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Rex of White Regalisk & Brown Gask

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Rex of White Regalisk & Brown Gask

Rex of White Regalisk
"lyrics or quotes here"


NAME: Rex (A nickname, full name Regalia.)
GENDER: Female, cis
PRONOUNS: she/her

BIRTHDATE: Early Winter 2751
AGE: 22 as of Late Summer 2774
LOCATION: High Reaches Weyr

EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'5", slightly curvy
PLAY-BY: picrew by sangled
Rex is fairly short, and slightly curvy, despite having a relatively small frame. She tends to present herself confidently, and shows a lot of expression - she can never stay still. Her skin is a tanned shade of light brown, and she tends to wear comfortable, practical clothing, without much care for whether or not it looks good. Her eyes are a dark brown, and her chestnut brown hair is cut so that the strands in the front reach past her shoulders, where everything in the back only goes down to her chin.

Rex is confident and bold, and also very loud, often making her presence known as soon as she enters a room. However, she has a certain air of arrogance to her, and can be very vain. She thinks she's good at everything, often bragging about how much of a genius she is. She doesn't mean to brag in a malicious way, in her opinion, she's just being honest. She genuinely just thinks she's great. As well as this, she is competitive, and often wants to be the best at everything. Though she seems to be ignorant of most of her own flaws, and isn't the wisest in general, she is intelligent, and creative - she will always have a solution to any problem, even if the solution isn't necessarily one that works. Rex is curious, and always wants to learn more about everything - she is a hard worker, but her curiosity often leads her to try to get involved in things that aren't necessarily her business. She can also be very impatient, and doesn't like waiting - she also tends to live in the moment rather than planning ahead for the future.

Rex is talkative, and tends to speak very informally, regardless of who she is talking to. She has a good sense of humour, and also doesn't understand why some people need to be so serious all the time. She has no qualms about voicing her opinions, and she won't hesitate to insult people she doesn't like very much. She doesn't often like pretentious or uptight people, finding them boring. As well as this, she often flirts with people, but most of the time she's not actually serious about it. She is good at keeping secrets, and often likes to tease the secrets she knows - however she is also prone to lying or being two-faced from time to time. Although she doesn't trust anyone she isn't super close to, she is outwardly jovial (even if she's also very egotistical) towards most people, and tends to be playfully rude to her friends... and also likes to wind up or tease people she finds 'boring'. As for how she handles personal relationships, she doesn't tend to make a lot of close friends, but she is absolutely loyal and devoted to the ones she does make.

Mother: Aliantha
Sister: Gretha of Blue Uradoth (deceased)
Father: Greg
BIRTHPLACE: A small cothold under High Reaches Weyr
TW: family death
Regalia was born in a small cothold beholden to High Reaches Weyr, the second daughter of two loving, doting parents - though her father was often working on the farm to provide for his family, her mother often stayed at home to nurture her children. Her older sister, Gretha, nine years her elder, made sure to take care of and protect her. The two daughters were almost opposites in personality; where Gretha was quiet and gentle, Regalia - or Rex, as her sister often nicknamed her, which ended up sticking - was more of a troublemaker. When she was six, her sister was Searched, and ended up bidding her goodbyes to her family and moving to the Weyr. Though her mother had heard rumours that High Reaches' Weyrwoman was a tyrant, she did not worry too much, for her sister being chosen as a potential dragonrider was a great honour to their family.

While Rex was growing up, she and the other kids in the cothold would often talk about how they wished they could be dragonriders, too. She had an aspiration - maybe, one day, she'd get a dragon or wher of her own. Her ideal creature would be her partner in crime; someone who was fun to be around. Tragedy struck when she was 10, however - a rider came to the family's door, who revealed himself to be the partner of Gretha, and had informed them that she had died in Threadfall. This devastated the entire family, who hoped they would see her again, one day. As the turns went by, Rex's mother got more and more cautious of her, starting to worry about what may happen if she were to become a rider.

Rex was Searched at 17, and her mother was conflicted. It was still a great honour, of course, but she didn't want to lose both of her children. Rex and her father both reassured her that it would be fine, and she left, on her way to the Weyr, to become a candidate. Since then, she has stood for both dragon and wher clutches, and not yet impressed.
Last edited by memerina on Sat Jul 15, 2023 6:04 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Yes... you'll do.


NAME: Regalisk
BIRTHDATE Early Fall 2771
AGE: 00 as of 2771

LENGTH: 11.5 ft
HEIGHT: 3.25 ft
COLOR: White
HEX CODE: #697076
Heavily wrinkled even by the standards of whers, Regalisk looks ancient from the day she hatches. The color of her eyes is a bit dimmer and more muted than that of most whers. She is of average length for a white wher, although shorter than most. She is neither white nor black, but a medium grey in color, with with tendrils of a darker color running up and down her spine.

At first glance, Regalisk is a teacher and a guide, a wise, slightly distant figure who wants nothing more than to help her handler reach their full potential. She is a believer in the path of absolute neutrality. She will urge her handler to resist their natural inclinations and never forget the bigger picture. She will caution against indulging in excessive cruelty but also against fighting too hard for the protection of others, lest her handler weaken those they seek to help by depriving them of the chance to fight their own battles. Regalisk's preferred path is in its own way a ruthless one. She is committed to it absolutely and wishes to share with her own handler. Regalisk has limited interest in interacting with beings besides her handler. Her handler is her prized pupil and she prefers to allow them to influence the world on the pair's behalf. When she does take an interest in another, it is usually to manipulate them in pursuit of her desired ends. Regalisk is subtle and cunning and her intentions are often difficult to understand until her plans are already well underway.

Regalisk believes that dragons and whers and even firelizards harm human society by forcing it to conform to their needs and altering the natural course of progress. While she recognizes that dragons and whers will not disappear from Pern anytime soon, she believes dragons and whers should try to minimize their influence on their bonded humans and allow their partners the freedom to grow into the people they would otherwise have become, for better or worse. Regalisk knows this view is an unpopular one and so rarely voices it. It will take time for even her own handler to learn the truth of her beliefs. Instead, she seeks to subtly steer Pern in the right direction. Regalisk admires humans who manage to succeed and rise high on their own merits without relying on a dragon or wher partner. But there is an inherent hypocrisy to her. As much as she wishes to see what humanity would become without the corrosive influence of Impression, she will forever seek to aid and guide her own handler.

Voice: Regalisk sounds like an old, wise woman and speaks with a distinctive accent. Few but her handler will ever hear her voice.

Why Me?: Regalisk sees almost as much potential in Rex as Rex sees in herself. She just needs a little bit of guidance...

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NAME: Gask
BIRTHDATE Late Spring 2775
AGE: 00 as of 2775

LENGTH: 15ft
COLOR: Brown
HEX CODE: #d16740
A flashy, showy wher, Gask is hard to miss. He's broad-chested, broad faced, with strong legs and a showy coloration. His base is a deep almost red-brown. His face is a pale orangey-brown "X" over an orangey mask. He has this multicolored "fur collar" over his chest to his shoulders. His legs have soft, faded "leg warmer" patterns on them, with little circles on his hips. He is very loud.

Gask is a wher who wants all eyes on him at all times. He's showy, he's flamboyant, and he is hard to miss. His energetic nature makes him somewhat off-putting, and he has a selfish streak a mile wide. Where Wilrsk is the serious one, Gask is the one who gets into trouble. Older whers may find him frustrating and grow impatient with his antics. He does not care, he just wants to be the star of any show that comes his way. And if there's no show coming, then he'll just have to make one for himself.

To his handler, Gask is a vain rockstar. He wants the attention. He wants everyone to know his name. He will try to steal the thunder of those around him. All that said, he does deeply care for [redacted] and Wilrsk, doting on the former and supporting the latter, though everything he does is done with his own over-the-top flair. He can be quite fickle, wanting one thing then instantly wanting something else.

Voice: Bold and bright, Gask's voice is that of a star.

Why Me?: Sparks will definitely fly between these two wannabe stars of the show.

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