"There's an art to life's distraction.
To somehow escape the burning weight, the art of scraping through."
-Someone New, Hozier
NAME: Ascelin (Ash-elle-lyn)
BIRTHDATE: Winter 2742
AGE: 33 as of 2775
LOCATION: High Reaches Weyr
OCCUPATION: Wherhandler
WING: Sunburst
EYES: Green
HAIR: Brown, long and a mess of curls
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 6'8", 95% beanpole 5% arm muscles
PLAY-BY: Andrew Hozier-Byrne
Ascelin looks like a man who is more concerned with working than looking his best. His long, curly brown hair always seems to get frizzy by day's end, no matter the weather. His beard is kept short just so he doesn't have to worry about keeping it clean if it got too long. He is very, very tall, and rather skinny- save for the arm muscles he got from pulling in fishing nets day in and day out. He has a long face and muddy green eyes.
He always rolls up the sleeves of his array of collared shirts, and always tucks the shirts into his pants. Ascelin has some jaw problems that stem from a small crossbite, mainly muscle stiffness and his joints in the jaw tend to click and crack when moving, and he can often be seen shifting his jaw around in order to make it less stiff.
Ascelin is a gentle soul. He is a well-spoken and polite man who is always down to talk. He's rather quiet, less in the way that he doesn't talk but that his voice is actually quiet. He isn't one to raise his voice even when he gets angry, as his anger is more internal and long-lasting grudges than external outbursts. He seems laidback on the outside but his brain tends to race a mile a minute, his mouth can never fully catch up to his brain.
He is cynical and his humor has always been on the drier side of things. His outlook on the world is dark thanks to all the wars and fighting that he's heard of and seen during his years. He thinks that everything is a mess, and that it's easier to get by if you acknowledge that. But, he never thinks that he has ever contributed to that mess. He constantly deflects any blame that should be rightfully placed upon him onto other people. If he has upset someone, or done anything wrong, well, that's because you're easily upset or you didn't do something right. It couldn't have been him.
Thanks to his time spent in High Reaches, Ascelin is intensely political. He thinks that if you aren't making the right people uncomfortable, then you aren't living your life right. He is progressive, and out of all the political systems that can be found on Pern, he favors High Reaches' the most. He does not think that only riders should be privy to the inner workings of a Weyr, as weyrfolk and wherhandlers also make up a fair part of the population and should have their voices heard as equally as riders' are.
Asch (father, alive) [+22] & Helina (mother, alive) [+21]
- Aschel (brother, alive) [-1]
-- Mayra (sister-in-law, alive) [-1]
--- Schyra (niece, alive) [-22]
--- Rasch (nephew, alive) [-23]
- Chel (sister, alive) [-3]
-- Tlarune (brother-in-law, alive) [-2]
--- Elrune (nephew, alive) [-25]
--- Ellar (nephew, alive) [-26]
- Cina (sister, alive) [-4]
-- Cilaron (brother-in-law, alive) [-4]
--- Arina (niece, alive) [-28]
--- Ronin (nephew, alive) [-29]
- Helas (sister, alive) [-5]
- Linas (brother, alive) [-7]
- Chelin (brother, alive) [-8]
- Candidate Aslina (sister, alive) [-9]
- Candidate Ashe (brother, alive) [-10]
Ascelin was the firstborn child to a couple of fishers in Big Bay Hold. As he aged, more and more siblings followed until he was the eldest of nine kids. He was expected to follow in his parents' footsteps when he got old enough and become a fisherman, and follow he did. He had no complaints about the job and rather enjoyed it, falling into the work very easily. He loved being out at sea, it was his entire life. His parents had even planned to give their fishing business to him once they got too old to fish anymore- a responsibility which he would have gladly taken up.
But, it never happened as he was searched to be a candidate for High Reaches Weyr at fifteen. He went along willingly as it was an honor to be searched. However, there was always that lingering guilt that he had left behind his family and his parents' hopes for him to take over from them, not to mention how little he'd get to see them thanks to the distance between the Hold and the Weyr. Despite all that, he still stood at all the dragon Hatchings presented to him for two years without any sign of complaint. When he was old enough, Ascelin was able to become a dual candidate and stand for wher Hatchings. He had no bias towards either creature and was a bit more familiar with whers anyway, seeing as how the Hold had held a few whers.
Another three years passed by for Ascelin that were spent in candidate lessons and on the sands until, finally, he Impressed. A green wher named Celisk had been rolled over to him, and sure, it had hurt when the eggshells flew out from her cracked egg and sliced him, but it was all worth it when he had a wher of his own. It took him a little while to get used to her analytical mind, but once they worked out a balance between them, he'd never want any other wher but her. As luck would have it, Celisk would be the parent of not one but two clutches! One with a blue, and one with a... gold? A parthenogenic clutch! Despite the tensions surrounding the latter clutch, the greenpair was just happy that Celisk’s babies were healthy.
He tried to stay in strong contact with his family over the years after staying at High Reaches. Putting a lot of time into learning how to read and write during candidate lessons panned out as he'd been able to learn how to write to his family. While the majority of his siblings had stayed and followed in the fisherman footsteps, his youngest two siblings had went off to Igen to become candidates. Since learning that, Ascelin has been trying to get them to come to High Reaches instead. Obviously because it's "way cooler" and not because he really misses them and regrets not being there to see them grow up.
As time passed since getting his wher, Ascelin has become a little bit furious at the state of gold dragons and the egg business. Sure, he's a wherhandler, and dragon eggs don't really pertain to him. But they do. They have plenty of gold whers plus the Golden Ghost lurking around, whers are not the problem. If they had a gold dragon, there would be more eggs, more eggs means more dragons, and more dragons means more protection for the Weyr, something that he's very interested in. With various High Reaches golds either dying or being transferred in the case of Aldoeith, he wants to throw his own hat into the ring at High Reaches politics. See what he can do about the gold problem, among other things.