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P'tyr of Blue Inikoth

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P'tyr of Blue Inikoth



"Fight every battle everywhere, always, in your mind. Everyone is your enemy, everyone is your friend. Every possible series of events is happening all at once. Live that way and nothing will surprise you. Everything that happens will be something that you’ve seen before."
Petyr Baelish, Game of Thrones


NAME: P'tyr; originally Petyr
GENDER: Masculine
PRONOUNS: Masculine (he/him/his)
ORIENTATION: How presumptuous, to think a man like myself has time or interest in a lover

BIRTHDATE: Late Autumn 2739
AGE: 37 as of 2776
LOCATION: High Reaches Weyr
OCCUPATION: Apprentice Harper, Wingrider
WING: Starfall

EYES: Blue
HAIR: Black
PLAY-BY: Aiden Gillen
EXPY SOURCE: Petyr Baelish (Game of Thrones)
P'tyr is a petite man and stands at 5' 9" in height. No matter how long he spends outdoors, his skin is perpetually light. Though some gray hairs are starting to appear, his hair is still a bold black; he also sports a bit of scruffy facial hair, though kept meticulously styled. P'tyr is inwardly pleased about it his silvering, for he finds it quite an attractive trait. Like dark watery depths, his eyes are a deep blue, often unreadable. P'tyr always strives to look his finest. While in flying gear, he cuts a fine figure in his dark leathers, but still wears clothes to seemingly suit a Holder in his everyday routine. Favoring darker colors, he's usually wearing a fine full-length doublet, always accompanied by a small silver brooch of a perched bird. If he wants to appear especially resplendent, he wears a sash at his shoulder that ends at his opposite hip.

Quite notably, P'tyr is very ambitious. Should he set a goal before him, he'll meet it, no matter what. A cunning and clever man, his high intellect compliments his driven nature. Prone to placing practicality and logic before emotion, he is suited to both administrative duties and facing Threadfall's trials. What must be done must be done, which means he feels no regrets for actions that might hurt some for a greater good, especially if one of his personal goals could be seen to fruition; he can be merciless and relentless in these pursuits. But there are rare moments that P'tyr can demonstrate compassion and true empathy for others, though he rarely knows how to act on it. More often than not, he'll sequester himself from others until these feelings dissipate and permits his return to his routine.

Though P'tyr isn't one to succumb to his emotions, he's still a bold and confident man, but sometimes too confident for his own good. Should he feel that victory is his, P'tyr shows he can be cocky and arrogant, which is where he is most vulnerable. Should someone cross P'tyr, vengeance will be swift and terrible; his pride cannot allow such a thing. P'tyr is a calculating and crafty man, which means patience and analysis are two of his strong points, razor sharp from Turns of practice. But sheer spite can drive him to great lengths if he feels slighted, which is one of few instances where he will lose himself to his emotions. P'tyr can be quite sarcastic, his sharp tongue snapping witty remarks left and right; it makes him both a delight and a nightmare in conversation. But P'tyr and Inikoth's bond is incredibly strong. If there's one individual to whom he's is loyal, it's Inikoth. One thing P'tyr loves more than all else is flying. It's so soothing for P'tyr to simply glide on his blue, usually under cover of darkness, so it's quite common for them to fly and spend time together, free from life's trials and tribulations for but a moment.

P'tyr puts great effort into coming off as friendly and warm, as well as being quite sociable, though most of it is a tactic to make allies. P'tyr oozes charisma and charm, which he puts to good use to curry favor among those he may need to succeed. But P'tyr is undeniably a perfectionist. While it is impossible to be perfect, he sets his standards quite high. Vanity is also one of his shortcomings, believing that a tidy and fashionable appearance grants a good first impression, going to great lengths to ensure he looks his best as a result. It's extremely difficult to predict what P'tyr might do; no one knows what goes on in that head except himself and his dragon, but Inikoth isn't talking. More often than not, what actions P'tyr takes will benefit his Weyr...or himself. While he feels no particularly loyalty to a person or persons, he will serve his Weyr very agreeably.

Parents - both farmers - both living (presumed)
Siblings/Half-Siblings - none to his knowledge
BIRTHPLACE: A tiny cothold in Fort that's best left forgotten
HISTORY: TW: parental dispute
Petyr was born to tired parents in a cothold of Fort, a place smaller than most cotholds, totaling three families, each finding difficult in seeing children born to one day succeed them; Petyr was one of few children and saw no siblings after him. Expected to become a common laborer like his parents, his upbringing was unremarkable. But that wasn't good enough for young Petyr. Feeling he was meant for something greater, he would achieve that something someday, no matter what price must be paid.

But seeing as his parent offered no option to find success beyond his cothold, Petyr was doomed to stay, but it embittered him and put them at odds. While it was clear he had potential to be something more than a common farmer, his parents still insisted he stay. Frustrated and determined to make a name for himself, Petyr sought a visiting Harper's counsel, hoping to be accepted as his Apprentice. It seemed he passed muster, so he spoke to Petyr's family and after a long conversation, his parents were persuaded to let Petyr go to find a greater opportunity; he was going to make his mark! Accepting guidance and advice from that Harper that brought him from his cothold, Petyr traveled to a cothold in Telgar, to Apprentice directly under a Journeyman among other Apprentices.

Apprenticeship was a blessing and a curse. At last, Petyr was able to apply his talents to a Craft! But he was perhaps his teacher's oldest Apprentice, being fourteen as he began his training. Teasing was prevalent from an older and more advanced Apprentice, who looked down on him for being late and behind. Resentment built in Petyr as a direct result, confirming his assumptions that holdbred and weyrbred were all high-and-mighty and pretentious, but he also felt quite a bit of uncertainty, though he vehemently refused to entertain it. Petyr strove to stand apart from his peers and earn his place; he knew he had what it took.

During his Apprenticeship, Petyr had enough fortune to acquire a firelizard egg from a handout at about twenty Turns old; one of his Journeyman's flits, a little golden beauty, had laid a clutch, so as a gift to his cothold's students, he decided to give them out. Petyr wasn't sure he'd be allowed one, given his late start and issues from his peers, but he was beckoned to approach and a small bowl was pressed into his hands, a tiny egg resting within on some hot sand. Petyr masked his surprise and thanked him, but it didn't take long for his egg to hatch, spilling a little white into Petyr's lap. Cementing his bond to his new firelizard, Petyr deliberated on a name, but it was clear to him soon enough: Mockingbird.

As his peers graduated and moved onward to other positions across Pern to practice as Journeymen, some going to Fort's Harperhall to pursue Mastery, Petyr's poor opinions of them sharpened to a razor's edge. But that wasn't all he'd honed, as he put himself under scrutiny and improved; he elected to dress in tasteful clothing and utilized his nature and wit to its fullest potential. As he roused shortly after his twenty-second Turning, Petyr expected it to be a typical day of Apprenticeship. But it was not, as a dragonpair of Telgar Weyr flew Search to his cothold. Petyr left in disgust upon seeing them arrive, sequestering himself to work on what menial chores he'd been assigned that day. Once he had finished every chore on his roster, he returned to find that Telgar's Searchrider was still there! Apparently, her dragon had detected a Candidate here and wouldn't depart until he found them. No one else here sparked her dragon's interest, no one but Petyr.

Petyr's first instinct was to decline, but he paused to consider. Of all others in his cothold, he had been selected. And if he Impressed, he had a chance to climb to greater standing. So as hesitation tugged at him, Petyr accepted Search, not a trace of his uncertainty to be outwardly seen. Taken to Telgar Weyr, he entered Candidacy...which was more chores and lessons; it was like being an Apprentice dragonrider! Multiple Hatchings went by and had no dragon for Petyr, but that was fine; he was perfectly content to bide his time. And his patience was rewarded as a fine blue found him. Petyr, now P'tyr, found that Inikoth was everything he want in a dragon. Together, they could go nowhere but up and they would claw to that top, no matter what it cost.

Weyrlinghood was nothing too difficult for P'tyr and Inikoth, as shrewd as both were, meaning they graduated well and had no major issues. But trouble began after entering Telgar's fighting wings. Inikoth immediately took a negative stance against one of his wingmates, a brown. Inikoth intensely disliked how his wingmate kissed up to Telgar's leaders and queens and didn't hesitate to voice those opinions. In retaliation, that brown seemed perfectly agreeable to goad Inikoth on, so much so that P'tyr was certain Inikoth would someday lose his temper and switch to using his claws. P'tyr decided to be an adult, requesting a transfer in 2766, where his Inikoth was about four Turns old. Not to a different wing, but to a different Weyr. It wasn't safe for Inikoth to be in proximity to his archenemy, given he'd nursed such a powerful resentment. Once his request was granted, P'tyr immediately packed his belongings and left to a new beginning. And a new beginning it was. As Inikoth took to Fort like a fish to water, P'tyr knew he'd made a smart move; they'd rise far here, that was certain.


  • Late Fall 2773: In Threadfall, Inikoth has to make a tight turn to avoid a clump of Thread, straining some muscles in his neck. (Moderate)
  • Late Fall 2773: P'tyr transfers to High Reaches Weyr, deciding that he has a better chance to succeed there.
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P'tyr... Come. We've empires to topple.


NAME: Inikoth
BIRTHDATE: Late Fall 2762
AGE: 14 as of 2776

LENGTH: 37.75 ft.
HEIGHT: 9 ft.
WINGSPAN: 54.5 ft.
HEX CODE: #1d1f45
Inikoth is a tall and lithe blue, built for agility and grace in flight. There's an air of regality, confidence, and poise to him that can't be easily missed. Inikoth's coat is an incredibly dark denim blue. Icy blue circles decorate his body, beginning at his neck and trailing down his flanks. That same light blue coats his headknobs and lower jaw, as well as painting a marking like an eternally open eye on his muzzle. On his legs, his signature wintry blue etches lines in his dark coat, as though he wears handsome cuffs and boots. Inikoth will see no trouble blending into a dark night sky, easily capable of fading unseen into shadow, making him suited for secretive flights under cover of darkness.

Inikoth is nothing but trouble hiding behind a civil smile. Outwardly, he's very charming and gentlemanly to all he meets. Helpful and willing to go out of his way to assist others, he's a good friend who'll always be there for you. But such a good-natured attitude is nothing but an intricate web of lies, forged into a mask of polite gentility. Beneath it, Inikoth is a cold and manipulative dragon; he won't hesitate to exploit one's weaknesses for his own gain. In his eyes, metallic dragon are all haughty and arrogant creatures and that life under them will be nothing but hardship. A change in leadership is obviously in order: himself on top, chromatics taking metallics' places.

To his bonded, Inikoth is a loyal and driven partner. Fondness for P'tyr spurs Inikoth to do as he does, as his needs outweigh all others' needs. Such affection is rarely outwardly visible, as Inikoth goes to great lengths to conceal it, paranoid his devotion would be exploited by his enemies. Inikoth regards others in two black-and-white terms: useful or a threat. Someone deemed useful is treated well by Inikoth, to groom them into a friend and ally. Those that are marked a threat are carefully watched. Inikoth isn't usually a violent dragon; that's a metallic's place. Rather, his weapons are his words, easily as sharp as his claws. Put a few words in someone's ear and a threat can easily be eliminated; a career in shambles, reputation and credibility shot.

VOICE: Inikoth's voice is a deep tenor, very pleasant to hear, regardless of whether he's crooning sweetly or roaring in rage.
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NAME: Mockingbird
BIRTHDATE: Late Spring 2760
AGE: 16 as of 2776

COLOR: White
Mockingbird is a small firelizard, even for a white. Quite a dainty and delicate thing, he is suited for fast and agile flight. In contrast, Mockingbird boasts quite a bold coat. Fading from a silver to charcoal as one looks along his body, his coat is interrupted by a swathe of bold white sweeping from his belly all across his flanks and wingsails.

Mockingbird is a quiet flit, but not due to being shy or timid. Mockingbird is cooly indifferent to everyone other than his P'tyr; rarely will he emit a single sound. Mockingbird is deeply devoted to his bonded, happy to follow his every command. Being trained by P'tyr to eavesdrop on people described to him, he utilizes his dark coat and his size to his advantage to stay out of sight; to watch and listen, gathering useful information and relaying it to P'tyr. Mockingbird is ever alert to danger and won't do something that could endanger him or his bonded. In addition, he always tries to stay one step ahead of everyone, to benefit himself and P'tyr.
Last edited by Agenothree on Wed Mar 09, 2022 11:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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