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Qibli of Green Vichearth

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Qibli of Green Vichearth


"I like my scar! It's part of who I am!"


RETIRE INFO: Character- Retire, Dragon-Retire
NAME: Qibli
ORIENTATION: Pansexual Panromantic

BIRTHDATE: Summer of 2752
AGE: 24 as of 2776
LOCATION: High Reaches Weyr

HAIR: Sandy blond, long enough to be put in a small ponytail
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5' 9", lean.
PLAY-BY:Qibli (Wings of Fire)
Qibli is a young man with medium length, sandy blond hair. Usually he keeps his hair tied back in a small ponytail, out of his face and out of the way. His eyes are a middling shade of gray, getting bluer further from the pupil. He wears an amber earring in his right ear, gifted to him by a secret admirer. Its very important to him, though he doesn't know who it came from.

He has a scar on his face that starts just above his right eye, crosses the bridge of his nose, and ends under the middle of his left eye on his cheek. He also has freckles which are sparse, but darkest on his nose. The freckles under his eyes are much lighter and harder to see.

Qibli is primarily an amiable person. He does his best to talk to everyone, and he's fairly outgoing. Underneath the friendly exterior, he's cautious and maybe a touch suspicious, though he truly does want people to like him. He often struggles internally with trusting people and keeping them at arm's length.

Qibli also enjoys poking fun at people, and his high intelligence and observation skills make it easier to figure out what might press people's buttons. Most often he does this to get tightly wound people to lighten up, but sometimes he doesn't really know when to quit. While not genuinely malicious, it can be rather irritating. He cares about others, but sometimes he pushes a little too much.
Arca(Mother, estranged)
Teleka(Sister, estranged)
Sirocco (Brother, estranged)
BIRTHPLACE:A minor hold in the west
HISTORY: TW: Abuse, Injury
Qibli was born the youngest of 3 siblings. From a very early age it was obvious his mother didn't care much for him. She didn't care much for any of her kids, but she seemed to dislike Qibli the most. His younger years were full of unkind words from his mother and siblings, and a blind eye turned to the bullying he faced from his brother and sister.

It wasn't until he was eight, when his mother snapped at him, that the other hold members began to notice. The final straw was when his mother scarred the bridge of his nose in a fit of anger. He was removed from her care soon afterwards, and sent to the Creche at High Reaches, the closest one to their hold. By then he was fairly independent and cautious, but he assimilated nicely to Weyr life. He chose to shove aside the deep desire for his mother's love, figuring it was easier now that there definitely wasn't a chance of ever getting it.

He took on a new persona as he grew older, one of amiability and playful yet snide comments. He still had that deep set desire to be liked, but it was different now. He didn't trust as easily, and kept many people at arm's length despite being friendly with them. This was true with the other Creche kids, and true with his fellow candidates after he transitioned into the role.
Last edited by Ignys on Fri Jul 26, 2024 6:19 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Name: Vichearth
BIRTHDATE: Early Fall 2769
AGE: 7 as of Early Fall 2776


Length: 30ft
Height: 7.5ft
Wingspan: 45ft
Color: Green
Hex code: #3c734e

A large green, and a stunning one. Vichearth is larger, with strong wings and a square face. She has a strong jaw and hind legs. She is a deep jade green all over, with her wings more rich emerald in color. Her markings are bright, almost blindingly green. There are great swirling wing-patterns on her wingsails, like swirling clouds. She has bright lines tracing over her like lines on a map, or some sort of elaborate armor. She is gorgeous.

Vichearth is comforting. She always seems to know something, and she is someone that is calming to be around. She is not very ambitious, very content to sit back and do nothing extraordinary. There is nothing better to do, really. She is content to be average. She would much rather stay back, to watch others. She has a fondness for children, and would be a fine caretaker or assistant candidatemaster, should the time come. She would much rather not be too involved in much else.

To her rider, Vichearth is something safe. She will listen, offer advice, but she has no interest in leading, in ambition, or doing anything but staying in her place. Politics are meaningless, she has only one job. That is all that matters to her. She is a soft green, and that is fine for her. Her siblings can be ignored for all she cares.

Voice: Vichearth's voice is soft and calm. She rarely raises it, and prefers not to shout.

Why me?: Safety and peace. Safety and peace.

Last edited by Ignys on Fri Jul 26, 2024 6:19 am, edited 4 times in total.
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NAME: Thorn
BIRTHDATE Early Spring 2770
AGE: 6 as of Early Spring 2776

Thorn is a perfect example of her color. She is bright, yellow-gold all over, save for her markings which are more orange. She has one stripe of orange-gold where her wings connect to her body, little rings around each ankle, a stripe of it on her head and another stripe on the underside of her neck. Part of her wing membrane is the same color, though it is secluded to the front margin.

Thorn is a mother if there ever was one. She considers Qibli a very large, odd firelizard that she is tasked to take care of. She's smart enough to know Qibli is not, in fact, a firelizard, but there's nothing else to compare the feeling to. She can also be a stern presence, but for the most part is soft and quiet. You'll know if she doesn't approve of something, though.
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