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Headwoman Nanette

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Headwoman Nanette

"I was brought up by very witty people who were dealing with quite difficult things: disease and death...
I was brought up by people who tended to giggle at funerals."
-Dame Emma Thompson


NAME: Nanette, often called Nana
GENDER: Female
PRONOUNS: She/Her/Hers

BIRTHDATE: Spring 2711
AGE: 64 as of 2775
LOCATION: High Reaches Weyr

EYES: Blueish greenish
HAIR: Short and grey, typically styled back
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'10", slim
PLAY-BY: Emma Thompson
Nanette is creeping up in age, but over all, is still looking pretty good! She has some stress wrinkles for sure, crows feet and all that, and her hair is entirely grey, but other than that? She's doing fine. She still has that bounce to her step that she had in her youth. She's slim, if only because she never had any reason not to be, and she has pale skin.

She wears a very minimal amount of Pernese makeup, if anything just some on her lips to bring out her pretty smile. Nana tends to wear darker colors to contrast with her light hair, and she isn't much of a fan of skirts or dresses, so she always wears pants. She has a necklace that her first weyrmate gave her as a gift before their first child was born, and she wears that all the time.

Nanette is the type of person to walk through Hell and keep smiling. No matter what, she will always face adversity with a smile. She has a bit of a bite to her, being snarky and sarcastic. But, overall? She's just abounding with charisma and confidence, and always has that type of presence when she walks into a room. One of her favorite passtimes is to talk and joke around with her friends.

She's a hard worker in the sense that she'll do as much as she can, and typically does it all as early as she can. She prides herself in a job well done, and wants others to do their best as well. If that means giving them a little push? Then so be it. She's great with children (and people who ACT like children), having raised six of her own alongside all the other children from the creche she raised during her time there. All those kids taught her to never take any bullshit, and while she's not stubborn persay, she's typically firm in her standing and knows when to put her foot down. She can be very strict when people act out of line, and isn't afraid to deal out a punishment.

She's very good a compartmentalizing and organizing her emotions when things are tough, other people need her more, or her job needs her. This has lead her to typically suppressing her negative emotions so that she doesn't have to deal with them. Instead, she focuses on the positive in order to work more efficiently and be better for others. It takes a lot for her to realize that she needs to step back and deal with her emotions before she can continue moving forward. It's not an emotional break, per say, but she simply slows down like a computer with way too many tabs open. Sometimes, she needs to stop and go through each of the tabs and figure out which ones she can close. She just keeps putting bad things in boxes and moves on, and will open them when she's good and ready... whenever that is.

On another note, she really likes card games!

FAMILY: (as of 2771)
Naniar (father, deceased) +22 turns
Serette (mother, deceased) +21 turns
Eran of Blue Trissoth (younger brother, deceased) -1 turns
- Mikala of Green Gogomoth (sister-in-law, alive) [-2]
--- Mikan (nephew, alive) [-23]
--- Ankala (niece, alive) [-24]
--- Laeran (nephew, alive) [-25]
Arette of Green Yilletivoth (younger sister, deceased) -2 turns
- Bottie of Blue Moremath (brother-in-law, alive) [-3]
--- Tiette (niece, alive) [-24]
Ettan of Brown Horvath (little brother, deceased) -3 turns
Orville of Brown Kavilioth (1st husband, deceased) +/- 0 turns
Nanille (daughter, alive) [-22]
- Menadel (son-in-law, alive) [-22]
--- Menille (granddaughter, alive) [-43]
--- Delan (grandson, alive) [-44]
--- Amena (grandaughter, alive) [-45]
Ornan (son, alive) [-23]
- Corila (daughter-in-law, alive) [-23]
--- Cornan (grandson, alive) [-44]
--- Ilorna (grandaughter, alive) [-45]
Ettille (daughter, alive) [-24]
- Mazen (son-in-law, alive) [-24]
--- Mazetti (grandaughter, alive) [-45]
--- Tillen (grandson, alive) [-46]
--- Zenet (grandson, alive) [-47]
Kinlan (son, alive) [-31]
Leyna (daughter, alive) [-32]
Innan (son, alive) [-33]
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Kinley of Brown Rucifeth
BIRTHPLACE: High Reaches
Nanette was the oldest of four siblings. Born to your ordinary weyrfolk, her father was a cook and her mother worked in the creche. While her younger siblings were admiring the dragonriders that populated the Weyr, she admired her mother. Taking care of all those children was a hard task, and when she grew up? She wanted to follow in her mother's footsteps. Meanwhile, her siblings had their heads in the clouds, and dreamed to become dragonriders themselves. They became candidates before the war, before Golre, but they didn't Impress until after.

As her siblings got their dragons and had to start fighting in the Interval war, Nanette bucked up and smiled through her mistreatment under Golre. Sure, she was above a good chunk of riders in the Weyr's eyes... that didn't mean she was treated especially well. She started working in the creche, as her mother had (and still did), caring for the kids and helping to raise them. It was there that her nickname, 'Nana', appeared. The little ones weren't really good at saying her full name, so they took what they could, which was 'Nane-', which turned into 'Nana'. She met a friend of her brother's, Orville of Brown Kavilioth, and they hit it off. Soon after, they became weyrmates, and their first child was on the way. Despite the war, despite the chaos around her, Nanette found her own little bit of peace with her life.

Of course, peace doesn't really last on Pern. The Interval War ended up taking her youngest brother, Ettan's, life, as well as his dragon's. At the time, she had to make a choice. Sit back and emotionally deal with her brother's passing, or, put it aside in a little mental box and keep moving. She had two kids with a third on the way, she had a job she needed to do raising other children, she couldn't just stop! So, she put the emotions tied with her brother's death in little mental box and kept trucking... until it happened again. Orville, her weyrmate, also died in the war. Again, she stepped back and made the decision to shove that in a box and keep going.

About five turns passed, her children growing older alongside the rest of the weyrbrats. She met a friend of her ex-weyrmate, Kinley, who had been in Telgar for the longest time and just transferred back. Once again, she hit it off with a brown rider, and soon became weyrmates with him. Her fourth child on the way, once again she found some sort of peace in the form of family life. She traded her job as a creche worker for the position of Assistant Headwoman if only because the opportunity presented itself, and she needed something to distract from those boxes she was making. She ended up falling in love with the job the same way she had with creche work all those years ago. For 15 turns, Nanette was going strong.

The war ended, but along with that came Thread. Her sister, Arette, who was mentally unprepared for it, died in the fight against Threadfall. Once again, Nanette shoved that in a box and moved on. She had six kids, she wasn't just going to open up three mental coffins. She kept going. Six years pass, Golre starts a war with Fort, and her oldest brother, Eran, found himself as one of the casualties. She put him in a mental coffin too. The war ends, thank Faranth. Golre was dead, thank Faranth. Her parents, both getting up there in age die very closely in time with her father dying first and her mother not long after.

She would have put them both in mental boxes. But, for once, there was peace. There was no reason to just keep trucking. The source of so much pain, you know, Golre, was dead. People were recovering. People were figuring out what to do in a Golre-less High Reaches and Nanette, as one of them, figured that it was time to open and deal with all that death in the family. She eased up on work- definitely not a vacation, Nanette? Vacationing? Never- and spent more time with her kids, nephews, nieces, and her grandchildren. She started seeing a mindhealer, talked through everything, widdled it down to smaller boxes that she could deal with on her own, and upped her workload back to it's regular size.

Things really started calming down after that. She ended up purchasing a firelizard egg and getting her a little brown baby that she named Boreas. She moved up from Assistant Headwoman to simply Headwoman, and has been in the position ever since. She is fed the hell up with her own weyr's tomfoolery and doesnt think that just because they were suffering for eggs that it was any reason to go about and steal another Weyr's eggs. And now there's all this drama and she's just praying that there isn't going to be another war because of it because, come on, she's already lived through two. Let's not go for three.

Last edited by AtlasHyperion on Fri Sep 29, 2023 7:07 pm, edited 7 times in total.
Fort Weyr
Aries of Bronze Vereigth
L'uke of Bronze Paleskyth | Green Kyber
Ony'ra of Bronze Sekigaeith
Cal of Brown Langeth | Blue Wing & Gold Daylight
Driscoll of Brown Lobsevith | Canine Sam
Johnny of Brown Cobreth
Sr. Weyrleader Negan of Brown Wireth | Blue Walker & Blue Roamer
Rainbow of Blue Rasuneth
Zhenya of Blue Kraskath | Green Ksyusha
D'eryn of Green Hachimath
Er'sa of Green Kapitath
Reign of Green Asakurth
Roisin of Green Twelith | Gold Supernova
Serras of Green Inashtath
Weyrling Toska of Green Bombyxith
T'rix of Green Clohoth | Green Daisy May
Laurie of White Lacheith
Qrow of White Brachyth | Gold Firecracker & Garnet Pipsqueak
Vox of White Varelsith | Bronze Baker's Dozen & Sonora Sunrise
Dawn Squadleader Theseus of Gold Thesk
Wherleader Reinhardt of Bronze Reinsk
Misun of Brown Emissk and Green Misusk | Gold Lonny
Journeyman Starsmith Bastille of Garnet Bassk | Brown Teide
Briayse of Garnet Briaysk
Jimmy of Garnet Jamesk
Journeyman Smith Geoffrey of Blue Eldreosk
Journeyman Healer Jonathan of Green Jonask
KV of Green Kirvisk
Journeyman Harper Tommy of Green Tomsk
Dragonless Matyll
High Reaches Weyr
Zagreus of Gold Galdeneth | Garnet Cerberus
Caleb of Bronze Marceth
Firestorm Wingsecond T'lery of Bronze Maskerath
Weyrling Elise of Brown Mririhgith
Graemerre of Garnet Ofereth
Scarlet of Garnet Phalanth
Dennys of Blue Vilkarath
Apprentice Miner Le'nore of Blue Vickoth | Garnet Bajiquan
Journeyman Healer Moira of Blue Deoraith
Wheatley of Blue Usurth
D'ot of Green Mystreth
Florian of Green Uesugith
CM Pomegranate of Green Lyth | Bronze Arils
Iovi of Bronze Zerusavisk | Gold Sundrop
Andreyane of Brown Andreysk
Dante of Brown Dansk and Brown Ask | White Rebellion
Shoresy of Garnet Shorsk | Green Big Sexy
Sonic of Garnet Sonisk
Jr. Weyrleader Connor of Blue Andorsk and Hemimorphite Connosk | Canine Sumo & Garnet Traci
Master Vinter Glaidan of Blue Glaisk
Linny of Blue Linirask
Laoghaire of Blue Laosk | Bronze Gilleasbuig
Aida of Green Aidask | White Boots
Ascelin of Green Celisk
Journeyman Smith Ash of Green Assk | Green Boomstick
AWM Joel of Green Joesk
Volo of White Volosk
Headwoman Nanette | Brown Boreas & White Notos
Weyrbrat Galina | Brown Stripe
Semaca Weyr
Kenn'y of Azurite Iscaroth | Garnet Ruby
Snake of Brown Emmerith | Canine Sunny
Journeyman Healer J'velle of Garnet Selulath
L'ux of Garnet Ambraliath | White Coal
Tec'na of Garnet Melodith
Wild of Garnet Kagerith | Gold Triforce
Minuet Wingleader Blumiere of Blue Nastasiath
He'ra of Blue Entreneurth | Snake Sonder
Pirate Weyrling Ka'fka of Blue Abhorseth | Feline Sir Meowsalot
Lori of Blue Raerth | Blue Skip-It
Nikola of Blue Manarth
O'dair of Blue Ovisreth
Chopin Wingleader Rogers of Blue Tesseth
Sportacus of Blue Kidulth
Journeyman Healer Victor of Blue Taeth
F'ythe of Green Padaranth | Blue Esda
Kihaza of Green Ariaath
Rhys of Green Vauth
R'inash of Green Ioth
Pirate Tetra of Green Yilylath | Gold Goddess
K'ymask of White Lothwyth
Guzma of Bronze Guzmask
Mak of Bronze Valask | Brown Petryshyn
Bella of Garnet Bellask | Green Plumbob
Journeyman Healer Borealis of Blue Borealisk
Wherleader Lacra of Blue Mioarask | Gold Luminita
Journeyman Harper Hedroom of Green Hedrosk
Spengler of Green Spesk
Dimentio of White Disk | White Prognosticus
Valentine of White Valensk | Green Piper
Journeyman Harper Mondlicht
Journeyman Healer Vokonis | Green Charo
Pirate Conway | Brown No-Name
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NAME: Boreas
BIRTHDATE: Summer 2766
AGE: 9 as of 2775

COLOR: Brown
Boreas has always been a small little guy. He's very skittish and tends to move around a lot, and he's got all the stamina in the world to do that. His hide is a light brown color, with a more chocolate-y colored harness design on his torso and wings.

Boreas has so much fear in his body that it's unreal. He is constantly dreading making a mistake and always feels like he's one bad moment away from setting his tail on fire, but he'd never do that he's not dumb he's just full to bursting with dread. He's skittish, antsy, and a little paranoid, and he genuinely doesn't care about anyone other than his person. In fact, he's his calmest when he's in her lap. He's just always been like this, and will never change.
Last edited by AtlasHyperion on Fri Sep 29, 2023 7:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Fort Weyr
Aries of Bronze Vereigth
L'uke of Bronze Paleskyth | Green Kyber
Ony'ra of Bronze Sekigaeith
Cal of Brown Langeth | Blue Wing & Gold Daylight
Driscoll of Brown Lobsevith | Canine Sam
Johnny of Brown Cobreth
Sr. Weyrleader Negan of Brown Wireth | Blue Walker & Blue Roamer
Rainbow of Blue Rasuneth
Zhenya of Blue Kraskath | Green Ksyusha
D'eryn of Green Hachimath
Er'sa of Green Kapitath
Reign of Green Asakurth
Roisin of Green Twelith | Gold Supernova
Serras of Green Inashtath
Weyrling Toska of Green Bombyxith
T'rix of Green Clohoth | Green Daisy May
Laurie of White Lacheith
Qrow of White Brachyth | Gold Firecracker & Garnet Pipsqueak
Vox of White Varelsith | Bronze Baker's Dozen & Sonora Sunrise
Dawn Squadleader Theseus of Gold Thesk
Wherleader Reinhardt of Bronze Reinsk
Misun of Brown Emissk and Green Misusk | Gold Lonny
Journeyman Starsmith Bastille of Garnet Bassk | Brown Teide
Briayse of Garnet Briaysk
Jimmy of Garnet Jamesk
Journeyman Smith Geoffrey of Blue Eldreosk
Journeyman Healer Jonathan of Green Jonask
KV of Green Kirvisk
Journeyman Harper Tommy of Green Tomsk
Dragonless Matyll
High Reaches Weyr
Zagreus of Gold Galdeneth | Garnet Cerberus
Caleb of Bronze Marceth
Firestorm Wingsecond T'lery of Bronze Maskerath
Weyrling Elise of Brown Mririhgith
Graemerre of Garnet Ofereth
Scarlet of Garnet Phalanth
Dennys of Blue Vilkarath
Apprentice Miner Le'nore of Blue Vickoth | Garnet Bajiquan
Journeyman Healer Moira of Blue Deoraith
Wheatley of Blue Usurth
D'ot of Green Mystreth
Florian of Green Uesugith
CM Pomegranate of Green Lyth | Bronze Arils
Iovi of Bronze Zerusavisk | Gold Sundrop
Andreyane of Brown Andreysk
Dante of Brown Dansk and Brown Ask | White Rebellion
Shoresy of Garnet Shorsk | Green Big Sexy
Sonic of Garnet Sonisk
Jr. Weyrleader Connor of Blue Andorsk and Hemimorphite Connosk | Canine Sumo & Garnet Traci
Master Vinter Glaidan of Blue Glaisk
Linny of Blue Linirask
Laoghaire of Blue Laosk | Bronze Gilleasbuig
Aida of Green Aidask | White Boots
Ascelin of Green Celisk
Journeyman Smith Ash of Green Assk | Green Boomstick
AWM Joel of Green Joesk
Volo of White Volosk
Headwoman Nanette | Brown Boreas & White Notos
Weyrbrat Galina | Brown Stripe
Semaca Weyr
Kenn'y of Azurite Iscaroth | Garnet Ruby
Snake of Brown Emmerith | Canine Sunny
Journeyman Healer J'velle of Garnet Selulath
L'ux of Garnet Ambraliath | White Coal
Tec'na of Garnet Melodith
Wild of Garnet Kagerith | Gold Triforce
Minuet Wingleader Blumiere of Blue Nastasiath
He'ra of Blue Entreneurth | Snake Sonder
Pirate Weyrling Ka'fka of Blue Abhorseth | Feline Sir Meowsalot
Lori of Blue Raerth | Blue Skip-It
Nikola of Blue Manarth
O'dair of Blue Ovisreth
Chopin Wingleader Rogers of Blue Tesseth
Sportacus of Blue Kidulth
Journeyman Healer Victor of Blue Taeth
F'ythe of Green Padaranth | Blue Esda
Kihaza of Green Ariaath
Rhys of Green Vauth
R'inash of Green Ioth
Pirate Tetra of Green Yilylath | Gold Goddess
K'ymask of White Lothwyth
Guzma of Bronze Guzmask
Mak of Bronze Valask | Brown Petryshyn
Bella of Garnet Bellask | Green Plumbob
Journeyman Healer Borealis of Blue Borealisk
Wherleader Lacra of Blue Mioarask | Gold Luminita
Journeyman Harper Hedroom of Green Hedrosk
Spengler of Green Spesk
Dimentio of White Disk | White Prognosticus
Valentine of White Valensk | Green Piper
Journeyman Harper Mondlicht
Journeyman Healer Vokonis | Green Charo
Pirate Conway | Brown No-Name
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NAME: Notos
BIRTHDATE: Spring 2771
AGE: 4 as of 2775

COLOR: White
Notos is a larger girl. She's not muscular or overweight or anything, she's just big. Her hide is a white color on the front half of her body which fades down into a really dark grey on the back half. In this dark grey half, there are white circular spots that break up the dark coloration. She moves with more grace than one would expect.

Notos is an incredibly calm girl. She's very sweet, and loving, and kind. Well, she is until she is provoked. If she feels agitated or threatened in anyway, she can get very violent very quickly. Biting, scratching, chomping, squawking, you name it. She feels things very intensely, maybe too intensely in fact. Any threat against her person is a personal one, and she'll protect Nanette with her life. Although, if she gets scolded for her actions, she'll recoil like a kicked puppy. She can dish things out, but cannot take it back in return, and she needs approval to survive.
Fort Weyr
Aries of Bronze Vereigth
L'uke of Bronze Paleskyth | Green Kyber
Ony'ra of Bronze Sekigaeith
Cal of Brown Langeth | Blue Wing & Gold Daylight
Driscoll of Brown Lobsevith | Canine Sam
Johnny of Brown Cobreth
Sr. Weyrleader Negan of Brown Wireth | Blue Walker & Blue Roamer
Rainbow of Blue Rasuneth
Zhenya of Blue Kraskath | Green Ksyusha
D'eryn of Green Hachimath
Er'sa of Green Kapitath
Reign of Green Asakurth
Roisin of Green Twelith | Gold Supernova
Serras of Green Inashtath
Weyrling Toska of Green Bombyxith
T'rix of Green Clohoth | Green Daisy May
Laurie of White Lacheith
Qrow of White Brachyth | Gold Firecracker & Garnet Pipsqueak
Vox of White Varelsith | Bronze Baker's Dozen & Sonora Sunrise
Dawn Squadleader Theseus of Gold Thesk
Wherleader Reinhardt of Bronze Reinsk
Misun of Brown Emissk and Green Misusk | Gold Lonny
Journeyman Starsmith Bastille of Garnet Bassk | Brown Teide
Briayse of Garnet Briaysk
Jimmy of Garnet Jamesk
Journeyman Smith Geoffrey of Blue Eldreosk
Journeyman Healer Jonathan of Green Jonask
KV of Green Kirvisk
Journeyman Harper Tommy of Green Tomsk
Dragonless Matyll
High Reaches Weyr
Zagreus of Gold Galdeneth | Garnet Cerberus
Caleb of Bronze Marceth
Firestorm Wingsecond T'lery of Bronze Maskerath
Weyrling Elise of Brown Mririhgith
Graemerre of Garnet Ofereth
Scarlet of Garnet Phalanth
Dennys of Blue Vilkarath
Apprentice Miner Le'nore of Blue Vickoth | Garnet Bajiquan
Journeyman Healer Moira of Blue Deoraith
Wheatley of Blue Usurth
D'ot of Green Mystreth
Florian of Green Uesugith
CM Pomegranate of Green Lyth | Bronze Arils
Iovi of Bronze Zerusavisk | Gold Sundrop
Andreyane of Brown Andreysk
Dante of Brown Dansk and Brown Ask | White Rebellion
Shoresy of Garnet Shorsk | Green Big Sexy
Sonic of Garnet Sonisk
Jr. Weyrleader Connor of Blue Andorsk and Hemimorphite Connosk | Canine Sumo & Garnet Traci
Master Vinter Glaidan of Blue Glaisk
Linny of Blue Linirask
Laoghaire of Blue Laosk | Bronze Gilleasbuig
Aida of Green Aidask | White Boots
Ascelin of Green Celisk
Journeyman Smith Ash of Green Assk | Green Boomstick
AWM Joel of Green Joesk
Volo of White Volosk
Headwoman Nanette | Brown Boreas & White Notos
Weyrbrat Galina | Brown Stripe
Semaca Weyr
Kenn'y of Azurite Iscaroth | Garnet Ruby
Snake of Brown Emmerith | Canine Sunny
Journeyman Healer J'velle of Garnet Selulath
L'ux of Garnet Ambraliath | White Coal
Tec'na of Garnet Melodith
Wild of Garnet Kagerith | Gold Triforce
Minuet Wingleader Blumiere of Blue Nastasiath
He'ra of Blue Entreneurth | Snake Sonder
Pirate Weyrling Ka'fka of Blue Abhorseth | Feline Sir Meowsalot
Lori of Blue Raerth | Blue Skip-It
Nikola of Blue Manarth
O'dair of Blue Ovisreth
Chopin Wingleader Rogers of Blue Tesseth
Sportacus of Blue Kidulth
Journeyman Healer Victor of Blue Taeth
F'ythe of Green Padaranth | Blue Esda
Kihaza of Green Ariaath
Rhys of Green Vauth
R'inash of Green Ioth
Pirate Tetra of Green Yilylath | Gold Goddess
K'ymask of White Lothwyth
Guzma of Bronze Guzmask
Mak of Bronze Valask | Brown Petryshyn
Bella of Garnet Bellask | Green Plumbob
Journeyman Healer Borealis of Blue Borealisk
Wherleader Lacra of Blue Mioarask | Gold Luminita
Journeyman Harper Hedroom of Green Hedrosk
Spengler of Green Spesk
Dimentio of White Disk | White Prognosticus
Valentine of White Valensk | Green Piper
Journeyman Harper Mondlicht
Journeyman Healer Vokonis | Green Charo
Pirate Conway | Brown No-Name
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