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Weyrling Noct of Blue Astiaith

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Weyrling Noct of Blue Astiaith



"Yeah, not a big fan of this."
Noctis Lucis Caelum, FFXV


NAME: Noctis; Noct for short
GENDER: Masculine
PRONOUNS: Masculine (he/him/his)
ORIENTATION: Biromantic Bisexual

BIRTHDATE: Late Summer 2752
AGE: 24 as of 2776
LOCATION: High Reaches Weyr
OCCUPATION: Holder, Weyrling

EYES: Dark Blue
HAIR: Inky Black
PLAY-BY: Noctis Lucis Caelum (FFXV)
EXPY SOURCE: Noctis Lucis Caelum (FFXV)
Noctis stands at at 5' 9", a below-average height. Though his build is lithe, he's not totally devoid of musculature. Noctis has stunning dark blue eyes, a trait his mother passed to him. Seeing as his black hair is as stubborn as a herdbeast, it requires attention daily, unless Noctis should walk out wearing a wicked bedhead. For some unknown reason, his facial expression seems to be held in a constant frown, except for his close friends. For his wardrobe, Noctis pretty much dresses in what's set out for him. Usually wearing his garments in black, said clothes often consist of simple pants, a shirt, and a jacket to go on top, alongside his usual boots.

A dominant first trait to be discovered about Noctis is his laziness. If he had things his way, he wouldn't even leave his room. If possible, Noctis would sleep all day, every day. If vegetables make an appearance in his meals, he vehemently refuses to eat them, sticking to what he likes: sweets. Provide Noctis a pastry and he'll be much more willing to listen to a tune being fifed. As sweets aren't common, Noct treasures what he does get. Noctis is stubborn as well. If he doesn't want to do something, he'll dig in his heels and refuse to budge.

But Noctis isn't all bad; he understands he has some duties as a Holder's son and so engages in what duties are placed before him, though his mandatory grumbles and bitter complaints are unavoidable. Other than sweet things, he has a weak spot in fishing. Ever since he was a child, Noctis has loved fishing, insisting to go to nearby rivers and watch fishers at work; he'd like to try fishing himself, someday.

It's not clear, but Noctis has an...odd affection for others. While he wants to do his best to help, he doesn't want to lead at all, despite receiving tutoring to do so from his background. As such, he's rather closed off; untouchable except by those he loves and trusts. Distant and aloof, Noctis is comparable to a cat; small, surly, grumpy, fond of sleeping. While he could be what a world in trouble needs, given time and a hell of a lot of patience to grow into a true leader, he has no wish to lead; it would take time and a considerable amount of effort to make Noctis ready for a position of leadership, as he's simply not suited for such a role and has no real interest.

Regis - father - Holder - living
Aulea - mother - Holder - deceased (childbirth complications)
Thalma - stepmother - Holder - living
Ranna - older brother - Holder-to-be - living
Siblings/Half-Siblings - not close, but friendly - open ties!
P'o of Bronze Valyriath - dragonrider - childhood friend - living
Fen of Blue Molloth - dragonrider - best friend - living
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Elsa of Brown Irohith
BIRTHPLACE: Minor High Reaches Hold
HISTORY: TW: death/loss
Noctis was born to Regis and Aulea, beloved Holders of a minor High Reaches-beholden Hold. Sadly, Noctis didn't get to know his mother personally, as she died birthing him. Regis didn't hold it against his son, raising him as well as he could alongside his duties as Holder and grooming his older son Ranna to lead in his place. As a result, young Noctis grew up surrounded by a variety of caregivers, while his father watched him from afar. Being second-born to his father's first wife, Noctis wasn't truly brought up to take command in his father's stead one day. That was Ranna's job by right. Still, in case of a tragedy, Regis provided tutoring to Noctis, though his younger son was allowed to...slack off more than Ranna. While Ranna got more focus and more work to do to learn how to lead a Hold, Noctis had solitude; more time to sleep.

In being granted such freedoms, he made a close friend, though one from quite an unexpected quarter. While kept seeing a blonde kid hanging around some drudges, but if Noctis approached, he would take off. Noctis didn't push further in his curiosity, but he continued to see that same boy, often catching him watching from behind corners and trees. It took Turns for that blonde to work up enough courage to approach, introducing himself as Prompto. These two became fast friends and Prompto has clung to him tight ever since. But it was quite recently that Noctis was approached by a High Reaches rider for Candidacy. Surprised and uncertain, Noctis turned to his loved ones for advice and guidance. Though he knew Prompto's reaction before he asked it (loud jubilant cheering), his father looked on his younger son proudly and told him to go; that his home would still be standing if he ever wished to return.

So Noctis packed his things and headed for High Reaches Weyr to be a Candidate.

  • Late Winter 2775: At gold Galdeneth and blue Zappath's clutch, Noctis Impresses to blue Astiaith!
Last edited by Agenothree on Thu Apr 11, 2024 10:06 pm, edited 21 times in total.
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Inspiration doodle


NAME: Astiaith
BIRTHDATE: Late Winter 2775
AGE: 1 as of 2776

LENGTH: 33 ft.
HEIGHT: 8.25 ft.
WINGSPAN: 49.5 ft.
HEX CODE: #00024F
On the smaller end of average for a blue, Astiath has a long lanky build, with large, broad wings and long headknobs. He is extremely comfortable and at ease in the air and a skilled flier in his own way, but not as fast or agile as most blues his size. Astiaith's hide is a true blue, bright and vivid. His wings are adorned with darker markings, resembling a certain species butterfly occasionally found on Ista. A streak of the same dark blue runs along his spine and up his head.

Astiaith is a bit of an odd duck, a dragon who never seems to be completely in touch with reality. They’re very air-headed at the best of times, and a huge daydreamer. Even when speaking to someone, they usually don’t seem to be very focused. While they’re fully capable of concentrating on the things around them, unless there is danger to be dealt with, they simply choose not to. They seem to flit back and forth between friendships, and can go turns without talking to someone, even though they always consider that person to be a friend regardless. Even after turns of not really interacting with someone, they will still be very friendly and cheerful with them the moment they meet again.

To their rider, Astiaith will be a confidante. They won’t always seem to be paying attention, but they do listen, and they will respond, most of the time. They don’t see the need to be their rider’s hype-dragon, and instead choose to be a listening ear, and comforting shoulder to rest on. They aren’t the biggest fans of excess physical touch, but will allow it from their rider and their very closest friends. They are very gentle, and seem to have a very airy way to their speaking and movements.

VOICE: Smooth and gentle, Astiath's voice is one of calm and confidence.

Why Me?: Astiaith will be there for Noctis when he needs a friend and shoulder to lean on, while also respecting that sometimes he needs his space to be Noctis and there is nothing wrong with that.

Written by: Kitarial


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