"My dad works at Nintendo, and HE says - "
NAME: Bronson
PRONOUNS: he/him/his
BIRTHDATE: Winter of 2759
AGE: 17 as of 2775
EYES: Hazel
HAIR: Dirty blond
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'11 and solid
PLAY-BY: Picrew created here
FULL APPEARANCE: Bronson is fairly average in height and build. He keeps his light hair cut short. He has pretty typical masculine features, and a mole on his chin. He prefers masculine clothing in fairly bland colors. He tends to talk in a self-assured tone, and carries himself like he thinks he's the most important person and expects everyone else to think so too.
Bronson knows everything there is to know about dragons, at least that’s what he thinks. Anyone who tries to tell him he’s wrong is either wrong themselves or secretly jealous. Bronson needs to always be the smartest person in the room, and he will do anything to make sure that happens. A lot of this is down to the fact that he’s very insecure about the fact that there’s nothing particularly special about him. There’s nothing in particular he excels at, and his family is more typical than not, so instead he just tries to be the loudest and the center of attention whenever he can. There’s always the chance he’ll mellow out as he gets older and more secure in himself, but for now, he’s an annoying teen.
Bronson cares more about other people thinking he’s a good person than actually being a good person. He’ll only help if others are watching, and makes a big show of what a great person he is for helping. If he feels like someone isn't appropriately appreciative or in awe of him, he will spread mean rumors and make their life harder on purpose, although he does try to be subtle about it so he doesn’t get into trouble himself. He’s a suck-up and tries to ingratiate himself to authority figures so it’s easier for him to get away with things.
Bronson has some outdated views on dragons and genders, but as he likes the optics of looking like a good person, he won’t say as much aloud. His views come from a couple of questionable role models and being allowed to read scrolls and listen to harper stories without being provided any critical analysis of why those views were outdated and harmful. He was drawn to them because they validated his idea that he is just inherently special. Bronson very much wants to the protagonist of his own story, and he doesn’t think a protagonist can be anything less than exceptional in some way.
Despite his
Brona, mother - woman from minor hold near Fort
Father - brownrider from a distant weyr
BIRTHPLACE: Minor hold near fort
Bronson’s father was a brownrider who spent one night in the hold Bronson's mother lived in. Bronson’s mother cares about Bronson a great deal, but as an only parent had to spend more time worrying about making sure his basic needs were being met than she could about instilling life lessons onto him. As a result, Bronson’s views of the world come from a variety of sources that didn’t always have his best interests at heart. Having an absentee dragonrider father also fed into Bronson’s idea that he was destined for great things, which gave him an oversized ego.
Bronson learned as much as he could about dragons in an attempt to be closer to his father. Some of it is just out and out wrong or extremely outdated, but any criticism of his knowledge felt like an attack on his dad so Bronson very quickly learned to be extremely defensive about his (often wrong) assertions. Before long, to hear Bronson tell it, his father was actually a bronzerider, but everyone was so jealous of how awesome he was that they just said he was a brownrider. Being the son of a bronzerider fits better into Bronson’s idea of himself anyway, so it’s the story he tells. He was not surprised when he was searched, and is pleased that Fort recognized his potential so he wouldn’t have to make the trip to a farther Weyr since he’s obviously destined to be a bronzerider like he claims his father was.
- Fall 2776 - camping when whers attacked. Got a trivial scratch on his leg as a glancing blow from a wher's claw as he was rescued