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Weyrling F'yore of Garnet Geminith

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Weyrling F'yore of Garnet Geminith

"You can't control the direction of the wind, but you can adjust your sails."
- Jimmy Dean


NAME: F'yore [Fayore]
GENDER: Female
PRONOUNS: She/Her/Hers
ORIENTATION: Pansexual, leaning towards men

BIRTHDATE: Autumn 2755
AGE: 18 as of Autumn 2777
LOCATION: High Reaches Weyr
OCCUPATION: Apprentice Harper, Wingrider
WING: Stormlight Wing

EYES: Brown
HAIR: Green
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'4", short and lean
EXPY SOURCE: Farore (The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons)
FULL APPEARANCE: Fayore's stature is not impressive, being the shortest of her family. Her brown hair is tied back into rounded pigtails, complimented by the emerald hue of her eyes. Farore is thin of limb, her petite frame wiry. She prefers to wear dresses with floral accents, the colors usually taking on an earthy hue.

PERSONALITY: Under the tutelage of her family, Fayore has excelled in acquiring a vast library of knowledge within her mind, and she isn't afraid to let everybody know about it! Beware asking her any sort of question, because she is likely to prattle your ears off with excessive, in-depth details large and small. Fayore is kind and merry, but often very blunt with facts, unintentionally offensive those she's trying to befriend. She isn't really apologetic about it, either.

Fayore walks a fine line between traditional ideals and new age concepts. She tends to see the best and worst of both without leaning hard one way or the other. She is quick to cast cynicism on a new venture, but is more than willing to see them through "for research". Many notes will be taken!

Fayore often gets lost in thought. Problem is, she thinks out loud.

Ever studious, Fayore is also extremely political. It is a rare day for her to shy away from hotly debating a topic for hours on end. She firmly believes knowledge is the key to a brighter future, and actively advertises the need to educate everybody, no matter occupation or class. Fayore blatantly flaunts her desire to eventually be a Candidatemaster or some form of teacher.

Hylia - mother
Groose - father
Nayru - older sister (21)
Din - older sister (19)
HISTORY: Fayore was born as the youngest child to a Master Harper and her husband. Her life was basically paved in front of her, with her mother intending for her children to all become Harpers. Fayore was magnetized to her studies, and became an apprentice as soon as she was able.

Together with her sisters Din and Nayru, Fayore planned to attain Journeywoman status and travel the world with them. That dream faded when Din was Searched at 17, leaving Nayru and Fayore to plan around their sister's absence.

What a pleasant surprise it was when, a turn later, the same dragonrider returned to the Hall. Entranced and wondering if perhaps she could share the same fate as Din, Fayore put herself forward to be Searched and was found to be dragonrider material.

Having lost two of their children to the Weyr, her parents were beginning to get visibly upset. Fayore placated them with the promise to continue her studies and earn her knots, somehow, with whatever free time she could muster.

Once the Pass was over, at least. However long that will be.

Somehow ...
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Fayore, there you are. Now you're going to have to tell me everything- simply everything- about you and about them and about this place. And I'll tell you everything about me. It'll be fun! You'll see.
Inspiration Doodle


NAME: Geminth
BIRTHDATE: Winter 2775
AGE: 2 as of Winter 2777



LENGTH: 37ft
HEIGHT: 9.25ft
WINGSPAN: 55.5ft
COLOR: Garnet
HEX CODE: #675182
FULL APPEARANCE: Geminth is a garnet of fairly standard size, whose wings are large and limbs are long for a dragon of their size. Their build is light and flexible, leaning more towards agility than strength or endurance. They're strong enough to do what they need to do, but will never be the best at distance flying or carrying heavy loads. Their hide is a dark, regal purple, with pale markings spreading across them like strange constellations in an alien sky.

Geminth is witty and quite the glib-tongued quick thinker; they are an imaginative, intelligent dragon with some excellent communication skills. And great comebacks. They’re also a very talkative chatterbox; they will absolutely talk your ears off! Sometimes this easy glibness will result in Geminth accidentally being manipulative of others, regardless of whether they were doing so intentionally or not. Curious and inquisitive, this adaptable dragon enjoys learning (and finding) new things. And they WILL attempt to make friends with almost literally anyone they meet! To their rider, they are a big Best Friend, even if they sometimes seem rather overwhelming with the sheer force of their chatty ‘social butterfly’ personality.

They are also easily distractible, due to their somewhat flighty and impulsive nature, and their love of discovering new and shiny things; Geminth will also experience some difficulties with controlling their emotions/dealing with occasionally excessive mood swings (especially the kind that occur in the blink of an eye). But that just means they are capable of adjusting reasonably quickly to new situations and new environments!

Why me?: As a curious, clever dragon themself, Geminth appreciates those same traits in others. They see in Fayore an intellectual equal and a friend they'd like to have.

Written by: Dragon_Dreamer


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NAME: Tangeream
BIRTHDATE Summer 2775
AGE: 2 as of Summer 2777

FULL APPEARANCE: Tangeream is a dainty little thing with a more tarnished coloration in regards to others of her particular caste. A rich honey hue starts from the apex of her body, including the backs and ridges of her wings, gradually ascending into a milky cream. When you look at her, its hard not to imagine orange creamsicles ... Too bad that sort of treat doesn't exist on Pern for others to allude the imagery. Yet.

PERSONALITY:[/quote] Tangeream knows she's a gold and flaunts it with vigor! No matter where she goes or who she is in the company of, this little flit always acts about thirty times larger than she actually is. She puffs her chest and holds her head high with regality, scoffing at the lowly life forms that cross her path. Even to Fayore, she is sassy and prissy.
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