Warning: Mentions of death
N'owe of Blue Legnath
"I wish I could be a savior."
NAME: N'owe (Pronounced Now-ay)
PRONOUNS: he/him/his
ORIENTATION: Biromantic Heterosexual
BIRTHDATE: Spring 2751
AGE: 26 as of Spring 2777
LOCATION: High Reaches Weyr
WING: Moonshot Wing
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Brown
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'10" and fit
PLAY-BY: Nowe (Drakengard 2)
As far as looks go, N'owe takes strongly after his mother. Short, messy brown hair and bright blue eyes, while also... Well. On the shorter side as far as those assigned male at birth. His build is average with compact muscles, clearly someone who spends a lot of time moving around. Despite having pale skin, he doesn't burn very easily, something which likely comes from this father's side. He has a few odd scars on his body, though the most prominent is one above his right brow, angled toward his ear.
Clothing-wise, he prefers tighter-fit garments in darker shades, though is perfectly fine with wearing undyed leather and cloth instead.
N'owe is soft-spoken, caring, and somewhat altruistic. His altruism is a bit complicated, as such selflessness only extends to individuals whom he deems as "worthy." Generally, this means he sees them as a good person or valuable to the community as a whole in some way. Despite his age, he is also rather naive, typically seeing the world in black and white rather than shades of grey. This means he is more likely to see someone as strictly good or strictly evil rather than faulted. He has a strong sense of justice.
He is easily embarrassed when talking to members of the opposite gender, though doesn't seem to have any issue doing it--he's just more likely to trip over his own words.. When faced with something or someone he despises, he has a tendency toward a rather volatile reaction. He's less likely to quietly harbor distaste and far more likely to bluntly state it aloud for all to hear. N'owe seems to have little regard for when his words may spark a physical confrontation.
Furiae - Mother, Rider of Green Itaruth, Alive (Igen)
Inu'art - Father, Rider of Blue Regunath, Alive (Igen)
C'aim - Maternal Uncle, Rider of Garnet Anheruth, Presumed Alive (Current Location Unknown)
U'rick - Mentor, Bluerider, Deceased (Threadfall) (Igen)
Oror - Paternal Great Uncle & Caretaker, Deceased (Plague aftermath) (Cothold)
Ipris - Paternal Grandfather & Caretaker, Deceased (Age) (Cothold)
BIRTHPLACE: Igen Weyr, raised in small Igen cothold
N'owe was born to a pair of riders, though was the product of genuine love between weyrmates rather than a flightlust tryst. His parents originally hailed from Benden territory but had fled to Igen sometime before their Search and subsequent Impression. After he was born, the pair took him to be cared for by his paternal great-uncle, who resided in a nearby cothold, rather than be raised in the Weyr amongst the creche. While this did mean they had less opportunity to visit, they knew their child would be well-tended by family. It wasn't for any fear of "corruption" by Weyr policies but protection should Igen come under assault.
Although N'owe saw his parents infrequently, his relationship with them was quite close. They communicated primarily through letters, penned and read by his uncle prior to learning to read and write from the local Harper. Other than rarely seeing his parents, he had a fairly normal childhood as far as holdfolk go. Playing with other children, attending lessons with the Harpers. He did at one point fall out of a tree and earn himself a scar on his face on the way down, but still was never put off by danger and as soon as he healed was back to climbing trees and exploring. His grandfather Ipris passed peacefully when he was eight, but it was simply due to great age and while the small family was saddened, he was not deeply affected by the loss.
During the plague of 2764, his great-uncle Oror became ill but was able to recover. Unfortunately it left him severely weakened and in frail health, leaving N'owe to help in taking care of him. At fifteen he was Searched to Igen, and after some encouragement from Oror he agreed and was taken to the Weyr. Oror passed peacefully a few months later. While there, he strengthened his relationship with his parents, though while they kept an eye on him and made sure he stayed in line, they didn't overextend their reach into overbearing. He didn't Impress until he was eighteen, but during that time he befriended a bluerider named U'rick who later became his mentor through Weyrlinghood. Unfortunately, just before he would graduate to full Rider status, U'rick and his dragon suffered a fatal injury during Threadfall.
Deeply affected by the loss of his mentor, N'owe chose to transfer Weyrs to escape the memories.