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Mhellira of Green Mhellisk

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Mhellira of Green Mhellisk

"lyrics or quotes here"


NAME: Mhellira
GENDER: Female
PRONOUNS: (she/her/her)
ORIENTATION: Not very interested. Ladies if anything (Probably a sadist; she likes making people cry)

BIRTHDATE: Fall 2740
AGE: 34 as of 2774
LOCATION: High Reaches Weyr
OCCUPATION: Guard/Whercandidate

EYES: Amber brown, surrounded by outlandishly colored eye make-up
HAIR: Black -Lengthy to her mid-back and relatively straight. Her hair has a lot of volume and it usually kept partially draped over her thin face and tied/braided in the back.
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'7 – Lean and in shape, with more muscle definition in her legs than her upper body (every day is leg day).
PLAY-BY: Original - I'll nicen the art eventually
Mhellira isn't the tallest figure, but she always has high standing boots that make her more imposing than she naturally would be. Her body is firm with muscle, though rather lacking in her arms and torso. Her waist is cut thin and shapely, going to rather toned legs. She finds them far more useful than her upper body, as it's easier to catch threats off guard with a sudden kick than a punch.

Mhellira is relatively flexible and works hard to keep in shape, opting for speed and modest strength over complete brute forcing it. Her trousers and high leather boots are rather smuggly fit, while her linen shirt is kept scandalously loose and baggy, with everything held together with a tight formfitting leather waist brace.

Her most notible clothing item would be the constant use of leather gloves, long fit to cover to half her arm and particularly shaped to make her fingers look like claws. (They're pretty harmless now, but she absolutely is saving her marks for harder type gauntlets)

Mhellira is a rather intense type of individual. Though she rarely raises her voice outside of anger, most things about her are sharp and swift. She has little care for the 'expected' idea of femininity, enjoying the thrill of having a certain power over others, coupled with striking fear if need be. Almost everything she does and chooses to do is with intention. How she acts, to how she dresses, it all has a purpose. Naturally, she thrives well as a guard, as she has little guilt handling those who break rules or does things she is not fond of.

While Mhellira isn't necessarily cruel or mean for the joy of it alone, she has little concern for the feelings of others. If asked an opinion, she will give it straight. If she thinks someone a fool or outlandish, she will say to their face, possibly taking the joy in their unpleasent reaction to it. She thinks very little of what others say or feel of her, by comparison. Mhellira is rather confidant and set in those regards. If someone has to be put in the appropriate place, she's happy to do so; whether with a sharp tongue or a sharp heel to the face. She enjoys people being frightened or leery of her, as it makes her feel she has control over them. Still, she does well enough to keep to orders and to rules, but she's certainly the type of worker who is more than happy to be the one to handle 'unpleasantries'.

One thing that Mhellira despises most in the world is men, or male-identifying individuals, without abandon. While she has little patience for anyone that gets on her thin nerves, men are immediately at the bottom of her list, at a mere glance. She will mock or outright ignore them at first interaction, feeling they're too unintelligent and annoying to be bothered with. Of course, perhaps with enough effort one may get on her good side, to make her see the error of her ways in that thinking.... it will be short lived, though. With the tiniest mistake or error, he'd be back at the bottom again. Mhellira will always work better with women, but she will follow orders if her superior in duty happens to be male. She just won't be very happy about it. Downright petty even. (Male dragons and whers don't apply; she sees them as dragonkin first, over 'men'. Clearly different.)

Mother - [Alive]
Father - [Alive]
Brothers (two older, three younger) - [Alive]
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: None (RIP Miserable Wretch, if she gets one)
BIRTHPLACE: Cothold in HR Territory

Mhellira comes from a rather modest background, with relatively conservative viewed parents. While her mother was very kind and nurturing, she tended to be relatively quiet and weak willed, while her father acted as the main provider and figure head of the family. Mhellira is nestled roughly in the middle of her lot, with two older brothers, and 3 younger. She is the only daughter present, and very quickly she grew to hate it.

While her father was never intentionally cruel or unkind to her, it was very clear that all the brothers were much more favored in the family. While they could go off hunting and farming and other such jobs, Mhellira was expected to stay and aid her mother in chores. Even from her youth, she hated the housework thrown upon her, never offered a choice or alternate. She knew herself just as capable as her two elder brothers, knowing herself to be far more clever and with effort, she was only mildly lagging behind them physically.

While her father paid this little mind, her siblings absolutely took notice and were also not supportive. With the constant attention and praise sent their way, Mhellira's brothers were not going to chance losing that, certainly not to their younger sister. Now coupled with the three younger siblings joining in, only wanting to imitate their 'role-models', Mhellira was basically trying to stand her ground against six opposing family members. She tried to gain support from her mother, begging her parent to see the unfairness in it and how frustrated it made her, but it was a fruitless endeavor. Being much more complacent, Mhellira's mother was not willing to stor up trouble in the household and generally tried to get her daughter to follow suit.

Mhellira was basically on her own, but being far too stubborn and spiteful, she had no intention to bend backwards as others wished. For turns, she continued to push as she wished, trying to surpass her brothers in anything she could. She would not be satisfied until it was known that she was far stronger, far smarter, and overall just better than the whole lot of them combined. With the fruit not falling far from the same tree, her brothers proved just as stubborn and spiteful. Fighting was constant, physically and verbally, which made Mhellira quickly learn how to defend herself from constantly being outnumbered by her brothers. Most of whom were generally bigger or on par sized as her. So as the turns passed, the resentment and the conflict and the frustration only grew amongst them; piling and ready to explode at any given issue.

The moment Mhellira was of age, she refused to remain and set out on her own. Constantly plagued with a resentful and bitter attitude, she wordlessly left one morning and traveled to a nearby minor hold for a new start. It didn't take her long to get work on the guard patrol, having gotten into conflict with a local ruffian. Not intimidated by those bigger or stronger looking than her, Mhellira found she fit in well to the work, more than happy to take out her compounded frustrations on the local trouble-makers. Though, perhaps she really enjoyed it a bit too much.

Despite having reasonable skill from her own efforts, being a guard really let her hone into her abilities with time. Proper training in combative situations and places to do so truly helped her master the techniques. Despite being an ample fighter and able to keep a reasonable head in tough situations, Mhellira was much slower to climb the ranks. She quickly found it too bothersome to get along well with her fellow guardmates... namely the male ones. Even if she did not know any prior, Mhellira always found she saw her collection of brothers in them; she saw them in every man she came across, regardless of their words or actions. The very memories just gripped with her anger and frustration, and she found she had no patience to deal with them. She worked with women, or she worked alone... and as expected, such an attitude doesn't get one promoted very high.

Not that she cared much, Mhellira was content in her place, being a scourge to those opposing her and coasting off of the power trip it gave her. It was all proof in her mind that she'd been right. She was just as good, no – better than her brothers had ever been.

Eventually, Mhellira felt the need to up herself, and found to like the idea of getting a wher as a companion. Whers were common enough in holds and she found she'd like one partnered with her. Certainly she could only do better with something just as capable of violence and power as herself. Feeling very little connection to her guard post, Mhellira opted to transfer to High Reaches Weyr.

Perhaps, she'd be better suited at a more 'traditionally' run Weyr, given her circumstances. However, High Reaches was simply a closer transfer, so it would have to do.
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  • Impresses to Green Mhellisk of the Heaviside Clutch - Link
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NAME: Mhellisk
BIRTHDATE Late Spring 2775
AGE: 00 as of 2775


LENGTH: 12.75ft
HEIGHT: 4.5ft
COLOR: Green
HEX CODE: #0e3119
A sleek and energetic wher, Mhellisk is a lovely creature. He is light on his feet and somehow seems to appear just when he is needed. He finds himself frequently in the right place at the right time. He has a narrow face, and a thin tail for a wher. He is a deep green all over, with his face a paler mint color. The same color is in a ragged patch over his chest, and fading in lines on his back legs.

An entertainer through and through, Mhellisk may as well be a wannabee harper in wher form. Sure, he cannot sing or carry a tune in a bucket, but he has an entertainer's heart. He is just as showy as Gask, and is not immune to posturing like the brown is. In fact, he does adore Gask, and the two of them are quite close. He has a competitive streak in him, desiring to show up his siblings at almost any chance he gets, save for interfering in something important to them. He would not outright steal their spotlight for a run, but he would think about it.

To his handler, Mhellisk is a mischievous rascal. He likes tricks and games, and has no problem trying to slack off in order to find something more fun to do. If danger arises, he is quick to act, able to put aside his more carefree nature for serious work. He has a fondness for hot baths and will insist on making a nest for himself at the end of a work day. Stolen blankets optional.

Voice: With a light voice, but not one without charisma and charm, Mhellisk is quite a wonder.

Why Me?: I am choosing to embrace chaos.

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