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Candidate Neidellah

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Candidate Neidellah

"Just because I don't always follow stupid rules doesn't mean I don't know they exist."


NAME: Neidellah
GENDER: Female
PRONOUNS: She/Her/Hers
ORIENTATION: Biromantic Demisexual

BIRTHDATE: Early Winter 2752
AGE: 23 as of Early Winter 2775

EYES: Pale Green
HAIR: Black
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'10", lithe with long, muscular legs
Neidellah is a tall young woman, standing at 5'10". She is all lean muscle, with long, elegant legs that contribute greatly to her height. She has lightly wavy black hair that falls just past her shoulders. She has pale green eyes, accentuated by long eyelashes, and an angular jaw. She has scars here and there, one especially prominent one on the right side of her chin that stops below her lower lip. Neidellah's clothing is practical, if not a little rugged and well-worn. She doesn't own much in the realm of 'fancy', and that's perfectly fine with her.

Neidellah is not an easy person to get along with by any means. She's abrasive and blunt, often being contrary merely for the sake of being so. She takes delight in speaking her mind, no holds barred, and enjoys the range of reactions she can get. She is rigid in her core ideals, and not all of them consist of being brash and prickly. Underneath it, she has a soft spot that she's buried deep in her heart. She doesn't trust many to see that part of her, and is quick to put her walls back up if that trust is lost. Part of her is terrified of showing weakness, lest someone take advantage of it.

Neidellah likes to be independent. Though, as she's gained experience and aged, she's begun to struggle to find a balance between independence and stability. On one hand, she fears the perceived loss of control, but on the other, she's grown somewhat lonely and doesn't quite know how to settle down properly.

Anara (Mother)
Unnamed brother
Viorel (Adopted little sister)
BIRTHPLACE: Travelling Caravan
HISTORY: TW: Mentioned death, almost drowning
Neidellah's early life was one of constant change. She was born in a caravan, to a trader named Anara into a small family of three. She was well taken care of, but from an early age it was clear she was a bit of a problem child compared to her brother. She was rowdy and liked to get in trouble. Exasperated, her mother had her hands full with Neidellah. Rules were to keep her safe, her mother explained. And, while she followed them reluctantly, Neidellah always questioned why her mother worried so much. She hadn't gotten hurt yet after all!

Meeting Viorel put things into perspective for her. Neidellah hadn't personally witnessed any tragedy in her time, but from what she overheard, Viorel had lost her mother when she was a toddler. She found herself drawn to Viorel, and the two developed a familial bond over the turns. Neidellah ended up worrying over Viorel more than she thought she ever would.

A storm hit their caravan in the summer of Neidellah's 16th turn. The road they were on, somewhere between Igen and Telgar, turned muddy and precarious. The ground fell away under her feet on the edge of a flooded water way, plunging her into the current. She didn't drift too long before she caught the branch of an old fallen tree, but it was enough to show her how wrong she had been about the dangers of her lifestyle. It made her wonder if she would be better off settling at a hold or weyr and picking up a job there instead of being a trader.

Another turn passed, and Neidellah found herself at Fort Weyr in the summer of 2769. During their stay, both she and Viorel were searched. Neidellah hesitated. It seemed almost too good to be true, being offered this opportunity. A little pleading on Viorel's part was enough to break her resolve, and she agreed to stay at Fort and become a candidate alongside her friend. Not long after, though, Neozeoth's eggs were stolen off the sands. Neidellah questioned her decision to get wrapped up in weyr drama as relations between Fort and High Reaches went up in smoke.

She had another pang of doubt in 2771, when Z'osh usurped Tuckal and took power. It was starting to look like weyrs were more drama than they were worth. She was relieved to see him fall and subsequently be banished to Semaca. Maybe now she could just have a quiet, normal candidacy...
Last edited by Ignys on Fri Jul 26, 2024 6:08 am, edited 5 times in total.
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IC Information
What type of candidate is your character: Dragon

What color/s does your character want?: Anything!
Does your character have any personality preferences or concerns?: Nope
Does your character have any other preferences or concerns?: Nope!

OOC Information
If your character is a dual candidate IC, do you have a strong preference on whether they Impress dragon or wher?: N/A

What color(s) are you willing for your character to impress to?: Anything!
Do you want your character to be eligible for gold?: It would be funny if she got a really chill gold, but otherwise no!
Do you have any personality preferences or concerns?: I think a chill/happy dragon would be hilarious, but feel free to fuck her up!
Do you have any other preferences or concerns?: Nope
Why do you think these choice/s would be a good fit?: Neidela is still a bit bitter she somehow ended up agreeing to this. A dragon that's just too sweet to hate would be absolutely hilarious. A dragon who whips her stubborn butt into shape would also be funny as hell. But I'm down with anything!

Do you have any preferences about the conditions of your character’s impression?: Nope
Are you alright with your character getting hurt? What injury level is acceptable/what should be avoided?: Yes, up to Major!

Is there anything you will ABSOLUTELY NOT accept?: Nope!
Last edited by Ignys on Sun May 02, 2021 12:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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NAME: Darkshine
BIRTHDATE Early Winter of 2770
AGE: 5 as of Early Winter 2775

COLOR: Garnet
Darkshine lives up to her namesake. She's varying shades of purple, from almost black to violet. She is covered in faint, star like markings, with three large ones on the inside of each wingsail and one on both sides.

Darkshine is a quiet flit. In the dark, most would miss her entirely. She's known to spook people, but it's never malicious. She just doesn't know how good she is at sneaking around.
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