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Caid'r and blue Easteth

    Thu May 13, 2021 5:08 pm
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Caid'r and blue Easteth



NAME: Caid'r
PRONOUNS: he/him/his
ORIENTATION: Heterosexual

BIRTHDATE: Late summer 2744
AGE: 27 as of winter 2771
OCCUPATION: Weyrling / Apprentice Harper

EYES: Dark blue
HAIR: Blonde, slightly wavy
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 6'5", medium build
PLAY-BY: Artbreeder
FULL APPEARANCE: Caid'r is rather tall, but has a sufficient build to avoid looking gangly or lanky, and although he wasn't particularly well-muscled when he arrived at Fort Weyr, the Turns he's spent as a candidate preparing for Impression have allowed him to put on some muscle. He has fair skin that tends to burn rather than tan. His blonde hair is kept pushed back away from his face, but he's not too fussed about keeping it cropped short, as he likes a little length to it. His eyes are a deep blue in colour, set beneath eyebrows that are darker than his hair. A smile comes easily to his face in almost all situations, and things have got to be pretty dire before he'll start looking serious. Caid'r's also one of those guys who seems to take up far more space than his size really warrants, as if he doesn't know how to hunch up and make room for others.

He prefers slightly baggy clothes, particularly around his shoulders and chest, and favours fairly neutral colours: dark is too moody and bright is too showy. However, he's not too fussy, as long as his clothes are in good condition. Caid'r takes enough pride in his appearance to not look scruffy or dirty, but also doesn't want to spend too long worrying about it, so he'll throw on a shirt that's in good enough condition and cleanliness, and that'll be fine.

PERSONALITY: Enthusiastic and outgoing, Caid'r always seems to have something to say in almost every situation. In fact, the real difficulty is getting him to shut up, because he's incredibly opinionated and he really wants to tell people what he thinks. He probably does have a brain-to-mouth filter, because he is capable of acting with discretion when he really wants to, but a lot of the time he just blurts things out with all the subtlety of a brick. But he's a friendly guy, the type of person who'll invite himself into a conversation in order to avoid being alone - or, conversely, to invite some lonely-looking person to join him.

Caid'r really doesn't like to be alone with his thoughts, so fills his life with conversation and friends. He's not very good at taking the hint when someone wants to be left alone, and his boisterous behaviour can be pretty annoying. He's also incredibly nosy, where he just loves to know what's going on, and he's a completely incorrigible gossip. He really can't help himself: if there's something gossip-worthy happening, then he wants to talk about it. As talkative and friendly as Caid'r is, he's not really all that keen on talking about deeper feelings, either his or anyone else's. He favours practical solutions to problems: don't just talk about being unhappy, go out and do something about it. Consequently, he can be rather insensitive to other people's feelings, even when he means well.

When it comes to his own sense of practicality, however... well, Caid'r would get a lot more work done if he didn't stop to chat so often. He's definitely not the most productive guy in the world, even if he's not exactly lazy. It's not like he actively tries to avoid getting things done. He's just not very focused and prefers fun over hard work. The best way to get him truly motivated is to give him a rival to compete against, because he absolutely hates being outdone by someone he considers an equal. This is actually a remarkably low number of people, however: Caid'r is somewhat arrogant and bossy, so he simply assumes that he should be in charge of any situation he's in. When he meets someone confident and assertive enough not to go along with what he wants, that's someone Caid'r will get really competitive with, often to the point that it gets really disruptive for everyone else, and what starts as playful teasing can turn nasty pretty quickly.

  • Father: Mander (+24, Journeyman Smith)
  • Mother: Caimella (+25, Journeyman Harper)
  • Brother: Mandel (-2, Apprentice Beastcrafter)
  • Sister: Mainella (-5, Apprentice Harper)
BIRTHPLACE: Minor Hold near Fort Hold
HISTORY: Caider was born in a minor but well-populated Hold half a day's travel from Fort Hold, the oldest son of a Smith and a Harper. He was one of those overly excitable, seemingly fearless children that would wander off into trouble the very moment his carer took their eyes off him, whether it was his parents or the workers in the creche. He wasn't intentionally a troublemaker, it was just that something would catch his eye and he would absolutely have to go and look, usually with a couple of friends tagging along behind him. Caider was often the ringleader, ordering others around and egging them on.

As the oldest son of a proud blacksmith, it was kind of expected that he'd follow his father into the craft - including an apprenticeship at the crafthall - but it was quickly apparent that the social and talkative Caider had little interest in smithing, nor the temperament for it. Fortunately, Mander knew better than to force the issue, and was quite happy for Caider to instead follow his mothers footsteps, heading into the Harper Hall when he was thirteen. Caider rather fancied the idea of being a musician or actor rather than a teacher, something that would put him in the middle of things where he could show off and be surrounded by people.

Caider was rather unexpectedly searched when he was 23. Initially he was uncertain, because he'd been training as a Harper for quite some time and was nearing graduation. But he was very tempted regardless, because the opportunity to Impress a dragon really was hard to turn down. He debated it for a couple of days, weighing up his sense of obligation against the desire to do something amazing and... well, it was no contest, was it? Caider had never been one for duty and responsibility. He accepted the Search and went eagerly to Fort Weyr.

And what a dramatic place it was! There was always so much going on, and so many things to talk about. For Caider, the hatching of a completely black white dragon not long after he arrived was a subject of particular interest, just because of how outlandish it was. What could be more opposite white than black? It made him laugh just to think about it!

Unfortunately, despite all the excitement for everyone else, Caider's own time as a candidate was completely uninteresting. He stood for every hatching he could, and utterly failed to Impress, until he aged out of candidacy altogether. That had certainly been a risk for someone Searched at 23, but he still had the option of going back to the Harper Hall, finishing his training and becoming a Journerman. Yet... he procrastinated on doing that, just because it felt like admitting failure, which was just... not what Caider was about. He got a firelizard egg from an available clutch, not exactly an unusual thing for a former candidate to do, and it hatched into a pretty and purple garnet that he named Berry. Caider thought he was adorable, of course... but not the same as having a dragon.

He managed to put off going back to the Harper Hall for almost eighteen months, because as long as he was being useful around the Weyr, nobody was going to force him to leave. But just as Caider was thinking that he really should either go back to the Harper Hall or else transfer to a Weyr with a higher age limit for candidacy, Fort Weyr decided to increase the candidacy age to 30. This was exactly what Caider wanted! Another chance at a dragon! He reentered candidacy without question. This time he really would Impress.

  • Spring 2772 - Caid'r Impresses blue Easteth
Last edited by Chalasenn on Tue Oct 12, 2021 1:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.
    Thu May 13, 2021 5:09 pm
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NAME: Easteth
BIRTHDATE Early Spring 2772
AGE: Newborn as of Early Spring 2772

LENGTH: 36.5ft
HEIGHT: 8.75 ft
WINGSPAN: 49.5 ft
FULL APPEARANCE: Easteth is a sturdy looking blue, slightly on the larger side of average, with a broad back, an unusually muscular build and wide wings. He's as strong as he looks, capable of carrying heavy burdens and enduring long hours in the air. His hide is a powdery, almost-lilac blue in color, unadorned by any of the markings common on other dragons. His features are a little more roughly hewn than most dragons, as if time has left its mark on him before he even hatched.

A rather jovial and easy-to-get-along-with blue, Easteth is a hard working dragon who is almost more like the old browns of past Intervals. He's got a need to work, to always be somewhat busy. Not pushy, no, but he likes to earn his keep rather than it being assumed just because he is a dragon. He's a friendly sort, valuing comradery and hard work. Everyone should pull their weight, even if not everyone is doing equal work. He understands that not everyone is like him, and not everyone can do the same work he does. He's not a workaholic either, knowing his limits and when he needs to rest. He just likes having a purpose in life, and a job to do.

To his rider, Easteth is a friend, and coworker. He isn't going to pressure them, unless they're being extremely lazy and he needs to get them up and going. He understands that they might need to rest more than him, but that means there's surely other new things he could do instead. He's not attached to them at the hip, and when he can start flying for his own, he'll find things to keep himself busy. He's a dragon who would rather prefer to not be a leader, but that doesn't mean he blindly follows. He's got a mean kick and can easily be as stubborn as a mule.

Voice: Easteth's voice is deep, and quite easygoing. He sounds like a friend.

Why Me?: A worker to compliment Caider's own lacking sense of practicality, Easteth isn't about to kick his butt into gear. He thinks this human needs a leg up, and he'll help them get to where they need to be (even if Caider doesn't know it yet).

Last edited by Chalasenn on Sat Jun 12, 2021 12:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
    Thu May 13, 2021 5:09 pm
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NAME: Berry
BIRTHDATE Winter 2770
AGE: 1 as of winter 2771

SIZE: Average
COLOR: Garnet
FULL APPEARANCE: Berry is an entirely medium sized firelizard with a hide that's almost entirely a medium shade of purple, neither light nor dark, bright nor dusky. The exception is where her wings, tail tip and legs fade into dark purple, as well as bands around her legs and some large spots along her extremities.

PERSONALITY: Berry is a sneaky little minx. Did someone leave their dinner unguarded for thirty seconds? Well she's zoomed in and taken a bite out of it, only to vanish between the moment someone catches her at it and yells at her. She knows it's naughty, because she puts on a good show of behaving herself when she thinks she's being watched, and does respond to a sternly worded, "No." But if she thinks she can get away with something, then she'll go for it. The thing is, she also doesn't seem to realise that humans are smarter than she is, so there's times when she thinks she's being cunning when actually people really can see her, only to become startled when she gets caught. Berry is in fact a complete coward who will fly away or disappear between as soon as something even remotely big, scary or unfamiliar arrives.
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