"The dogs are comin' swift and mean
But I'm hungrier than they have ever been"
-- Sometimes the Line Walks You by Murder by Death
NAME: Haron
GENDER: Cis man
PRONOUNS: He/him/his
ORIENTATION: Picky (demiromantic pansexual)
BIRTHDATE: Winter 2757
AGE: 19 as of Summer 2777
LOCATION: High Reaches Weyr
OCCUPATION: Former Holdless, wher candidate
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Brown & thin, straight when short, gets wavy as it grows out
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'10", average build
PLAY-BY: Norman Reedus
Haron is short, like his father, poor nutrition as he was growing not helping matters. Hard living and a protein-heavy diet from all the hunting he's done has given him some solid - if wiry - muscle mass. He has an understated confidence in his bearing, as if he doesn't want to draw too much attention, but he's not afraid of it either. He has thin hair, so no matter what it does with it, it always looks a little flat and stringy on his head. He has dark blue eyes, a strong jawline, and a mole to his left of his upper lip. He tries to wear a single outfit until it's physically incapable of doing its job, and even then, he'll try to patch it up if he can. As a result, his clothes are almost always patchworked and grungy looking. He has a rough, gravelly sounding voice as if he's not used to talking much.
Haron is a quiet, intense individual. He never learned how to project his voice, so he doesn't bother, instead waiting for people to stop talking before trying to speak himself. If he really needs to get someone's attention or interrupt them, he'll give a piercing whistle rather than try to interject vocally. He's adept at practical survival skills like hunting, tracking, and starting fires, but he's shakier on history and is only barely literate. He reads better than he writes. He thinks the Holdless cant - signs they'd leave to communicate with other Holdless groups - is more efficient and practical anyway, and when he has to write, prefers to use it as a kind of shorthand. The Holdless have a culture and a society all their own, and he resents that people just assume that they don't just because they didn't have the cushy lives of Weyrfolk and Holders.
Haron is practical, almost to a fault. Survival is his first priority, and survival of the highest number of people will always take precedence. He tries to use absolutely everything until it literally cannot be used anymore, and he resents people who don't, considering them wasteful. He also resents dragonriders, as they're the reason his father became Holdless, and for not coming in time to save his mother. He sees dragonriders as mercurial tyrants who bend the world to their ever-changing whims. However, he's not so proud that he won't take advantage of the dragonriders' current fancy to provide aid to the Holdless. He plans to ride their generosity for as long as he can, and take as much with him as he can carry when that generosity eventually runs out. He'll cooperate with them, and even speak to them when he has to, but it's because he knows they could kill him and his family where they stand, not out of a sense of affection or gratitude.
When it comes to anyone downtrodden and overlooked, the underdogs and outcasts, Haron can be a fierce protector. He's not the most affectionate person, but he's deeply devoted to anyone he considers a part of his community. He considers community to be a vital part of survival, and will cultivate it wherever and however he can. While he's a bit gruff, he does have a soft spot for kids, and will prioritize their survival over almost everyone else's, save for his family. His family has been the only constant in his life, and he will do anything for them. He's especially protective of his father, as he doesn't think the man deserved the branding. He has no sense of pride himself, willing to do whatever he needs to no matter how degrading, but he won't tolerate anyone making derisive comments about his father. Haron will start physical fights in defense of his father, against both physical and verbal threats, as well as in defense of those physically unable to fight their own battles. He'll fight dirty, too. His family are the only people who can defend themselves that he'll fight on behalf of. He believes that people able to fight their own battles should be left to do so, and it's their own fault if they don't rise in their own defense. He doesn't have time or energy to waste on people able to help themselves that won't.
Father - Aragon (Arcane)
Mother - Rahaneal (deceased)
Younger brother - Ealar (-2) (Fel)
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Hasn't really had a ton of options as of late
BIRTHPLACE: Middle of nowhere
Haron is the son of two branded Holdless, born far from polite society, and he's not ashamed of that. He learned how to survive the harsh realities of being Holdless on Pern from his mother, and learned to fight and protect others from his father. The latter he learned whether or not that was the lesson his father meant for him. Life on the outskirts of society was hard, and Haron had to grow up fast in order to make it, even with his parents there to look out for his most basic needs. He was still quite young when Ealar was born, but as the boys grew, Haron took the role of big brother to heart, trying to shield him from having to grow up too fast too.
He was happy with his small family, as happy as he could be while worrying about finding enough food for them all. For a while, he was jealous of the little they had, and didn't want to join any other groups, worried about the strain it'd put on his family's already limited resources. Even into his teens, he worried over how adding others to the group would be a burden on them, and got into a nasty argument with his father over it when Aragon wanted them to join another group in 2773. He ultimately went along with it, though, once his father had finally made his reasons clear, wanting Ealar and their mother to be safe if the worst should happen.
He was standoffish to the newcomers at first, but it was the young children who won him over the quickest. Once he cared about them, he came around to the rest of the newer people relatively quickly. It was true there were more mouths to feed, but there were also more hands to do the work that needed doing, too. It was novel to him that people who weren't blood could be considered family too, but he took to the idea like a fish to water.
He lived his life blissfully unaware of politics until that fateful winter in 2775 when a cold snap and a bad storm took the life of his mother and brought riders and handlers to their doorstep. They promised medical assistance to the children, so he helped them, figuring if they meant to kill the others, it would at least be a quicker, kinder death than the cold. But that didn't happen, and instead they brought him there too. He wasn't entirely sure what to make of it, but he wasn't about to turn down a warm bed and food for his brother and the other kids. If the adults were eventually kicked out, he'd go with them. But so far, that doesn't seem like it's happening, and he's not entirely sure what to do with the situation.