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Zagreus of Gold Galdeneth

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Zagreus of Gold Galdeneth

"My ransacking was a delight, thank you for asking. So, I'll just be on my way, again."
-Zagreus, Hades


NAME: Zagreus, sometimes just shortened to Zag
ORIENTATION: Bisexual and Poly

BIRTHDATE: Summer 2750
AGE: 25 as of 2775
LOCATION: High Reaches
OCCUPATION: Dragonrider
WING: Firestorm

EYES: Green
HAIR: Black, short and fluffy, sticks up a lil'
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 6'4", athletic build but not super overly muscular
PLAY-BY: Zagreus (Hades), art below by Virenn (Thank you, Woky!)
EXPY SOURCE: Zagreus (Hades)
Zagreus is a tall, visably athletic man. He has pale skin and black hair that he doesn't care enough about to stop from sticking up into the air. How it looks is how it looks, and it's not going to matter. He has a very symmetrical face, and has a very stereotypical base attractiveness factor. You could look at him and say, 'oh, that's a handsome lad'. Zag doesn't really think he's handsome.

He wears nice clothes, usually in red, black, or whites. They are for the most part practical clothes, but sometimes if he's feeling really fancy he'll wear something to reflect that.

Zagreus is a good kid. He is a humorous and witty young man who is well-spoken and kind. His humor can often delve into sarcastic and even self-deprecating territories. He is protective of his friends, and respective of his elders (except for his dad, for many reasons). All he wants is to see the world, and now he's glad that he can finally do that. He is persistent, he creates a goal in his mind and then he will follow the path it leads him on to it's end. He's not a quitter, and will always try again.

He is often blunt to the point of insulting, but he will apologize once he realizes he said something wrong. He won't ever apologize for a little bit of sass, though. He's a prankster and will find the most PERFECT opportunity to unleash one onto someone. And consequences? Who? Zagreus never thinks of the consequences, recklessly running into situations way over his head and getting hurt, mentally or physically, and hurt often. He isn't the most intelligent man alive, and he knows it. He is also a little bit of a kleptomaniac, swiping things from people without care- but only small things. If something small isn't tied down and he wants it, he'll take it when no one is looking.

FAMILY: Hades (father, alive), Kore (mother, alive), many aunts and uncles and cousins. Big family.
BIRTHPLACE: A small hold near High Reaches
Zagreus grew up the only child of a couple from a small hold near High Reaches. He spent most of his days playing with the other children at the hold. When he got older, he was expected to chip in with the work that one of his parents did, and he much preferred farming with his mother, Kore, than whatever the hell his father did- trading. His father had tough expectations of him and was always tough on him in return, his mother was always kind to him, so of course he favored being around mother dearest.

As time went on, Zagreus found that he didn't want to stay. He didn't actually like farming, was never going to do what his dad did (he never really cared enough to learn), and he wanted more out of his life. Literally anything. In all honesty, he didn't quite care what he did as long as it wasn't at his hold and was more exciting than tilling dirt and planting crops. Maybe a weyr? Maybe a bigger hold? Faranth, anything would be better. He never put much thought into it beyond, 'I would like to leave.' There wasn't much he could do about it, though. He didn't really know anyone who would take him somewhere else, and he didn't have a large enough sum of money to pay a passing caravan to take him anywhere- and he certainly wasn't going to ask for a handout from dear old dad. So, he stayed and kept farming with his mom, much to his dismay. It was a fine life, sure, but it wasn't one he was completely happy with.

And then, he was searched. The searchdragons came, the searchdragons took him to High Reaches, and he would stand at whatever Hatching came his way, no matter the creature. Zagreus was glad to stand, honestly, anything that would take him away from home. It wasn't his original idea, but, what's the problem with having a dragon or wher around for company?

Last edited by AtlasHyperion on Fri Sep 29, 2023 6:31 pm, edited 13 times in total.
Fort Weyr
Aries of Bronze Vereigth
L'uke of Bronze Paleskyth | Green Kyber
Ony'ra of Bronze Sekigaeith
Cal of Brown Langeth | Blue Wing & Gold Daylight
Driscoll of Brown Lobsevith | Canine Sam
Johnny of Brown Cobreth
Sr. Weyrleader Negan of Brown Wireth | Blue Walker & Blue Roamer
Rainbow of Blue Rasuneth
Zhenya of Blue Kraskath | Green Ksyusha
D'eryn of Green Hachimath
Er'sa of Green Kapitath
Reign of Green Asakurth
Roisin of Green Twelith | Gold Supernova
Serras of Green Inashtath
Weyrling Toska of Green Bombyxith
T'rix of Green Clohoth | Green Daisy May
Laurie of White Lacheith
Qrow of White Brachyth | Gold Firecracker & Garnet Pipsqueak
Vox of White Varelsith | Bronze Baker's Dozen & Sonora Sunrise
Dawn Squadleader Theseus of Gold Thesk
Wherleader Reinhardt of Bronze Reinsk
Misun of Brown Emissk and Green Misusk | Gold Lonny
Journeyman Starsmith Bastille of Garnet Bassk | Brown Teide
Briayse of Garnet Briaysk
Jimmy of Garnet Jamesk
Journeyman Smith Geoffrey of Blue Eldreosk
Journeyman Healer Jonathan of Green Jonask
KV of Green Kirvisk
Journeyman Harper Tommy of Green Tomsk
Dragonless Matyll
High Reaches Weyr
Zagreus of Gold Galdeneth | Garnet Cerberus
Caleb of Bronze Marceth
Firestorm Wingsecond T'lery of Bronze Maskerath
Weyrling Elise of Brown Mririhgith
Graemerre of Garnet Ofereth
Scarlet of Garnet Phalanth
Dennys of Blue Vilkarath
Apprentice Miner Le'nore of Blue Vickoth | Garnet Bajiquan
Journeyman Healer Moira of Blue Deoraith
Wheatley of Blue Usurth
D'ot of Green Mystreth
Florian of Green Uesugith
CM Pomegranate of Green Lyth | Bronze Arils
Iovi of Bronze Zerusavisk | Gold Sundrop
Andreyane of Brown Andreysk
Dante of Brown Dansk and Brown Ask | White Rebellion
Shoresy of Garnet Shorsk | Green Big Sexy
Sonic of Garnet Sonisk
Jr. Weyrleader Connor of Blue Andorsk and Hemimorphite Connosk | Canine Sumo & Garnet Traci
Master Vinter Glaidan of Blue Glaisk
Linny of Blue Linirask
Laoghaire of Blue Laosk | Bronze Gilleasbuig
Aida of Green Aidask | White Boots
Ascelin of Green Celisk
Journeyman Smith Ash of Green Assk | Green Boomstick
AWM Joel of Green Joesk
Volo of White Volosk
Headwoman Nanette | Brown Boreas & White Notos
Weyrbrat Galina | Brown Stripe
Semaca Weyr
Kenn'y of Azurite Iscaroth | Garnet Ruby
Snake of Brown Emmerith | Canine Sunny
Journeyman Healer J'velle of Garnet Selulath
L'ux of Garnet Ambraliath | White Coal
Tec'na of Garnet Melodith
Wild of Garnet Kagerith | Gold Triforce
Minuet Wingleader Blumiere of Blue Nastasiath
He'ra of Blue Entreneurth | Snake Sonder
Pirate Weyrling Ka'fka of Blue Abhorseth | Feline Sir Meowsalot
Lori of Blue Raerth | Blue Skip-It
Nikola of Blue Manarth
O'dair of Blue Ovisreth
Chopin Wingleader Rogers of Blue Tesseth
Sportacus of Blue Kidulth
Journeyman Healer Victor of Blue Taeth
F'ythe of Green Padaranth | Blue Esda
Kihaza of Green Ariaath
Rhys of Green Vauth
R'inash of Green Ioth
Pirate Tetra of Green Yilylath | Gold Goddess
K'ymask of White Lothwyth
Guzma of Bronze Guzmask
Mak of Bronze Valask | Brown Petryshyn
Bella of Garnet Bellask | Green Plumbob
Journeyman Healer Borealis of Blue Borealisk
Wherleader Lacra of Blue Mioarask | Gold Luminita
Journeyman Harper Hedroom of Green Hedrosk
Spengler of Green Spesk
Dimentio of White Disk | White Prognosticus
Valentine of White Valensk | Green Piper
Journeyman Harper Mondlicht
Journeyman Healer Vokonis | Green Charo
Pirate Conway | Brown No-Name
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NAME: Galdeneth (Gall-den-eth)
BIRTHDATE Early Summer 2772
AGE: 3 as of 2775



LENGTH: 59ft
HEIGHT: 14.25ft
WINGSPAN: 88.5ft
HEX CODE: #e96015
Even by the standards of golds, Galdeneth easily catches the eye. On the larger end for a queen, she is sleek and long, with broad, round wings and an arrow-shaped face. Galdeneth's hide is a reddish, molten gold liberally decorated with stripes and swirls of a paler, more traditional gold. The undersails of her wings are marked with pale gold markings that almost resemble the feathers of some giant bird.

Galdeneth is, at first glance, a quiet and seemingly-shy gold. She is very compassionate, willing to stop and save every lost baby bird or abandoned puppy that she finds. She has a big heart, and truly wants to make things better. But she is not a pushover, and one would be wise to remember that. She is stubborn, willing to plant her feet and stand her ground to push for what she wants if she thinks it will be for the greater good. She will force her way into an argument to try to make peace, determined to find a solution that helps everyone in the end. Galdeneth has no desire to really start conflict, but she has nothing against finishing it.

To her human, Galdeneth is attached to them at the hip. She wants to be where they are, to see what they're doing and try to get into whatever mischief they are. As she comes out of her shell, she is less shy than first thought. She is a dreamer, a lover of nature, and not really what one would call a leader. She sees herself more as a mediator. She has no tolerance for those who support senseless violence, wishing to find a different solution. She would much rather find peace on Pern instead of continuing the problems of the past. High Reaches needs to reach a new dawn, and she is happy to help get it there as much as she can. She wants to see the world thrive, she truly does.

Voice: Galdeneth's voice is rather soft, and rarely raises her voice. She sometimes forgets the right word for a situation.

Why Me?: Whether or not this is what Zag was looking for, Galdeneth chose him. He's going to have to be responsible now, and she's going to need to keep him from running off half-cocked. It's perfect.

Last edited by AtlasHyperion on Fri Sep 29, 2023 6:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Fort Weyr
Aries of Bronze Vereigth
L'uke of Bronze Paleskyth | Green Kyber
Ony'ra of Bronze Sekigaeith
Cal of Brown Langeth | Blue Wing & Gold Daylight
Driscoll of Brown Lobsevith | Canine Sam
Johnny of Brown Cobreth
Sr. Weyrleader Negan of Brown Wireth | Blue Walker & Blue Roamer
Rainbow of Blue Rasuneth
Zhenya of Blue Kraskath | Green Ksyusha
D'eryn of Green Hachimath
Er'sa of Green Kapitath
Reign of Green Asakurth
Roisin of Green Twelith | Gold Supernova
Serras of Green Inashtath
Weyrling Toska of Green Bombyxith
T'rix of Green Clohoth | Green Daisy May
Laurie of White Lacheith
Qrow of White Brachyth | Gold Firecracker & Garnet Pipsqueak
Vox of White Varelsith | Bronze Baker's Dozen & Sonora Sunrise
Dawn Squadleader Theseus of Gold Thesk
Wherleader Reinhardt of Bronze Reinsk
Misun of Brown Emissk and Green Misusk | Gold Lonny
Journeyman Starsmith Bastille of Garnet Bassk | Brown Teide
Briayse of Garnet Briaysk
Jimmy of Garnet Jamesk
Journeyman Smith Geoffrey of Blue Eldreosk
Journeyman Healer Jonathan of Green Jonask
KV of Green Kirvisk
Journeyman Harper Tommy of Green Tomsk
Dragonless Matyll
High Reaches Weyr
Zagreus of Gold Galdeneth | Garnet Cerberus
Caleb of Bronze Marceth
Firestorm Wingsecond T'lery of Bronze Maskerath
Weyrling Elise of Brown Mririhgith
Graemerre of Garnet Ofereth
Scarlet of Garnet Phalanth
Dennys of Blue Vilkarath
Apprentice Miner Le'nore of Blue Vickoth | Garnet Bajiquan
Journeyman Healer Moira of Blue Deoraith
Wheatley of Blue Usurth
D'ot of Green Mystreth
Florian of Green Uesugith
CM Pomegranate of Green Lyth | Bronze Arils
Iovi of Bronze Zerusavisk | Gold Sundrop
Andreyane of Brown Andreysk
Dante of Brown Dansk and Brown Ask | White Rebellion
Shoresy of Garnet Shorsk | Green Big Sexy
Sonic of Garnet Sonisk
Jr. Weyrleader Connor of Blue Andorsk and Hemimorphite Connosk | Canine Sumo & Garnet Traci
Master Vinter Glaidan of Blue Glaisk
Linny of Blue Linirask
Laoghaire of Blue Laosk | Bronze Gilleasbuig
Aida of Green Aidask | White Boots
Ascelin of Green Celisk
Journeyman Smith Ash of Green Assk | Green Boomstick
AWM Joel of Green Joesk
Volo of White Volosk
Headwoman Nanette | Brown Boreas & White Notos
Weyrbrat Galina | Brown Stripe
Semaca Weyr
Kenn'y of Azurite Iscaroth | Garnet Ruby
Snake of Brown Emmerith | Canine Sunny
Journeyman Healer J'velle of Garnet Selulath
L'ux of Garnet Ambraliath | White Coal
Tec'na of Garnet Melodith
Wild of Garnet Kagerith | Gold Triforce
Minuet Wingleader Blumiere of Blue Nastasiath
He'ra of Blue Entreneurth | Snake Sonder
Pirate Weyrling Ka'fka of Blue Abhorseth | Feline Sir Meowsalot
Lori of Blue Raerth | Blue Skip-It
Nikola of Blue Manarth
O'dair of Blue Ovisreth
Chopin Wingleader Rogers of Blue Tesseth
Sportacus of Blue Kidulth
Journeyman Healer Victor of Blue Taeth
F'ythe of Green Padaranth | Blue Esda
Kihaza of Green Ariaath
Rhys of Green Vauth
R'inash of Green Ioth
Pirate Tetra of Green Yilylath | Gold Goddess
K'ymask of White Lothwyth
Guzma of Bronze Guzmask
Mak of Bronze Valask | Brown Petryshyn
Bella of Garnet Bellask | Green Plumbob
Journeyman Healer Borealis of Blue Borealisk
Wherleader Lacra of Blue Mioarask | Gold Luminita
Journeyman Harper Hedroom of Green Hedrosk
Spengler of Green Spesk
Dimentio of White Disk | White Prognosticus
Valentine of White Valensk | Green Piper
Journeyman Harper Mondlicht
Journeyman Healer Vokonis | Green Charo
Pirate Conway | Brown No-Name
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NAME: Cerberus
BIRTHDATE: Summer 2766
AGE: 9 as of 2775

COLOR: Garnet
Cerberus is a dark red gal through and through. She's a big gal too, large in size and large in muscles. Her most identifying feature is the light pink circles trailing down her sides and tail with the same color covering her front legs. These circles are encircled within a much more vibrant red color.

Cerberus is a good gal! She's real sweet and just BEGGING for scritches. She is the most cuddly, most kind flit you'll ever meet... unless you anger her. Then get ready for all the fury and rage of at least three flits. She will bite, she will rip, she will tear up your furniture. Quite temperamental, she is.
Fort Weyr
Aries of Bronze Vereigth
L'uke of Bronze Paleskyth | Green Kyber
Ony'ra of Bronze Sekigaeith
Cal of Brown Langeth | Blue Wing & Gold Daylight
Driscoll of Brown Lobsevith | Canine Sam
Johnny of Brown Cobreth
Sr. Weyrleader Negan of Brown Wireth | Blue Walker & Blue Roamer
Rainbow of Blue Rasuneth
Zhenya of Blue Kraskath | Green Ksyusha
D'eryn of Green Hachimath
Er'sa of Green Kapitath
Reign of Green Asakurth
Roisin of Green Twelith | Gold Supernova
Serras of Green Inashtath
Weyrling Toska of Green Bombyxith
T'rix of Green Clohoth | Green Daisy May
Laurie of White Lacheith
Qrow of White Brachyth | Gold Firecracker & Garnet Pipsqueak
Vox of White Varelsith | Bronze Baker's Dozen & Sonora Sunrise
Dawn Squadleader Theseus of Gold Thesk
Wherleader Reinhardt of Bronze Reinsk
Misun of Brown Emissk and Green Misusk | Gold Lonny
Journeyman Starsmith Bastille of Garnet Bassk | Brown Teide
Briayse of Garnet Briaysk
Jimmy of Garnet Jamesk
Journeyman Smith Geoffrey of Blue Eldreosk
Journeyman Healer Jonathan of Green Jonask
KV of Green Kirvisk
Journeyman Harper Tommy of Green Tomsk
Dragonless Matyll
High Reaches Weyr
Zagreus of Gold Galdeneth | Garnet Cerberus
Caleb of Bronze Marceth
Firestorm Wingsecond T'lery of Bronze Maskerath
Weyrling Elise of Brown Mririhgith
Graemerre of Garnet Ofereth
Scarlet of Garnet Phalanth
Dennys of Blue Vilkarath
Apprentice Miner Le'nore of Blue Vickoth | Garnet Bajiquan
Journeyman Healer Moira of Blue Deoraith
Wheatley of Blue Usurth
D'ot of Green Mystreth
Florian of Green Uesugith
CM Pomegranate of Green Lyth | Bronze Arils
Iovi of Bronze Zerusavisk | Gold Sundrop
Andreyane of Brown Andreysk
Dante of Brown Dansk and Brown Ask | White Rebellion
Shoresy of Garnet Shorsk | Green Big Sexy
Sonic of Garnet Sonisk
Jr. Weyrleader Connor of Blue Andorsk and Hemimorphite Connosk | Canine Sumo & Garnet Traci
Master Vinter Glaidan of Blue Glaisk
Linny of Blue Linirask
Laoghaire of Blue Laosk | Bronze Gilleasbuig
Aida of Green Aidask | White Boots
Ascelin of Green Celisk
Journeyman Smith Ash of Green Assk | Green Boomstick
AWM Joel of Green Joesk
Volo of White Volosk
Headwoman Nanette | Brown Boreas & White Notos
Weyrbrat Galina | Brown Stripe
Semaca Weyr
Kenn'y of Azurite Iscaroth | Garnet Ruby
Snake of Brown Emmerith | Canine Sunny
Journeyman Healer J'velle of Garnet Selulath
L'ux of Garnet Ambraliath | White Coal
Tec'na of Garnet Melodith
Wild of Garnet Kagerith | Gold Triforce
Minuet Wingleader Blumiere of Blue Nastasiath
He'ra of Blue Entreneurth | Snake Sonder
Pirate Weyrling Ka'fka of Blue Abhorseth | Feline Sir Meowsalot
Lori of Blue Raerth | Blue Skip-It
Nikola of Blue Manarth
O'dair of Blue Ovisreth
Chopin Wingleader Rogers of Blue Tesseth
Sportacus of Blue Kidulth
Journeyman Healer Victor of Blue Taeth
F'ythe of Green Padaranth | Blue Esda
Kihaza of Green Ariaath
Rhys of Green Vauth
R'inash of Green Ioth
Pirate Tetra of Green Yilylath | Gold Goddess
K'ymask of White Lothwyth
Guzma of Bronze Guzmask
Mak of Bronze Valask | Brown Petryshyn
Bella of Garnet Bellask | Green Plumbob
Journeyman Healer Borealis of Blue Borealisk
Wherleader Lacra of Blue Mioarask | Gold Luminita
Journeyman Harper Hedroom of Green Hedrosk
Spengler of Green Spesk
Dimentio of White Disk | White Prognosticus
Valentine of White Valensk | Green Piper
Journeyman Harper Mondlicht
Journeyman Healer Vokonis | Green Charo
Pirate Conway | Brown No-Name
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