character: Dual

What color/s does your character want?: Oh goodness, anything really!!
Does your character have any personality preferences or concerns?: They'd like a friend, but she's sure she could make anything work.
Does your character have any other preferences or concerns?: Nope! He just wants to serve the weyr somehow.

OOC Information
If your character is a dual candidate IC, do you have a strong preference on whether they Impress dragon or wher?: Not in the slightest

What color(s) are you willing for your character to impress to?: Any
Do you want your character to be eligible for gold?: Nope
Do you have any personality preferences or concerns?: Nada
Do you have any other preferences or concerns?: No
Why do you think these choice/s would be a good fit?: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Do you have any preferences about the conditions of your character’s impression?: Nah
Are you alright with your character getting hurt? What injury level is acceptable/what should be avoided?: Let him do his job, what that means is up to you lol
Are you willing to impress a creature with a mutation/oddity? Anything that should be avoided?: Of course! Always

Is there anything you will ABSOLUTELY NOT accept?: You could give me a chicken that hatched out of a very, very large egg and I'd be happy (i.e., go crazy)
Fort Weyr
Aries of Bronze Vereigth
L'uke of Bronze Paleskyth | Green Kyber
Ony'ra of Bronze Sekigaeith
Cal of Brown Langeth | Blue Wing & Gold Daylight
Driscoll of Brown Lobsevith | Canine Sam
Johnny of Brown Cobreth
Sr. Weyrleader Negan of Brown Wireth | Blue Walker & Blue Roamer
Rainbow of Blue Rasuneth
Zhenya of Blue Kraskath | Green Ksyusha
D'eryn of Green Hachimath
Er'sa of Green Kapitath
Reign of Green Asakurth
Roisin of Green Twelith | Gold Supernova
Serras of Green Inashtath
T'rix of Green Clohoth | Green Daisy May
Laurie of White Lacheith
Qrow of White Brachyth | Gold Firecracker & Garnet Pipsqueak
Vox of White Varelsith | Bronze Baker's Dozen & Sonora Sunrise
Dawn Squadleader Theseus of Gold Thesk
Wherleader Reinhardt of Bronze Reinsk
Misun of Brown Emissk and Green Misusk | Gold Lonny
Journeyman Starsmith Bastille of Garnet Bassk | Brown Teide
Briayse of Garnet Briaysk
Jimmy of Garnet Jamesk
Journeyman Smith Geoffrey of Blue Eldreosk
Journeyman Healer Jonathan of Green Jonask
KV of Green Kirvisk
Journeyman Harper Tommy of Green Tomsk
Candidate Toska
Dragonless Matyll
High Reaches Weyr
Zagreus of Gold Galdeneth | Garnet Cerberus
Caleb of Bronze Marceth
Firestorm Wingsecond T'lery of Bronze Maskerath
Weyrling Elise of Brown Mririhgith
Graemerre of Garnet Ofereth
Scarlet of Garnet Phalanth
Dennys of Blue Vilkarath
Apprentice Miner Le'nore of Blue Vickoth | Garnet Bajiquan
Journeyman Healer Moira of Blue Deoraith
Wheatley of Blue Usurth
D'ot of Green Mystreth
Florian of Green Uesugith
CM Pomegranate of Green Lyth | Bronze Arils
Iovi of Bronze Zerusavisk | Gold Sundrop
Andreyane of Brown Andreysk
Dante of Brown Dansk and Brown Ask | White Rebellion
Shoresy of Garnet Shorsk | Green Big Sexy
Sonic of Garnet Sonisk
Jr. Weyrleader Connor of Blue Andorsk and Hemimorphite Connosk | Canine Sumo & Garnet Traci
Master Vinter Glaidan of Blue Glaisk
Linny of Blue Linirask
Laoghaire of Blue Laosk | Bronze Gilleasbuig
Aida of Green Aidask | White Boots
Ascelin of Green Celisk
Journeyman Smith Ash of Green Assk | Green Boomstick
AWM Joel of Green Joesk
Volo of White Volosk
Headwoman Nanette | Brown Boreas & White Notos
Weyrbrat Galina | Brown Stripe
Semaca Weyr
Kenn'y of Azurite Iscaroth | Garnet Ruby
Snake of Brown Emmerith | Canine Sunny
Journeyman Healer J'velle of Garnet Selulath
L'ux of Garnet Ambraliath | White Coal
Tec'na of Garnet Melodith
Wild of Garnet Kagerith | Gold Triforce
Minuet Wingleader Blumiere of Blue Nastasiath
He'ra of Blue Entreneurth | Snake Sonder
Pirate Weyrling Ka'fka of Blue Abhorseth | Feline Sir Meowsalot
Lori of Blue Raerth | Blue Skip-It
Nikola of Blue Manarth
O'dair of Blue Ovisreth
Chopin Wingleader Rogers of Blue Tesseth
Sportacus of Blue Kidulth
Journeyman Healer Victor of Blue Taeth
F'ythe of Green Padaranth | Blue Esda
Kihaza of Green Ariaath
Rhys of Green Vauth
R'inash of Green Ioth
Pirate Tetra of Green Yilylath | Gold Goddess
K'ymask of White Lothwyth
Guzma of Bronze Guzmask
Mak of Bronze Valask | Brown Petryshyn
Bella of Garnet Bellask | Green Plumbob
Journeyman Healer Borealis of Blue Borealisk
Wherleader Lacra of Blue Mioarask | Gold Luminita
Journeyman Harper Hedroom of Green Hedrosk
Spengler of Green Spesk
Dimentio of White Disk | White Prognosticus
Valentine of White Valensk | Green Piper
Journeyman Harper Mondlicht
Journeyman Healer Vokonis | Green Charo
Pirate Conway | Brown No-Name
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