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T'ani of Green Amphelisith

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T'ani of Green Amphelisith



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NAME: T'ani; originally Tahani
GENDER: Feminine
PRONOUNS: Feminine (she/her/hers)
ORIENTATION: Questioning, but very romantic and utterly hopeless

BIRTHDATE: Late Spring 2752
AGE: 24 as of 2776
LOCATION: High Reaches Weyr
OCCUPATION: Apprentice Healer, Wingrider
WING: Healer's

EYES: Blue
HAIR: Brown
PLAY-BY: Tiffany Taubman
Small and soft, so much so as to be called "pleasantly plump," T'ani stand at 5' 1" in total. Falling in waves to beyond her shoulders, her hair is dark brown, while her eyes are a lovely steel blue shade, wide and large in her face. As for her choice of clothing, T'ani prefers sweaters and long shirts in muted shades and pants that hug her body, alongside her standard everyday boots.

PERSONALITY: TW: feelings of worthlessness (mention)
T'ani is a sweet girl, being both shy and outspoken, depending on what's happening. While she loves others and enjoys speaking about most subjects to everyone willing to engage her, it can get annoying if permitted to continue for too long; some might call her a chatterbox, if she feels comfortable enough to start talking. If given a chance, she would take in every animal that needed help, for she has so much love to give. But while she is rather attuned to others, her shyness and insecurity can stay her tongue; she simply isn't talkative or outgoing. T'ani's love for all life extends into her healing, for she tries her hardest to tend to every hurt she can, to meet her patients' needs before they know they need something. It's her job as a Healer to heal those who are sick and injured, her duty as a dragonrider to protect Pern from Thread's ravages, which lets her find great joy in both aspects of her work.

T'ani finds words and numbers difficult and utterly frustrating. It's difficult to explain it from her viewpoint, but she both struggles to analyze new input and isn't a very savvy person overall, which worsens her troubles. It can get so bad that T'ani will burst into tears in sheer frustration, seeing her almost inconsolable. Stemming from her struggle to comprehend words and numbers is a sense of insecurity and worthlessness. Who would want to engage a person who stumbles on her words and can't calculate a simple mathematical problem? It can cause T'ani to withdraw, long enough to calm herself and don a bright smile again. As a result, she tries to avoid situations where she has to write long sentences or perform mathematical equations, but she stumbles through them where she must.

T'ani is very naive, to be blunt. No matter if they've done horrible things before, she always sees what's best in others. It can lead her to be easily manipulated, her kindness a weak point to exploit. Once she realizes what has happened, T'ani will often retreat into herself, trying to determine what went wrong. Something else to note is her reluctance to break a rule. No matter if Pern's fate is at stake, she finds herself almost unable to disobey an order; these rules were put in place for a reason, so they must be right, right? But her biggest weakness of all is one of her strengths: her love of life. Should someone be under threat, T'ani will do what is necessary to keep them safe, no matter what she must sacrifice herself.

Parents - both Journeyman Healers - both living - open tie(s)!
Siblings/Half-Siblings - numerous younger siblings, all living - open tie(s)!
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Malleus of Bronze Briaroseth
BIRTHPLACE: Red Sands Hold
Born to caring Healer parents in Red Sands Hold, Tahani wanted for nothing; she had a good home, loving parents, multiple siblings she loved, and an education she adored in store. Growing up fair and gentle, she ended up incredibly patient from Turns of minding her younger siblings to take some strain off her hardworking parents. Once she was deemed eligible for Apprenticeship, she began immediately, loving her studies immediately, for helping others pleased her greatly, in addition to following in her parents' footsteps. What wasn't to like?

Turns passed and Tahani progressed well in her studies, in spite of her difficulty understanding numbers. But something more began stirring in her heart. Though she wouldn't give up her Apprenticeship, what would happen after she graduated? Would she stay here, in Reds Sands, alongside her parents? Or would she spread her wings and fly, to see a world outside these walls she'd known all her life? Regardless, her answer appeared as a Searchrider from Ista. Of all eligible men and women, it was Tahani that was chosen! Shocked, but delighted to go on such an adventure, she accepted and packed her things, bidding her family farewell before heading to Ista.

A Candidate at sixteen, Tahani was eager to please and excited for what might come. Though she stood at multiple hatchings and was not chosen, she was determined to stay hopeful. Seeing as she had some Turns to go before she would age out, she had time to wait; if she did age out, she could still stay and take her place as weyrfolk. Opportunity seemed endless here in Ista. It was her third hatching in Tahani's seventeenth Turn where fortune smiled down on her. A brightly colored shell cracked and sent shards everywhere from its occupant's excitement, letting a green trip into view. Shaking herself off, she bounced among her options, headbutting those who seemed like a decent match. But before long, she stopped at Tahani‘s feet after knocking her down, letting her name be known: Amphelisith.

T'ani and Amphelisith soon graduated from weyrlinghood into a fully fledged dragonpair, but there was one wish that both of them hoped to see fulfilled: Amphelisith wanted to clutch and bring forth young, while T'ani was proud to help her bonded see her dream to fruition. So she respectfully declined to use firestone, rather choosing to help in other tasks that didn't requite a dragon's phosphine breath. But once it felt right, T'ani and Amphelisith requested transfer to High Reaches Weyr; a new adventure awaited them, one both eagerly looked forward to experiencing together.

  • Early Summer 2773: A weyrbrat handing out fire-lizard eggs gives one to T'ani, which promptly hatches into her blue Zale!
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NAME: Amphelisith (Am-fel-eh-sith)
BIRTHDATE: Late Summer 2769
AGE: 7 as of 2776



LENGTH: 26.5 ft.
HEIGHT: 7.25 ft.
WINGSPAN: 38.75 ft.
COLOR: Green
HEX CODE: #9ee53f
Amphelisith is a small green, built for speed and maneuverability. If life were a race, she would be first to finish. That being said, she isn't built for endurance, though she can certainly outlast a Fall through sheer determination and spite. Amphelisith has a light green hide that has a bright pop to it, her markings hard to miss in bold yellow green; her entire underside sports that bright color from throat to tail, as does her snout, wingsails, and wingfingers. Swirls grace her body from her belly, curling down flanks. Dots quite literally dot her body, making a half circle around her eyes and along her flank markings.

Amphelisith is utter trouble. Bold and reckless, she looks for fun wherever she goes, no matter what form said fun takes. Peril is part of everyday life, so she may as well make it count for something! But in spite of her silliness, Amphelisith is rather smart; while her chaotic nature makes her seem foolish, that doesn't mean she's stupid or naive. Capable of smelling a lie from a mile away, she doesn't take kindly to manipulative types, be it human, dragon, wher, or flit; they spoil her fun! Once roused to anger, to defend her bonded or otherwise, no one is spared her wrath. Amphelisith rarely forgets a wrong against her or those she loves and will always get her last word in. Being a fighting spirit that cannot be crushed, she would rather die than let someone claim mastery of her. Amphelisith is hardheaded and headstrong, so much so that she can rarely be matched, her temper an unpredictable force that can flare up very quickly in response to a threat real or imagined.

To her bonded, Amphelisith is a best friend, but one who always gets her in trouble. Though she'll always stick to T'ani like glue and won't let her buddy fall behind, she isn't above getting them both in trouble. To Amphelisith, T'ani needs to loosen up a bit, so she's there to help; rules were meant to be broken! Amphelisith absolutely adores children, longing to bring forth young of her own. To see them hatch and Impress, later maturing into fine young dragons, would be a dream come true. Additionally, she's a bit of a flirt, enjoying exchanging words to dragons in her wing in exciting bouts of wordplay. That isn't to say Amphelisith isn't loyal; it would take Thread falling up or flying spotties for her to forsake those she loves.

VOICE: Amphelisith has a distinctly feminine voice, high and lilting. Though she may not feel sad, she often sounds mournful.
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NAME: King of All Silver Sassy Cats, Regal and Majestic Mortimer, First of His Name; usually called Mortimer or Morty
BIRTHDATE: Late Fall 2766
AGE: 10 as of 2776

Mortimer is simply enormous. So large and bulky is his Majesty that T'ani often has difficulty carrying him for long, but he's not fat. Rather, he is pure fur and a dense combination of skeleton and muscle that makes for a very hefty feline. Mortimer boasts a coat of pure silver, his eyes golden yellow. One leg, specifically his right hind, suffered injury in his kittenhood before he was adopted by T'ani. While he's since recovered, he still has a minor limp; no fur will grow there and Mortimer is very adamant against that spot being touched.

A perpetually angry and utterly crabby feline, Mortimer is a grumpy old sourpuss, absolutely unaffected by plies of affection or food or toys. Rather, he prefers to curl up before a hearth to bask in its warmth. Perhaps things were or would've been different if his circumstances at birth weren't as they'd been, but it doesn't matter now. Morty is a proud feline, valuing his privacy and solitude above all else, not taking very well to socializing. For T'ani, he will let his guard down somewhat, accepting pettings and other forms of affection from her. Secretly, he enjoys sitting in her lap while she relaxes after a long day, but good luck getting him to show it.
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NAME: Zale
BIRTHDATE: Early Summer 2773
AGE: 3 as of 2776

Being smaller than an average blue doesn't stop Zale from achieving every notion that pops into his head. In fact, his smaller size is often a boon; his agility and speed are near unrivaled. Given his noodle-shaped body, narrow wings, and an arrow-shaped head, he seems built to be a mischievous gremlin. Zale's denim blue hide is painted by darker denim swirls all across his body, while his wings are completely coated in a brighter blue.

Zale is quite a rogue...or so he thinks himself to be. While he's most certainly a sneak thief and a mischief maker, he's distinctly short of mystery and intrigue that most rogues possess. In truth, Zale is a dork. One of his favorite pastimes is competing for rights to curl up in T'ani's lap against feline Mortimer, as well as swiping shiny things as gifts for her. Finders-keepers, right? In contrast to his rivalry against Morty, Zale likes Amphelisith a great deal, a feeling she returns. Zale is quite a loving blue, but often a handful. Complete focus on him is an absolute must, so much so that he'll cheep incessantly until he is satisfied. Being rather protective of his bonded, strangers are put through quite a challenge to earn his seal of approval. Zale is most certainly not above biting or divebombing strangers to provoke them, much poor T'ani's chagrin. Though he's rather intelligent, he'd rather be lazy and nap in a sunny spot than respond to calls; training him is possible, but difficult.
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