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Nailah of Green Nailask

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Nailah of Green Nailask

"Yes, I am missing an eye. Gawk and you'll lose yours."


NAME: Nailah
GENDER: Female
PRONOUNS: she/her/hers
ORIENTATION: Biromantic Bisexual

BIRTHDATE: Summer of 2745
AGE: 31 as of Fall 2776
LOCATION: High Reaches Weyr
OCCUPATION: Wherhandler
WING: Sunburst Squad

EYES: Green, missing her right eye.
HAIR: Black
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'10", athletic build.
PLAY-BY: Nailah (Fire Emblem)
Nailah is a tall, imposing woman. She has tan skin, shoulder length wavy black hair, long eyelashes and, most noticeably, only one green eye. Her right eye is often obscured by a bandana she wears around her head. Underneath it, her face is scarred and her eye blinded. She covers it simply because it serves no purpose anymore, not because she's vain. Her clothing is practical, and the fanciest thing she owns is probably a simple necklace with a metal pendant.

The skin of her arms is mottled with scars of varying severity. Most are faded, pale lines, while others are more obvious. She has a patch of threadscore scarring on her right shoulder; the same incident took the sight of her right eye.

Nailah is a woman that holds herself in high regards. She's prideful, a touch self important, and can be very blunt. She's not one to mince her words, and is hard to convince she's in the wrong. Because of this, she can be difficult to get along with, and may come off as abrasive without meaning to. That isn't to say she's rude, necessarily, just that she has no qualms about speaking up if something isn't to her liking. Her brother often receives the brunt of her words, as she sees fit to tease him whenever she gets the opportunity. This consists of the usual sibling playful jabs, mostly.

Despite easily forming bonds, maintaining them isn't something Nailah is always good at. There are times she'll retreat into herself and neglect her relationships, which has put strain on her ties. Time (and being bonded to a wher) have made her better at recognizing when she's being distant, but it still happens more often than she'd like to admit. Those who stick around will find that Nailah is a loyal woman. She cherishes her friendships and deeper relationships, and would do anything for those she trusts.

Volug (Younger Brother)
BIRTHPLACE: Telgar Weyr.
Nailah was born and raised in the Telgar Weyr creche with her brother. She grew up roughhousing with her sibling and other creche kids, and aged into a scrappy young lady. Naturally, being born and raised at a weyr and not afraid to get her hands dirty, she opted to age into candidacy at 15 instead of taking up an apprenticeship. At 17, she opted into being a dual candidate, since she liked the idea of having a dragon or wher equally. She was content to leave the choice up to fate, or simply purchase a wher egg if she neared aging out.

It took several turns, but eventually Nailah impressed to a green wher. A green where who's hide was shiny, of all things! Nailah had just turned 21, but was glad the wait was over. She felt she had waited long enough, and Nailask was fairly unique. To her, the shiny green was the perfect partner.

Her first few turns of fighting thread were as quiet as they could be. She, of course, had the occasional injury, and collected several scars on her arms, but nothing too major. When she was 24, however, she fell into a Thread burrow. The fall blinded her in her right eye and left serious scarring on her right shoulder. Her arm recovered, but her eye was a lost cause. Since it healed, she chose to cover it up since it didn't serve a functional purpose anymore. It wasn't enough to dissuade her from continuing to fight thread.

At 25, however, she made the choice to transfer to HR for no other purpose than a change of scenery. She had heard tale of stolen eggs on their sands and a gold with an ego bigger than the weyr itself. At the very least it would be interesting! She also wondered, with the tales of massive gaps in HR's wings, if they'd need more ground crew to clean up the Thread that dragons couldn't flame in time. It promised to be eventful, and Nailah didn't think she would have a boring day while she was there.
Last edited by Ignys on Fri Jul 26, 2024 6:20 am, edited 10 times in total.
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NAME: Nailask
BIRTHDATE Early Fall 2766
AGE: 10 as of Late Fall 2776



LENGTH: 12 ft
HEIGHT: 4.5 ft
COLOR: Green
HEX CODE: #11D064
Nailask is a bright green, both in the fact that her hide shines as well as the greens of her hide being on the lighter side. She is primarily a bright, mint green. Her markings are chartreuse, and look like someone took paint and splattered it haphazardly on her hide. Her face, snout, and tail tip fade into the same color. Nailask is built to be a powerhouse. Her wings are stubby, even for a wher. There's nothing dainty about her, from her short snout to her thick legs and tail. If she doesn't want to move, she likely isn't moving.

A wher-shaped ball of energy is really the only way to describe Nailask. She's good natured and pleasant, if not for the fact that she forgets how big she is. Her handler is liable to be knocked over several times in a day, depending on how good her mood is. She's always apologetic, but never seems to remember that humans are not as sturdy as she is, and don't enjoy having their legs knocked out from under them. Should she ever injure someone would be a time where she's not her usual jolly self. She's also prone to blaming herself if her handler gets injured on the job, whether she's responsible or not.

To her handler, Nailask can be a handful as well as a great friend. She cares a great deal about them, but her self control is lacking. She will bowl them over on more than one occasion, and is prone to interjecting herself into social situations. Her handler may find themselves needing to keep her nose away from where it doesn't belong, even though she means well.
Last edited by Ignys on Fri Dec 10, 2021 9:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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