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Candidate Nielle

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Candidate Nielle

" The greatest service you can offer the world is to be your own authentic, weird and eccentric self. "


NAME: Nielle ( Though she tends to prefer Elle)
GENDER: Cis female
PRONOUNS: She/Her/Hers

BIRTHDATE: Midwinter 2754
AGE: 23 Years
OCCUPATION: Duel Candidate

EYES: Dark Gray Blue
HAIR: Golden Blonde
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 6'0"|Willowy
PLAY-BY: Chole Grace Moretz

Nielle is a pretty young woman, even if she does not think so. She stands at six feet even, tall like her elder brother, with long golden blonde hair that stops at chest length and big soulful gray blue eyes like her late mother. Her figure is of a willowy sort and long of leg.

She often smiles and it tends to light up her entire face when she does. Her full lips are one of her favorite features and she has a smaller nose than her brother, something she likes to poke at the elder sibling about. Her facial shape is more rounded, again like her late mother and her chin is petite and rounded.


Nielle is a very outgoing and sweet person with a wicked sense of humor and always wants to be the life of the party. Laughter comes as easily to her as breathing and she always tries to look on the bright side of things. She enjoys art and drawing and when she has time, this hobby is a favorite pastime and she tends to draw little self portraits of her friends as random gifts.

Spurts of hyperactivity tend to plague her at the most inopportune of times and makes it very hard for her to focus, be it on candidate tasks or even simple things like organizing her personal space. Her tendency to do such makes her jittery and talkative, to the point of overboard and can be a lot for people around her to tolerate.

This quirk has made life as a candidate very challenging when it came to the learning portions and tests, as she may hit a energy rush and be unable to focus on the task at hand. While obviously she has some challenges to work though, she is a sweet and loyal friend and won't hesitate to give the cloak off her back to someone that needs it.

She is very close to her big brother and idolizes him as she does no other. However, she does not hesitate to needle him about his nasty attitude. She is also realizing her distinct preference towards women only in a romantic and relationship sense and struggles with if she should just tell her brother and embrace it.. or try to hide it . This internal struggle often stresses her out.


Nien of Bronze Ambrosath - Father (Deceased) | Rider
Estielle of Green Daisith - Mother (Deceased) | Rider
E'tin of Green Sireth - Brother (36) | Rider
Dorian of Green Meguykuth - Close Friend | Rider
Daphne of Brown Ogatath - Close Friend | Rider

SIGNIFICANT OTHER: None ( But open to it if right person comes along)

Nielle was born in the middle of a snowstorm during the winter of 2754 to parents Nien and Estielle. She was immediately given to the creche to take care of and her brother often was the only one checking in on her and watching over her. While she was still barely a year old, their parents were killed during Threadfall and her brother was suddenly the only family she had. He was crushed but determined to continue to move forward to be a candidate and being a very young man himself, he started to visit less, as his life became even more busy and he knew that she was in good hands with the creche. This did not stop him later from frequent visits when he could manage them and birthday gifts every year.

Seeing her brother impress not the bronze or any traditional male color he preferred but a green, a part of her was worried. He was so very set on a specific design and this little green spitfire was everything he hated or would hate. But lucky for her brother, this was not a dragon easily offended or hurt, she could dish it right back and Nielle loved her right away from the first moment he visited with Sireth, carrying the baby dragon like it was a sack of dung.

Nielle, or Elle as she would be affectionately called, was a sweet and very hyper little girl, wanting to be friends with everyone... and she loved bugs and birds. As she grew, large birds continued to fascinate her and she pondered obtaining one herself someday. She was unsure of her life path as she blossomed into teenage years but the frequent visits from her brother and his energetic green made her decide... she wanted to be a candidate. On the eve of her 14th birthday, E'tin brought her a wonderful gift.. her very own raven!

She named the bird Munin and immediately began to focus on training him. Once she was of age, she became a candidate and hoped that she would be able to impress a wonderful dragon and make her beloved big brother proud of her!


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IC Information
What type of candidate is your character: Dragon Duel

What color/s does your character want?: Any, she just wants a dragon or wher she can count on and maybe even be a friend?
Does your character have any personality preferences or concerns?: No
Does your character have any other preferences or concerns?: No

OOC Information
If your character is a dual candidate IC, do you have a strong preference on whether they Impress dragon or wher?: I'd prefer dragon.

What color(s) are you willing for your character to impress to?: Whatever is the best fit. I am open to any color.
Do you want your character to be eligible for gold?: Yes
Do you have any personality preferences or concerns?: Nope
Do you have any other preferences or concerns?: Nope
Why do you think these choice/s would be a good fit?:
I like the idea of any dragon that can push her development in a direction, be it growth or in chaos. I trust her to your hands.
Do you have any preferences about the conditions of your character’s impression?: No.
Are you alright with your character getting hurt? What injury level is acceptable/what should be avoided?: Up to Permanent. Please no eye trauma or loss of full limbs. A finger or two is acceptable though.
Are you willing to impress a creature with a mutation/oddity? Anything that should be avoided?: Yes and nothing is off the table.

Is there anything you will ABSOLUTELY NOT accept?: Nope!
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NAME: Munin
BIRTHDATE Early Winter 2768
AGE: 4 as of 2772


LENGTH: 27 Inches
HEIGHT: 24 Inches

Munin is a very large bird, as most ravens are. He has jet black feathers and beak and is about 4 pounds in weight.


Munin is a talker, often making sounds to amuse himself, "talk" to Nielle and greet people as they come around and go. He has a penchant for shiny things and a tendancy to steal them if left unattended, leading Nielle to have some... interesting items and awkward encounters if he pilfers something that belongs to someone she knows. A quiet intelligence lays behind his eyes and he almost always seems to be watching.
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NAME: Aelius
BIRTHDATE Early Fall 2776
AGE: Newborn as of Fall 2776

COLOR: Bronze

With hide a bronze so pale he's almost white, this shining flit has a few patches of a slightly-richer colour, blended seamlessly with the rest. He moves with dignity and pride, is regal of bearing, and somehow manages to carry himself with the wisdom of aeons even when freshly-hatched.


Stately and reserved, this bronze is absolutely certain that he's above all the petty squabbles and jockeying for position of his kin. He reserves his efforts for the great and the powerful, such as himself - but for all his usual serenity, he does have a temper and very few qualms about expressing it when he's riled. He'll be calm once he's an adult, the sort of well-behaved flit that everyone thinks theirs will be - intelligent and brave, but a little too aloof to be truly friends with his person. He'll make a good shoulder-flit, but too much fuss and he'll object. Painfully.
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