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Loqi of White Tsumarith

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Loqi of White Tsumarith



'Cause you are the piece of me
I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly
Still fight and I don't know why
If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity, why are you my clarity?
(Zedd, Clarity)


NAME: Loqi (pronounced same as Loki)
GENDER: Masculine
PRONOUNS: Masculine (he/him/his)
ORIENTATION: Bicurious, but taken

BIRTHDATE: Early Winter 2742
AGE: 34 as of 2776
LOCATION: High Reaches Weyr
WING: Starfall

EYES: Light Blue
HAIR: Sandy Blonde
PLAY-BY: Loqi Tummelt (FFXV)
EXPY SOURCE: Loqi Tummelt (FFXV)
Loqi is rather short for a man, standing at about 5' 5" tall. As a result, he has a light build, though muscular from Turns of dedicated training; his skin is tanned for that same reason. Loqi has fine sandy blonde hair, often swept from his face in natural waves, while his eyes are light blue, as cold as Telgar's mountains. Regarding his wardrobe, Loqi prefers functionality to fashion. As such, he's most often seen in something that's suitable for flying at all times, unless E'tria can cajole him into wearing something a little nicer. If he could choose, he'd wear his Weyr's colors and no others. In addition, Loqi's dominant hand is his left, rather than his right.

To begin, Loqi is a rather arrogant and proud man. Born of High Reaches' finest, he's proud to be weyrbred. If someone speaks ill of High Reaches, he's quick to jump to an offensive stance, to defend his Weyr. No matter what others say or what he himself thinks, High Reaches is his home, which means there's nothing he won't do to protect it; he'd even give up his life. Everything he does is for High Reaches Weyr, its glory and honor, finest Weyr of Pern, a mighty pinnacle of strength to emulate. It was what he had readied himself from youth to do; to Impress a fine dragon and train to fight in Golre's name.

Ever since Golre's downfall, he's been bitter and resentful of Fort's meddling, taking great dislike of Fort Weyr as a result. Who does Fort think they are, to take High Reaches' independence? And to accuse the honorable High Reaches of theft, for that matter. While it isn't often that he'll verbally state it, Loqi views those who are not weyrbred as lesser, unfit to set eyes on a dragon, not to mention be welcome to Impress! It often shows in his expression what he thinks of a person, especially if what he thinks of them is disgust or disdain, though he taught himself from youth to conceal and smother his emotions.

Loqi is very brash and often reckless, though he strives to think logically. But all sense of logic, tact, and reasoning vanishes in face of an issued challenge. Loqi takes insults personally, so much so that he'll hold a grudge until Thread takes him or his ire's source. To outsiders or strangers, Loqi is cold and somewhat hostile, considering them to be intruders to High Reaches Weyr and its sanctity, though those familiar to him still might find him aloof and distant. Loqi allows few close to him and fewer still are permitted to see beneath his mask, to see what makes him who he is.

In spite of his upbringing in High Reaches under Golre's reign, he is incredibly fond of his Tsumarith, long since bypassing hating him for being a white. While he won't admit it aloud, he is very fond of his weyrmate, E'tria. For her, he would sacrifice everything in a heartbeat, if she but asked. In addition, Loqi is a very private man that considers few his friends, finding social situations somewhat difficult. But would one intuit as much from how he speaks and carries himself, so proud and strong? Loqi is very careful to keep up appearances of being a perfect dragonrider, accepting no criticism otherwise.

Parents - both dragonriders - both living (presumed) - open tie(s)!
Siblings/Half-Siblings - none to his knowledge - open tie(s)!
Alleqi - daughter - weyrbrat - living [-29] - open tie!
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: E'tria of Green Yserath
BIRTHPLACE: High Reaches Weyr
Loqi was born to a pair of dragonriders of flightlust. As such, he's not certain of his parentage, but didn't seem to care. Turned to High Reches' creche by his mother shortly after his birth, he was raised in proper Traditions in a Weyr under Golre's rule. Loqi matured to be a cool and dutiful young man, completely devoted to his Weyr. As such, he was observant and merciless in relation to his peers. On numerous occasions, Candidates were reported for infraction that would've otherwise been unpunished, at Loqi's initiative. Loqi was but one of countless children born and bred for a dragonrider's life, but he took it much more seriously than others might. Loqi distinctly frowned upon Candidates coming from outside High Reaches; dirty farmers didn't deserve to even behold a dragon's might and majesty! But he did as he was bid by his superiors, all for his Weyr.

It was expected of him to Stand as soon as he was old enough and he would not let his superiors down. As he signed up for Candidacy at fifteen, Loqi swore he would not Impress some pathetic beast such as a green or white, Faranth forbid. Nothing but his Weyr's finest befitted a young man such as himself: a bronze of Vyzeth's blood, High Reaches' queen herself. During his tenure as a Candidate, he met a young woman, Ekatrialle, a weyrbred Candidate like himself. An odd accord was struck between them, where she ended up being his one companion all throughout Candidacy. But Ekatrialle's Impression to a green saw him shunning her from that point on. Such a fine young Candidate such as himself wouldn't be seen engaging some lowly greenrider. Loqi continued to Stand, but was left Standing again and again. As a result, Loqi grew increasingly more volatile and hostile. What was it that made every bronze look to every other Candidate? None of them could be worthier than him!

At Golre's fall in 2761, in her valiant fight against Fort, Loqi was among those who mourned her loss and all she represented. And as Fort arrived and tried to destroy all Golre had built for her Weyr, it was seen as an intolerable offense. Loqi proved difficult to engage, resistant to these changes befalling High Reaches. But he continued to Stand for hatching after hatching, in spite of Fort establishing itself in control of High Reaches. Loqi was determined to stay strong and resist such alien influence. One day, those loyal to High Reaches and Golre's memory would rebel and retake High Reaches. And Loqi would be among them, mounted upon a bronze of his own. But a scrawny white had other plans for him. Loqi... a flat voice spoke in Loqi's mind, much to his horror as he met its eyes. I am confused. I do not know what I am supposed to do... Do you think they will be disappointed in your Tsumarith? After five Turns of Candidacy...Loqi had a white.

As tempting as it was to reject Tsumarith flat and direct him to who was supposed to be his bonded, Loqi realized that it was too late; Impression was made and it would be death that separated them, nothing else. All his aspirations of proudly riding bronze and serving his Weyr were destroyed in an instant, his whole life deemed a waste. Swallowing his disgust, he directed Tsumarith to feed him in haste, so Loqi might flee these eyes he felt upon him; eyes he was certain were full of scorn, mockery, or perhaps a terrible pity. Weyrlinghood was a trial. Loqi could hardly stand to look upon his dragon, horrified every single day that he had been reduced to nothing but a whiterider, once a fine Candidate. What would Golre think? No matter Loqi's feelings, Tsumarith was a loyal and devoted partner. Though it took all of weyrlinghood and some Turns after, Loqi began to think of Tsumarith fondly, rather than dismissing him at every chance. While it was difficult, Loqi learned to overlook Tsumarith being white and rather focus on other aspects beyond his color, accepting his dragon at last.

After such a critical milestone had been achieved, Loqi and Tsumarith blossomed. It was clear why Tsumarith had picked Loqi; they were a driving force together, practically unstoppable. While Loqi was undeniably a product of Golre's High Reaches, his bond to his dragon, though a white, was strong; a fine example for following generations. It wasn't much later that Loqi saw E'tria again. Initial interactions were quite shaky. It wasn't easy to forget Loqi's behavior during Candidacy, especially as some of those traits were still present to this day. But something kept drawing them together again, no matter how what harsh things were said in anger. It wasn't until E'tria and Loqi were caught up in flightlust, even if his Tsumarith didn't chase her Yserath, that what they had was clear. Though they had a rocky beginning, Loqi and E'tria shared a bond that was deep and powerful; strong enough to brave everything thrown at them.

In 2770, news spread that a garnet of Fort had lost her clutch; her two eggs were stolen! Though it was Fort that had fallen prey to theft, Loqi still felt disgust for such a heinous crime. Who would think to do such a thing to a Weyr? But Loqi still couldn’t help but criticize Fort. What Weyr would let someone drug a dragon and snatch her eggs? Obvious security measures were being neglected for such an incident to occur. A part of Loqi even felt glad that Fort had suffered such a thing, thinking of it as retribution for what had been done to High Reaches; what had once been a glorious and mighty Weyr. But Loqi was certain High Reaches was not to blame. No matter who's control it may be under, High Reaches was still a most honorable Weyr.

But as two eggs mysteriously appeared on High Reaches’ sands — eggs that promptly hatched and Impressed — blame were turned on High Reaches for stealing them from Fort. Loqi was incensed and outraged. How dare those ignorant fools proclaim those of High Reaches Weyr to be nothing but dirty thieves! Loqi was near certain that tensions would escalate into war, a prospect he welcomed. Those filthy rats would not insult High Reaches and go unpunished! Though Majima and his criminal network, alongside some dragonriders he’d manipulated to assist him, were discovered to be at fault and punished, Loqi still holds such bitterness in his heart for Fort, perhaps even hatred.

A short time after Loqi and E'tria decided to come together as official weyrmates, a new development rocked rocked Loqi to his core. After getting lost in a flight's throes again, E'tria was expecting Loqi's child. While he wasn't entirely sure how to respond, he knew what he must do long term: he would stay close and follow his weyrmate's lead. If E'tria wished to see them off to High Reaches' creche and see nothing more of them? Loqi would see it done; he'd prefer that route. But if E'tria wanted to be a major part of her child's life? Loqi would do his best to serve as weyrmate and father. Though he won't admit it, considering parenthood and all its prospects frightens Loqi, but he'll face it like all challenges placed before him: in great dignity, honor, and pride, all befitting a dragonrider of High Reaches.

  • Late Winter 2771: E'tria gives birth to a daughter, Alleqi, making Loqi a rather hesitant father.
  • Early Spring 2774: In Threadfall, Loqi's left ankle is badly burned by Adorath's flame (Major), while Tsumarith's right hind leg gets cut in his hurry to get him to a Healer. (Moderate)
Last edited by Agenothree on Sat Mar 16, 2024 6:15 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Loqi...I am confused. I do not know what I am supposed to do... Do you think they will be disappointed in your Tsumarith?


NAME: Tsumarith
BIRTHDATE: Early Fall 2762
AGE: 14 as of 2776

LENGTH: 32 ft.
HEIGHT: 6.75 ft.
WINGSPAN: 48 ft.
COLOR: White
HEX CODE: #636364
Pushing the 'dark' end of the white spectrum, Tsumarith is longer than whites usually are, but he is not as tall as he should be, and his wings are narrow but average length for his height. He has a compact body, and long, stick-like legs. He's all limbs, all thin and twiggy, and he'll never really grow out of that look. He is built for all speed, though he is a bit clumsy on the land. He has a long, awkward gait when he runs, and he truly shines when he flies. He is a dark, almost storm-cloud gray all over. His markings are a bright white, however, coloring the undersides of his wingsails and marking the backs of his sails like odd feathers. His back feet look like he is wearing elaborate sandals, and his eyes are streaked with a silvery-gray, almost as if he is crying.

Tsumarith is devoted to a fault. He follows orders, he completes every task at 100% or he considers himself a failure. He sets incredibly high standards for himself, and he doesn't quite understand that it is okay to make mistakes and that it is okay to not be perfect all the time. If he isn't dealing with his own feelings, he's actually quite pleasant. He is rather quiet, but not shy. He greets others with polite words, and he actually has a sense of humor, even if he is sort of stiff and formal most of the time. If he's not focused on himself, he is pretty personable. He considers Tokugath as his only friend, and doesn't understand why anyone else would want to be friends with him.

To his bonded, Tsumarith is absolutely loyal. He believes that they know best, and is unlikely to raise his voice to any objections unless there is something he finds seriously wrong, such as if their actions will endanger themselves or another dragon pair. He prefers to spend time in quiet situations to relax, and lots of sudden noises will easily overwhelm him. He does not understand what to do with delicate things such as kittens or small humans, and will freeze and look around for help. The one berserk button he has is betrayal. That single act can turn this normally docile white into a rage monster, screeching for the head of whoever turned their back on him.

VOICE: Tsumarith's voice, while slightly masculine, is rather empty and listless. The only real emotion he shows is when he is screaming.

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