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Eletsoria of Green Eletsorisk

    Tue Jun 26, 2018 2:10 pm
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Eletsoria of Green Eletsorisk

"Live each day like it's your last. One day, you'll get it right."


NAME: Eletsoria, called Sori by childhood friends.
GENDER: Female (cis)
PRONOUNS: She/Her/Hers

BIRTHDATE: Late fall, 2740
AGE: 26 as of late winter, 2766
LOCATION: High Reaches Weyr
OCCUPATION: Officially, greenwherling. Unofficially, gather fortune teller, self-taught healer, embroiderer extraordinaire, and herbalist.

EYES: Brown (amber-hued)
HAIR: Black
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'6" with a slender, almost fragile-looking build.
PLAY-BY: Art by quibbs/tessthompson (tumblr)
FULL APPEARANCE: Her skin is somewhat pale--not quite stark or even, but pale nonetheless. It's sensitive to the sun, and she burns easily, so as a result, she often wears wide-brimmed hats to protect her from the sun. Her physical frame looks almost delicate; slender and elegant, but perhaps fragile, and certainly not much good for the more physical of tasks. Of average height, at 5'6", she is hardly an imposing figure. Her black hair, wavy, reaches her lower back, and her petite facial features given her a somewhat more youthful appearance. Her nose and cheeks are touched with a splattering of light freckles, and her amber-brown eyes are surrounded by short, thick eyelashes. Because her vision is so poor, especially for seeing at a distance, she wears a pair of thick glasses with black frames.

Eletsoria loves wearing dresses, finery, and lace. In terms of colors, she prefers to wear all black--or at least something dark. Naturally, she enjoys accenting her outfits with jewelry and accessories. All in all, she always looks rather neat and well put-together, with an air of regality...well, beyond the smears of dark makeup on her face, more heavily applied than most would consider "reasonable," "wise," or "mature." Not that she seems to mind, as she carries herself as if she had confidence in all that she does. Her voice, too, sounds confident and sturdy, but quite feminine. While she usually sounds relatively monotone and dry, she varies the emotion in her voice, going from sarcastic or lethargic to emotional or energetic whenever she feels like it--but not necessarily when the situation calls for it. Sometimes, this can make her difficult to get a read on.

Mental illness, depression description, suicidal ideation
Eletsoria's depression has gotten worse in recent turns. She is, in some ways, a drag to be around, often acting mopey and sullen. Pessimistic, she tends to act as if there is no point to anything. She is a woman of intense emotional outbursts, and even feels suicidal at times. She has incredibly low self-esteem and hates herself, as well as tending to dwell on negative thoughts. While she has become worse at avoiding her emotions, she still avoids activities and behaviors that prove to trigger her depression, such as stressful situations. In truth, she feels broken, as though there is something wrong with her. She feels as though she is incredibly flawed and doesn't belong in this world, as though she doesn't have a place in it. Eletsoria tends to withdraw from social interactions as a result, feeling isolated and alienated--a vicious cycle. She may come off as a bit distant or shy with people she doesn't know well, but this distance is because she feels as though there is a wall separating her from others. She feels truly alone, save for her wher, who has saved her from seriously wanting to die.

She sees herself as flawed, but doesn't see the flaws that would help her improve or recover. For example, she doesn't understand that she needs to work on viewing herself in a more positive light, or being less clingy and intense in relationships, but she will feel as though she can't do anything right, even if she's not self-aware enough to know what. Emotionally, she's exhausted, feeling as though she is wasting her life. With unreasonable expectations for herself and a tendency to try too hard in all that she does, she finds herself dissatisfied with life and herself. She lacks a sense of purpose or meaning, much to her distress.

That said, her interests are certainly unique. She loves storytelling, but tends to present fake stories as if they are truthful. If asked, she'll tell someone the truth, of course. She also enjoys "fortune telling," either through the stars, dice, or animal bones--a weird quirk that she's not sure even she believes in. She loves to gamble and spend money, which she does somewhat impulsively at times. The stars are precious to her, and she loves stargazing. Most importantly, she loves nature and plants, and knows some healing well as less beneficial plants. She can list off the various uses for a plant, but sometimes finds herself forgetting the name. Instead, she'll have her own name for it, like "spiny tree droppings" or "fluffybobber," or something equally silly. She's a jack of many trades--healing, fortune telling, storytelling, knowledge--master of none. Occasionally, she will have good moods, and when she does, she's still quiet, but she is sarcastic and teasing. She tries to act less depressed most of the time, but is not very good at it, and it is clearly strained and forced, and she always acts with self-depreciating humor. She only feels content when Eletsorisk comforts her, or when spending time with her bond in nature. Eletsoria is forever curious, even in the depths of her depression. She wants to know everything, focused on learning and knowledge. Occasionally, she picks up sudden, short-lived, obsessive interests, and passionately learns everything she can on the subject, before moving on to a new interest.

Both physically and emotionally, she is quite affectionate. Although needy and quick to throw her heart to others, she lacks trust in them, always assuming they will eventually leave her and betray her. She is clingy, an open book, and very intense. Emotional bonds with her are intense, and to many, exhausting. While she is not possessive or jealous, she will get hurt if someone she cares for deeply doesn't give her enough attention or affection. Some call her dedicated and passionate; others say she's obsessive and irritating. Certainly, she's a romantic, but this applies to most relationships. Eletsoria is prone to over-investing in relationships, and despite her thoughts that others will leave, she over-values them, assuming that she is closer to the person than she actually is.

FAMILY: Eosorin (father), Aelet (mother), Eolet (older twin, fraternal)
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Faranth, she wishes...
BIRTHPLACE: a minor hold near Fort Hold
Mental illness, suicide attempt
Eosorin and Aelet were a pair of drudges in a minor hold, not far from Fort Hold. Despite the hold not having healers available, Aelet survived the birth of twins Eletsoria and Eolet, who were fraternal. That being said, they had quite the resemblance, and were quite close, always spending their childhood together, despite the personality differences. Eletsoria is the younger, by a larger margin than would normally be expected, and was a slightly more difficult birth. In their youth, they were called Sori and Eo. Some childhood friends would still call Eletsoria Sori, but Eletsoria was the only one to continue calling her sibling Eo.

From a young age, Eletsoria had many interests--fewer friends, though, since she focused on interests, hobbies, and other productive things that she may not have enjoyed quite as much (embroidery). For example, she taught herself what different plants did, and what they looked like, and used that knowledge to work on healing, largely. That said, she had poor sight for distance, and no glasses, as her family could certainly not afford them, so she had to hold them up to her face, and cannot tell what a plant is from a distance. Her family was relatively poor, even poverty-stricken, but despite this, she had a happy childhood, with a loving family. They lived under a lord holder who used the hold's wealth on himself, leaving little for poor families such as hers. Eletsoria tried to contribute as best she could, but her clumsiness due to her sight made her a poor drudge.

Both of her parents were illiterate, but they insisted that their children learn to read. Perhaps Eolet and Eletsoria could pick up a craft, despite the fact that the children were more interested in trying to help their parents. Still, Eolet and Eletsoria were taught by an older mentor, Irasinn, and the two did learn to read. In fact, they loved reading, and read whatever they could get their hands on. After almost dying of a serious disease due to a lack of nearby healer, Eletsoria began doing independent research on healing, to learn the basics of the craft. Although terrified of getting sick herself, she was willing to work with sick individuals, and her skill is approximately equal to an apprentice in knowledge, but with less practical experience and no official title.

Although embroidery came naturally to her, and could get the family a few extra marks, Eletsoria always hated it. Still, when combined with other forms of income, it was enough to get by. Eolet stole, largely from the lord holder, and Eletsoria often conned people out of money by telling fortunes, and ensuring that certain parts came true, using her sibling's network of connections. Bad luck, good luck? She could make either happen, with the right people and resources. Plus, her fortunes were vague enough to work. The market was niche outside of gathers, but every little bit helped.

Her depression developed in her teenage years, and was certainly more intense when she was a teenager--less of a struggle to do things and enjoy things, more of a constant state of intense misery. She even went so far as to try to end her own life, when she was 14, overdosing on fellis--though not quite enough, in the end, to kill her. She was found by Eolet, who stayed by her side the entire time. Later, she would regard this attempt in a weirdly casual way, mostly out of embarrassment.

At the age of 15, Eolet was caught stealing money, and was banished rather than simply branded, largely because she cashed in on a few owed favors from contacts. Most notably, she had someone bring forth blackmail they had on the lord holder, about some questionable practices, and promise to keep quiet for Eolet's freedom. As a result, she fled to High Reaches Weyr, which was sufficiently far from their hold. At this point, Eletsoria stopped doing her conning as much, and instead, offered healing services.

During Evander's rise to power, the Lord Holder at their hold was a staunch supporter of him. Naturally, he denied even the plausibility of Evander's poisoning rumor, and likely supported the many changes to the man's hold, while tightening security on his own. When Evander was overthrown, however, the lord holder pretended he had never supported the man in the first place, and denounced him.

Additionally, she had a temper, though she grew out of this, and she only mellowed out a little after attempting to run away, after a major fight with her parents, about not wanting to join a craft. After fleeing, she was attacked by some travelling thieves, but was saved by an individual from her hold, five turns older. Eletsoria fell in love with Mesarin, but the quiet, solemn, practical woman never reciprocated, largely because of age. Still, they were friends, in a way, with Eletsoria following her around, and Mesarin tolerating.

At 18, she made a more rational decision to leave, and left her parents with all of her savings, before striking it out to go find her sibling at High Reaches Weyr. Eolet had kept in contact with written letters for some time, but Eletsoria's arrival was a surprise. The trek was a bit difficult, without draconic transportation, but she found Eolet easily once she arrived, and Eolet tolerated this, albeit with begrudging affection. (Both kept in contact with their parents after this, assuring them that they were safe, despite High Reaches and its...High-Reaches-ness.) Mesarin traveled with her, to help her find Eolet, but then left her in her sister's hands. As soon as Eletsoria met a few dragons and whers, she became a dual candidate, becoming fascinated with the ugly, useful whers, and the elegant, equally-useful dragons. Despite this, the mad queen's rule made their lives difficult, though Eolet enjoyed relative privilege. Still, they decided not to stick around any longer, and when many fled to Fort Weyr, they decided to join them.

It was likely not the best choice to go to Fort, as it was still part of conflict, and was even attacked. However, it was likely an even worse decision to return to High Reaches so soon after Golre's passing--almost immediately after, in fact. Still, it turned out well for them, until '64, when Eletsoria got sick with the plague. She was terrified, as she was fearful of illness, and almost died again. All three of her brushes with death are treated in the most casual of ways. After Eletsoria recovered, Eolet told her it was time to get some glasses, and she showed up one day with a glasscrafter who specialized in glasses. Eletsoria didn't ask how she knew the man, and Eolet didn't share--but truth is, she had blackmailed him by threatening to expose his affair to his wife. Eletsoria just let Eolet do her shady businesses, and get those weird favors from others. A turn after her illness, she found a kitten with one eye, and took the kitten in. At first, she named her Seria, after herself (because she was the parent!) but it got too confusing, so she changed it to Soria.

  • Impressed Eletsorisk--Scions of the Fae clutch.
    Tue Jun 26, 2018 2:13 pm
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NAME: Eletsorisk
BIRTHDATE Early Spring 2767
AGE: <1 as of Early Spring 2767


LENGTH: 12 ft (small-average)
HEIGHT: 4.25ft (small-average)
COLOR: Green
FULL APPEARANCE: Eletsorisk is of an average size for a green, but her coloration is anything but average. Her hide is a beautiful gradient of greens, starting at a soft grassy green around her head and slowly darkening as it approaches the tips of her tail. Across her legs and wings, things both brighten and darken, as though the light around her reflects over her coloration. The center of her body is a thing of beauty, with pale green vines winding themselves around her tail, neck, and shoulders. Among the vines are small leaves in bunches, shimmering very softly.

PERSONALITY: Eletsorisk is a gentle and beautiful wher to encounter. She is queenly with a regal sense to her, as though she watches over everyone with an innate care. She is gracious and considerate in all that she does, trying to think of ways to assist and uplift those around her. She's also built athletically, with a whimsy for running and tracking through the wilds around her. She has a gift for finding things in the wilds, and seemingly cannot get lost, no matter how turned around her person may become.

She has a lot of wisdom to share, though its hard to say where she gets it from - perhaps its genetic, or she simply has a deep sense of the world around her. She has a playful nature when she's in a good mood, wanting to play and explore the world around her and having a soft spot for youth. She has a deep affinity for nature, and cannot stand the thought of it being hurt or abused by those around her. She is very kind and affectionate to the people around her, and she has no problem with showing that affection often.

Playful and sweet is her voice, with just a hint of slyness to it!

I think they have a lot of common interests that will help them bond and become close!

The Scions of the Fae Clutch
A Small Wher Clutch

Egg: Briar Rose Kiss Egg
Info: Grow strong strong, little one.
Small but active, this egg has a beautiful brown tree across its shell. It is warm and friendly to the touch.
Dam: Gold Elysk of Elyron
Sire: Bronze Zearask of Zeara
Number: Hatched and Impressed first out of 3
Details: The sweetest egg was chosen for her, because she looked sad. She tumbled free from her egg, the picture of beauty and, otherwise, elegance.
Last edited by Pan on Sun Sep 02, 2018 11:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
    Tue Jun 26, 2018 2:14 pm
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NAME: Seria (Feline)
AGE: 1 turn as of 2765

COLOR: Black
FULL APPEARANCE: Seria is a pitch-black, short-haired feline, soft-furred and mostly pretty to look at. One of her eyes is yellow-green, as is typical for such colored cats. The other eye is closed and scarred, from when she was a kitten, long before Eletsoria found her. As a sleek, long, lithe feline, Seria is adept at getting exactly where she shouldn't be at all the worst times, as is befitting a feline. As for size, she's quite small, but certainly large enough to be an adult feline.

PERSONALITY: Seria is Trouble, with a capital T. She gets herself into all kinds of mischief, often stealing and hoarding socks, running off with jewelry, or stealing food off someone's plate. She's quite bold, and Eletsoria's doting on her has made her even more so. That being said, she's not around very much. She's elusive, and disappears for days on end, leaving Eletsoria to only guess at what her feline could possibly be up to.
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