"Itchy. Tasty."
NAME: Sc'let [Scarlet]
GENDER: Female
PRONOUNS: She/Her/Hers
ORIENTATION: Polyamorous pansexual
BIRTHDATE: Summer 2754
AGE: 23 as of Summer 2777
LOCATION: High Reaches Weyr
OCCUPATION: "Forced retirement"
WING: Healer's Wing (Edwyth only)
EYES: Pale blue
HAIR: Sandy blonde
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 6'4" and skinny with just-so muscles
FULL APPEARANCE: At first glance, one might perceive Sc'let to be a man. This isn't without justification: her pale blonde hair is cropped very short, but shaggy and she is equipped with a strong jaw and a notoriously flat chest. Bronzed skin along her body is held taught, displaying all sinew and bone and high cheekbones. It gives her a fairly frail initial appearance until you notice the well-defined muscles perched in all the right places, but even those aren't monstrous. Her excessive height and spindly features make her remarkably spiderlike, lending to the nickname 'Crawler' by her fellow Riders. She is made especially haunting by the icy blue eyes that peer from darkened flesh, often given shade by her bustling bangs.
Because of her experience with tanning, Sc'let is always in possession of leather. She favors a long duster-styled coat that is patched with different skins from different beasts, staunch with the scent of ages past. Sc'let has a preference for loose-fitting clothes underneath - or none at all, as it were.
Following a harrowing encounter with some Thread during a fall in 2776, Sc'let has been rendered almost completely blind. Everything from the bridge of her nose to the apex of her forehead is an angry, gnarled mess of twisted skin and sinew. So severe is the scarring that her eyes are little more than opaque slits peering through flesh. It's a small wonder she can even blink.
PERSONALITY: Sc'let is the definition of wild. She ventures the outlands of life with a moral compass who's poles got mixed up along the way. Fearless; Fierce; Aggressive. Sc'let sees herself as a protector of the innocent, a guiding candle in the dimming light. Indeed she will fight tooth and nail to guard those are weaker than her - and she often has (and inevitably will) need somebody to pull her away from beating the culprit into a gooey pile. She is the kind of individual who will jump into a fray without asking questions, even if those conditions leave her vastly outnumbered. That's just fine: Sc'let doesn't mind the pain. Rather she seems to enjoy it and will strike back harder, laughing all the while. She is rough, even with her friends, and a playful wrestling match may very well end with harsh bruises on the other's end.
Unfortunately, Sc'let is also very gullible. It doesn't take much to trick her. Play the 'woe is me' card to her and you'll likely have this brownrider on your side in no time. Her devotion to the Weyr and people she perceives as 'needing help' make her a dangerous juggernaut of an ally. There are some out there who could use that for their own benefit, hammering the proverbial nail in her coffin while dodging it being stuck to their own.
Sc'let loves hunting. It's a good way to channel her chaotic tendencies. Herdbeasts are all well and good, but she loves a challenge and will strike out into the wilderness to bring back something nice and juicy. Fishing is also fulfilling, though not nearly as exciting. She is a welcomed sight in the kitchens, for she is often accompanied with large hauls of meat. Sc'let keeps the hides and fish skin for herself to tan and work into leather.
Outwardly, Sc'let doesn't appear to have any deep personal connections with other individuals. It's true that she loves, loves sex and will openly seduce many partners ... but each person she beds holds some form of connection to her heart and soul. Her sense of dutiful loyalty extends to the people she shares a physical experience with and she won't stand for trash-talking of any sort. Sc'let has no qualms about taking the same partner over and over again, but she is very hard to tie down to just one and doesn't seem to understand why that can be an issue with other lovers.
Edwyth is her beacon of morality. The dragon has strong convictions of his own, and will often try to shed light on any deception Sc'let may be fed. Since Impressing him, the rider has become less prone to acting out of impulse - but there are times when even her bond with the winged creature cannot contain her need to defend. At times he is also her relationship counselor, which is a surprise for both of them.
Mother - High Reaches Greenrider (deceased)
Father - High Reaches Bluerider (deceased)
"Uncle" - Bijorn
Siblings - She had many half/full-blooded siblings running amok at the Weyr. About 6.
BIRTHPLACE: High Reaches Weyr
HISTORY: Born as Scarlet, she was the product of a mating flight between a green and a blue. Neither of their riders were parenting material and were quick to send her away to the nursery for the first several Turns of her life, where she was raised alongside countless other mating flight byproducts - some of which were blood relatives. This was well and normal for the Weyrs of Pern, but it also meant that Scarlet lacked the one-on-one affection and stability that her growing volatile mind needed.
Scarlet's parents were thrust into the front lines of Golre's war declaration in 2761. They were among the wings that lost against Fort Weyr and also become some of the bodies sent to their deaths alongside their dragons. The weyrbrat was 7 at that time and was only briefly acquainted with her family - without really understanding who they were, which was an unfortunately mutual predicament.
By the time she was 8, Scarlet's whirlwind of a personality began to really take shape. This was likely due to the massive upheaval at High Reaches Weyr following Golre's death, effectively restructuring the Weyr's mentality as a whole. She became so rambunctious and terrorizing to the other children that the creche at the time sought additional aid in raising her from one of the more senior members of High Reaches. The responsibility ultimately landed on the shoulders of Bijorn, a dragonless man from Tannercraft stock.
Bijorn was ... not the best person to mentor Scarlet, for his own mental health was in a state of disrepair following his dragon's death during Threadfall. Despite this, he often took the young weyrbrat to the woods, where he introduced her to the hunting, field dressing and tanning of forest-dwelling creatures. While this didn't completely reel in her behavior, it gave something Scarlet to excel at that would benefit the Weyr as a whole. Soon enough the kitchen staff would perk when Scarlet and Bijorn returned from hunting trips heavily laden with their prizes.
She became an Apprentice Tannercrafter by the time she was old enough to start standing for Impression. At 16 Turns, Scarlet became Sc'let at Maktooth's Herald of the Rites clutch, sealing her bond with the romantic Brown Edwyth. The pair graced the Moonshot Wing with their presence as soon as graduation day was upon them.
Elated and relieved with most others of the Weyr at the conviction of Majima's ilk for the stolen eggs of Neozeoth, Sc'let was supportive of their collective exile to different Weyrs.
When crop blight struck High Reaches Hold, the brownrider decided to do doubletime in her hunting escapades. When Threadfall wasn't scouring the skies, she would be off striking down prey in locations left largely alone, divvying out extra kills with the assistance of volunteers to the struggling Hold (and Weyr) in an effort to keep folk, at the very least, protein-fed. This was enacted tactfully so as not to wipe out the wild populations of beasts. Thankfully the remedy was found - through guano! With that curse ended, Sc'let backed away from her favored hobby, allowing the beast population to, well, repopulate. She had more than her fair share of skins to work with by that point anyhow, and set upon tanning leather to be used in repairing old harnesses and clothes.
- SUMMER 2776: A shift in the wind sends a small, unseen clump of Thread straight for the upper half of Sc’let’s face. It isn’t a lot of Thread, but the effect of hitting where it does is devastating; she’s almost completely blinded, save for a slight remnant of light dectection.