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Candidate Mukadi

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Candidate Mukadi

"Mother once told me, ‘You can make so many different shapes with just one string. So imagine how many shapes could be made when two people meet. Those unpredictable bonds of fate shape the mold of a new life and steer its direction. For one seemingly coincidental encounter, days, eras, and space all start moving in one specific direction’, she said." -- Yoon Chae-Ok, Gyeonsong Creature


NAME: Mukadi
GENDER: Female
PRONOUNS: She/Her/Hers

BIRTHDATE: Winter 2750
AGE: 26 as of Winter 2776
LOCATION: High Reaches Weyr
OCCUPATION: Apprentice Harper, Candidate

EYES: Dark brown
HAIR: Dark brown (almost black)
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'9" and lean
PLAY-BY: Han So-hee
EXPY SOURCE: Yoon Choe-ok (Gyeonsong Creature)
FULL APPEARANCE: Mukadi is mousey and small, unassuming. Her body is ripe with fine, pale skin and a tasteful hourglass figure. Nose, eyes, mouth? All plump and perfect with unblemished skin ... on her face, at least. The rest of her body is riddled with scars from random encounters and the dangers of living off the wild, although most are small and nothing to boast about. A line on her palm from a slipped knife; a blemish on her left knee from a hard fall on a rock. All very standard. Mukadi has long, curly hair that is so richly brown that one might think it black until the sunshine reveals the hue of chocolate undertones. She normally keeps it tucked into a tight bun under a very worn cap. Coupled with baggy, dirty clothes and her long coat, Mukadi gives the impression of being a holdless drifter. The only thing of note on her person is the lone golden bangle inlaid with a single sapphire stone, typically resting on her right wrist and tucked beneath the cuff of her jacket, out of sight.

PERSONALITY: Mukadi may come off as endearing and lovely, well-to-do with a humble attitude towards the world around her. In reality, trust is something that must be earned ... or pried from her cold, dead hands. She is an expert at masking her emotions from the scrying of other and truly owes loyalty to none but her family and her Hall - and even the latter is hard-pressed to call her reliable. Mukadi is prone to believe that even the sweetest individual has skeletons in their closets. Thus, she keeps her cards close to her chest and only plays them when a sure win is inevitable. Until then her ears will always be on the ground.

Those who can breach to that space in her heart are greeted with the overflowing warmth of a person who yearns for the closeness of a tight family and the laughter of children. At her core, Mukadi wants nothing more than to be the epicenter of love - the progenitor of a pack that she will defend until her last breath. She feels genuine empathy for those who have dealt with holdlessness. But she also has no qualms about using somebody as a human shield to protect her motives, and will gladly throw anybody under the wagon wheel if it means saving her own skin.

Mukadi is also not known to honor privacy. It is not uncommon for her to ask questions that make others ill-at-ease and she has no moral code keeping her from ransacking another person's living quarters to look for information.

Branddas - father (56)
Lychet - mother (56)
Naphie - sister (21) Open Tie
HISTORY: Born in Crom during the height of the Interval War, Mukadi's family felt the strain of wartime in everything they did. Her father was a jeweler and her mother, a farmer. They did what they could to make ends meet, and it was enough. But not a day went by when they did not dread the Weyrs turning their vengenace against the holds of Pern and all the folk that resided within. Dragonriders were greeted with unease and general distrust. Even wherhandlers were suspicious, considering their dragon kinship and the ability to communicate with them. So it was a collective sigh of relief breathed by the planet's entirety when the imminent arrival of Thread forced the dragonriders to set aside their differences for the greater good - and just in time to welcome to sound of Naphie's cry.

As the dust settled, their family began to feel a little more secure. Yet her mother, Lychet, began to ... drift. Her warm aura was replaced with something chilled and distant. Gone were the days Mukadi could rest her head on her mother's lap and listen to her singing. Nights ended with only Branddas attending to their children and Lychet ... nowhere to be seen. Four turns later, Lychet was gone - vanished in the middle of the night. Her golden bangle, a gift presented to her by Branddas before they were wed, was laid upon Mukadi's pillow for her to wake to.

They had no answers to her vanishing, only sorrow. For a time Mukadi took up the helm that her mother left behind and manned the farming. Once Naphie was old enough to begin pulling her weight with the family, Mukadi started refocusing her time and attention to listening, asking, pressing others for information. Mukadi was 16 when a passing trader, transporting medicine to plague-ridden cotholds, mentioned a woman matching Lychet's description was seen in High Reaches Hold. With the blessing of her father and a few marks to pay her passage, Mukadi was allowed to ride with the caravan to her new destination.

Her lead was dead in the water for a time. Yet she continued to seek and pry. Her antics caught the attention of the Harper Hall, who took her in. They would teach her better skills at sleuthing and assist her in her search so long as she would also use her ears to listen for them, as well. At 18, she was gifted a little fire-lizard egg from one of the many Masters. It hatched into a little garnet she named Piper.

When she was 21, a journeyman harper came upon some information that would direct Mukadi's interest to High Reaches Weyr. There was a rumor that her mother was a dragonrider. With the journeyman as her chaperone, Mukadi arrived at High Reaches Weyr. She began to press for details and ... found success. And heartbreak.

It turned out that Lychett had indeed arrived at High Reaches Weyr. All those turns ago, her mother had soured of her tame life and desired for something ... more. She took up with a caravan that headed west. Eventually Lychett found herself in High Reaches Weyr. The rumors of her being a dragonrider were false, for she was too old to stand. The woman did, however, become a wherhandler to two giant beasts and was betrothed to another man.

And Lychett was there when Mukadi arrived. She had the decency to pull her eldest aside to explain the situation to her. Destroyed by this revelation, Mukadi returned to the High Reaches Hold. Mukadi forwarded a note to her family via Piper and the sorrow was palpable, but at least they had their answers now.

During a Gather later that Turn, one of the many searchriders using the festivities as a chance to pick out candidates found Mukadi suitable. When she returned to the Weyr two weeks later, Lychett was gone - having transferred to Semaca.

In the five turns since her induction in High Reaches Weyr, Mukadi stood for many clutches - both wher and dragon - yet was denied over and over again.
Last edited by Windra on Wed Oct 16, 2024 7:04 am, edited 7 times in total.
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NAME: Piper
BIRTHDATE Early Summer 2768
AGE: 8 as of Early Summer 2776

COLOR: Garnet
FULL APPEARANCE: A beautiful shade of faint lavender exploits every curve on her body, with the exception of her head which is a solid eggplant hue. That is a color that begins to darken the ends of her wingtip fingers, while the membranes are inverted with the darker colorations beginning where the fingers intersect, only to lighten in saturation towards the outer edges of the wing. Piper's tail forks echo this dark purple as well, but only slightly tapering to the same depth.

PERSONALITY: Piper is smart and ... vocal. She 'talks' too much, chittering constantly when it really isn't necessary. She is also highly independent and though she loves Mukadi with the intensity of Rukbat, she is not prone to stick around for longer than the time it takes to eat a full meal. She is exceptionally nosey and would absolutely linger during interesting events, often getting caught up in the excitement.
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IC Information
What type of candidate is your character: Dual

What color/s does your character want?: Any
Does your character have any personality preferences or concerns?: Not really
Does your character have any other preferences or concerns?: No

OOC Information
If your character is a dual candidate IC, do you have a strong preference on whether they Impress dragon or wher?: Either is fine.

What color(s) are you willing for your character to impress to?: Any
Do you want your character to be eligible for gold?: Yes
Do you have any personality preferences or concerns?: No
Do you have any other preferences or concerns?: No
Why do you think these choice/s would be a good fit?: N/A

Do you have any preferences about the conditions of your character’s impression?: No
Are you alright with your character getting hurt? What injury level is acceptable/what should be avoided?: Permanent and below
Are you willing to impress a creature with a mutation/oddity? Anything that should be avoided?: Sure, and no

Is there anything you will ABSOLUTELY NOT accept?: Nope
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