She pulls out glittery dust and throws it into their faces, immediately running.
-Lace, thinking that glitter is an acceptable distraction
NAME: Lace
GENDER: Female
PRONOUNS: she/her/hers
BIRTHDATE: Spring 2746
AGE: 29 as of Summer 2775
LOCATION: High Reaches Weyr
OCCUPATION: Garnetrider
WING: Moonshot
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown
HEIGHT AND BUILD: Muscular, 6'4"
PLAY-BY: eure picrew (teeth edited by merry)
FULL APPEARANCE: Lace is tall, sturdy, and muscular, boasting an 'Amazonian' type of build, but she maintains a certain femininity in her mannerisms and fashion. She likes flowing, fancy outfits, tasteful but still formfitting, with an extreme love for lace. She named herself after it, after all! Her hair, worn in a short but feminine cut, is a brilliant brown in color. Her eyes are brown as well, and her pale skin is often flushed red with color. With freckles and a button nose, she has a cute look about her. She is quite lovely, in her own way, with a poise and grace that indicates true confidence. Her expression is often smug, teasing, and calm.
Her voice is slow, flowing like molasses, with little interest in rushing her words. She tends to call people things like honey, darling, sugar, or sweetie. It's not always genuine.
PERSONALITY:Lace takes her time; she is not one to be rushed, moving at a slow pace. Even her speech is slow. She will happily sing a five hour ballad, without any concern for anyone else’s time. Sometimes, she enjoys singing in conversation, and is the type to break into song for literally no reason. She is very street smart and has a strong memory. As a born harper in all but official title, Lace loves to sing and play instruments, particularly the pipes and drum. She has a skill with melody, but has never pursued this interest in an official manner--she’s always dreamt of dragons. Dramatic and theatrical, Lace is undeniably an extra person, the type to make sweeping gestures and exaggerate everything.
Lace is not just a flirt; she’s a smug flirt. She will flirt with anyone and everyone, though usually without romantic intention of any sort. Lace is focused on her appearance, and as a fashion-forward young woman, she can’t help but constantly look at herself whenever she sees a mirror. Arrogant and vain, Lace seems superficial and vapid at first glance, but she’s out for herself in all that she does. A sharply ambitious, hungry woman, albeit one motivated by luxury and comfort, she has goals that she will chase at all costs--even if it means she must hurt someone else.
She moves with poise and grace, as befits a true lady, wearing feminine clothing. She has fine tastes, but if given the chance, she will take any unattended and/or shiny objects. She seems sweet at first glance, but teasing, often saying rude things to others under the guise of jokes. She tends to be flippant in all that she does. She struggles significantly with difficult or serious conversations, and always tries to bring in poorly-timed humor. She is surprisingly capable of rage and panic, but only in extraordinary situations. She worries a lot about Rozeth and due to the poisoning, she rarely trusts the intentions of others and can be a bit paranoid. She lies about her own intentions: obscuring and misdirecting with her silver tongue. As a relatively charismatic woman, she is relatively good at talking herself out of problems, but she also tends to buckle and panic when cornered. When caught in the act, she becomes more serious, but otherwise she remains casual, calm, and apparently unconcerned.
-Mother: Ellai of Green Aileth
-Father: Mourien of Blue Toudriath
-4 half-siblings on mom's side (Ages: +8, +3, -2, -5)
HISTORY: TW: Violence/injury/mauling, poisoning
Ellai had two children from flightlust already when Ellourie was born. Despite all being from different fathers and being raised in the creche, Lace gets along very well with her half-siblings. When she was 2 and 5, her last two siblings were born. As soon as Ellourie could speak, she chose a new name for herself. How about Lace? Lace is pretty. War was prevalent early in Lace's life, but she was under 10 when the war finally ended. Thread began to fall, and Pern entered the Peacekeeper's age.
For much of her life, Lace didn't care about current events or politics. The most noteworthy event of 2760, in her opinion, was the appearance of garnet firelizards. At 14, Lace was in love with the aesthetic, and the fact that they would match so many outfits. She saved up for a flit egg, medium in size, hoping for a garnet; instead, Green Glitter hatched, but Lace immediately fell in love. Luckily, Glitter tolerated Lace's affection and the young girl's tendency to dress her poor little firelizard up. In 2761, a turn later, she became a candidate. Since she enjoyed pretty colors, she sought out a fancy unique or a garnet dragon--but her ambitions indicated that she'd certainly love a gold. When Golre declared war on Fort, she was distracted by the existence of garnet dragons, but when High Reaches attacked (and lost), she was quite nervous. Still, she was busy dreaming about dragons and had no time to worry about it outside of the moment. Thankfully, Golre died the same turn. When Serapheth hatched, Lace had her first taste of real fear on the sands. She realized that hatchings were dangerous, but continued to stand.
In 2764, when Lace was 18, tragedy touched Pern. Plague, threadfall injuries, Benden kidnapping riders? Awful. Semaca was founded in the same turn, but Lace had no interest in the rough-and-tumble weyr. In 2765, the kidnapped riders were saved, but it was Summer that would hold the main event. The trailblazers hatched, unleashing chaos and bloodshed. Twins, violence, and the terror that was Nornth--not that Lace had noticed the hatching of the new gold. The ninth egg to hatch revealed a lovely garnet, beautiful beyond comprehension. All eyes were on Rozeth, but the garnet wasn't pleased about it. Another candidate, Ariel, had dared to look at her, and Rozeth mauled her, taking sight and beauty alike from the poor candidate. Lace was able to restrain Rozeth and allow Ariel to escape. Ariel Impressed shortly after, making weyrlinghood a bit awkward, but luckily, Rozeth did no more damage. Still, Lace was infatuated, more than willing to excuse her dragon's "poor behavior."
In Fall, when Rozeth was barely a season old, the Trailblazers were poisoned with fellis. One dragon died, and several were disabled. As they ate dinner, the dragons began to feel sick. Rozeth was so itchy that she clawed at her precious hide, though the scratches would all heal. She felt woozy, nauseous...until she collapsed. Vomiting and was terrifying. The garnet almost died, and was partially paralyzed for a few months. Lace hardly left her dragon's side. She became a bit paranoid at this point. Pellay, the disappearing rider, was the culprit.
In 2766, Lace hardly cared about Wyzeth's rescue. She just hoped and prayed that Rozeth would be safe. She graduated Weyrlinghood in early 2767, around the time that Nornth rose for her maiden flight. Four bronzes died in the flight, and after the hatching, Blaze was poisoned. While Lace wasn't especially close to him, this was the final straw; Fort was no longer safe. She transferred to High Reaches immediately following it, somewhere that Rozeth might not be judged due to her class (and, you know, the fact that she'd harmed someone). High Reaches was far from perfect, though. When the garnet eggs were stolen, Lace grew bitter. Aldoeith and her ambition only made Lace feel worse about her decision, but she refused to return to Fort, and wouldn't defect to Semaca.
Her siblings all continued to live at Fort, and she misses them dearly.
- Early Fall 2771: Lace makes plans for weyrleadership. She picks the BEST OF THE BEST.
- Late Fall 2771, Threadfall: Lace's trouser leg somehow gets snagged on one of Rozeth's claws, and when the garnet turns to walk away, Lace is unceremoniously dumped in a pile of wherry dung. The trousers stay with Rozeth, quite detached from Lace.
- 2773?: Lace wins Junior Weyrleader, but her term is fraught with famine.
- 2774: Lace loses the new Weyrleader vote. She is very pissy about it.