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Kah'ai of White Saupeth

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Kah'ai of White Saupeth

Kah'ai of White Saupeth
"lyrics or quotes here"


NAME: Kah'ai (Kahanai)
GENDER: Female
PRONOUNS: she/her

BIRTHDATE: Early Autumn 2747
AGE: 26 as of Late Summer 2774
LOCATION: High Reaches Weyr
OCCUPATION: Whiterider
WING: Starfall Wing

EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'4", scrawny
PLAY-BY: picrew by poika
FULL APPEARANCE: Kah'ai is short, scrawny, and often dishevelled. Her skin tone is a warm shade of light brown, her hair a darker shade, between chestnut and auburn, which she keeps relatively long. Her sense of dress used to be very plain and formal, however since impressing Saupeth, her fashion sense has become somewhat more stylish; even then, she still prefers to dress formally, wearing suits in muted colours. She doesn't carry herself with a lot of confidence, having poor posture and often fidgeting.

PERSONALITY: Kah'ai is spontaneous and ambitious - she is willing to do literally anything, and doesn't hold back any of her thoughts. She has no problem with trying new things, or taking risks. Unfortunately for her, she has a habit of being clumsy and being horribly unorganised. Before making a decision, she tends to never consider whether or not it's a good idea - yet, once she realises she has made a mistake, she tends to seriously regret it. As well as this, her concentration is not great, and she tends to get distracted easily. Since impressing, her dragon has greatly helped her out with this, as he is far more rational and level-headed than her (even if his approach is very tough-love). Thus, she has become wiser in this regard, and started considering decisions and ideas before she jumps the gun - and if she does, her dragon will immediately step in.

However, she still gets stressed easily, and can be quite nervous in certain social situations. She is not shy by any means, however, she can be very clumsy with her words, having a tendency to instantly spout whatever's on her mind, whether it be harmful or not. Her wit is surprisingly sharp, despite her overall intelligence not being too great. She is honest, but it's less honesty because she believes it to be the right thing to do, and more that she isn't very good at lying. More often than not, however, her heart is in the right place, and she can be a good friend, willing to listen to problems and help solve them - even if her 'solutions' tend to be irrational and poorly thought out. She has a tendency to see so much good in other people, yet sees very little good in herself - her self-esteem is low, but she tries her best to be positive and optimistic about most given situations.

Mother: Mikah
Father: Vaanai
BIRTHPLACE: High Reaches Hold
Born in High Reaches Hold to two holder parents, Kahanai's childhood was fairly uneventful. Her parents were both landsfolk, who helped to provide resources for both the Hold and the neighbouring Weyr; especially during a time in which demands were higher. Despite having to work a lot, both parents were incredibly devoted to their daughter. However, due to her parents not quite grasping the concept of not explaining certain things to a child, Kahanai knew all about things like Thread ever since she could understand language. This frightened her, somewhat, but she was never dissuaded from wanting to become a rider and fight Thread.

At fifteen, Kahanai was Searched, and moved to the Weyr proper, officially becoming a candidate. Though she was a little blind to the responsibilities that came with being a rider, she still decided she wanted to stand with no real evaluation of whether it was a good idea or not. At the start of her candidacy, she impressed her first firelizard; a Blue, whom she named Snap - she knew that some firelizards could be a problem, and Snap was no exception. He was needy, clumsy, and often made a mess. Throughout candidacy, she struggled with lessons, somewhat; they often stressed her out, due to the fact she couldn't read or write very well yet, but she was adamant that she wanted to continue. At seventeen, only a month before she hit adulthood, she impressed White Saupeth; though he was not her ideal dragon, as she found him to be very intimidating at the start of her weyrlinghood, she soon came to realise that he was slowly, but surely, helping her out with her stresses, and she eventually got used to his bitterness. He had a very tough-love approach, and held her to a high standard, but was overall very protective of his rider.

After graduation, their first time fighting Thread came, and Kah'ai was utterly terrified. Saupeth helped her, but she still panicked. She broke her left foot in a collision, due to Kah'ai's poor decisions, flying out of formation to dodge a clump of thread... into another dragon. Though she eventually recovered, and Saupeth was mostly bitter towards the other dragon, he decided that he would be the one to make the decisions in dire situations. Over time, Kah'ai had become much wiser, learning to consider her decisions before making them (sometimes). She later impressed her second firelizard - a Bronze, whom she named Crackle. Many events happened at High Reaches since then, to most of which Kah'ai tried to remain apathetic; she didn't seem to mind that eggs were stolen from Fort, knowing that the Weyr didn't have a clutching Gold at the time. The dragon, despite having never been to Fort, was somewhat bitter towards them, for destroying inter-Weyr relationships, and found it incredibly pathetic. Many more Threadfalls passed, and Kah'ai hasn't injured herself since the first time she fought.
Last edited by memerina on Mon Jan 09, 2023 2:28 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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White Saupeth

No one else can have you. I, Saupeth, will fight all of them, Kahanai!


NAME: Saupeth
BIRTHDATE Late Summer 2765
AGE: 5 as of Late Winter 2770

LENGTH: 28ft
COLOR: White
HEX CODE: #ecebec
FULL APPEARANCE: A white with a shine on his hide, Saupeth is a strong dragon with a permanent resting bitchface. He doesn't seem to have any other expression on his being, even if his voice does reflect it. He always looks angry. Somehow. His eyes seem to always have a purple tint, which makes it hard to tell what his mood actually is. His claws are long and his tail is whip-like and thin. His wings are broad and large. He is a pure white all over, with a shiny hide and a subtle, purple tint to him. He looks like he's made of fresh snowfall.

PERSONALITY: Saupeth is bitterness incarnate. He holds everyone to high standards, and he believes himself greater than every dragon on Pern with the exception of Fuuth, who he idolizes with such ferocity one would think that he owed Fuuth a life debt. He is a ruthless tactician, and he is not to be underestimated despite his temper. Every movement is calculated and carefully planned out, even if it seems like he's flying off the handle. He takes no shit from anyone. He is highly protective. Sex of any kind makes him incredibly uncomfortable to the point where he will have anxiety attacks, and if there is a flight going on, he may either hide or Between to the White Coast to be away from it. Also, he hates being muddy and dirty.

To his partner, Saupeth is the most protective dragon known to man. Sure, he will hold them to high standards and inspect their clothes and give them fashion advice, but at the same time he is incredibly supportive of them and is the one who will sit and gossip into the night with them. He does not permit anyone to mess with them, even Fuuth. This extends to his partner's family, should they have one. His rider comes first, along with Fuuth. He won't have himself be sullied by a terrible reputation.

VOICE: Saupeth's voice is light. When he rages, he sounds like a storm, furious and loud.
Last edited by memerina on Mon Feb 15, 2021 7:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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NAME: Snap
BIRTHDATE Late Winter 2762
AGE: 8 as of Early Spring 2771

FULL APPEARANCE: Snap is a deep cerulean all over, with flecks of a lighter blue all over his body, wings and tail.

PERSONALITY: Snap constantly wants attention. He will often beg for food, and will sometimes make loud noises or flap around just to be noticed. He loves affection from his bonded, even if he is very clumsy, having a tendency to make a mess.
Last edited by memerina on Wed Oct 28, 2020 11:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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NAME: Crackle
BIRTHDATE Late Summer 2768
AGE: 2 as of Early Spring 2771

COLOR: Bronze
FULL APPEARANCE: The majority of Crackle's body is a pale beige, with a brighter bronze across his face, neck and tail, reaching downwards in flame patterns. He is on the larger end of firelizards, being a little bit chubby on top of this.

PERSONALITY: Crackle is quiet, cool, and stoic. He is often unphased by his surroundings, remaining calm and collected. However, he will not hesitate to go over to his bonded for attention, occasionally. He does not act out, in fact, he is quite lazy and prefers to observe.
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