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"Why are you still takin' up space in my kitchen? If you're not workin' here, be gone wi' ye!"
Glenna, Outlander


NAME: Glenna
GENDER: Feminine
PRONOUNS: Feminine (she/her/hers)
ORIENTATION: Heterosexual, but not interested

BIRTHDATE: Late Summer 2708
AGE: 68 as of 2776
LOCATION: High Reaches Weyr

EYES: Brown
HAIR: Blonde
PLAY-BY: Annette Badland
EXPY SOURCE: Glenna Fitzgibbons (Outlander)
Glenna is short and stout, standing at 5' 1" in height, her build round and soft, made for giving hugs. Though wrinkled from age, her skin is light tan, her hands calloused from Turns of hard work. Glenna's hair was once a vibrant blonde, now washed out thanks to time's ravages, but still retaining its wild curliness. Full of motherly warmth and bountiful affection, her eyes are a dark toffee brown. Seeing as there's always plenty of work to be done, Glenna is dressed appropriately; a sturdy dress and well-made shoes, as well as hand-warmers and an apron to protect her clothes from stains.

Don't underestimate Glenna; she'll see you hard at work in a heartbeat given half a chance and a well-placed spatula. A hard worker, she firmly believes that everyone should help out, herself included; it's wrong to foist her work on others. While she can readily sniff out nonsense, her life as weyrfolk and mother grants her bountiful patience, especially if newcomers need a helping hand in settling in. Glenna strives to be a safe harbor for those who feel lost or adrift. Between a keen awareness that something is wrong and her intense drive to mother others, she will take those she thinks need her under her wing, until she's certain it's safe to let them go. If someone threatens those under her care, it's apparent that doing so was a terrible mistake, for she's a fiery and protective woman once provoked.

If she gets a feeling, she follows her gut above all and it hasn't failed her yet, even if others go a different path. Glenna is also incredibly hard-headed and won't back down, especially if her charges are in danger, no matter if she's right or wrong; her fits of pique are sometimes enough to make most hesitate before approaching her. While she's a caring person, she's not an idiot and she won't allow others to leech off her kindness. That just makes her angry and you don't want an angry Glenna. Capable of holding a grudge like a wherry holds its lunch, she can be quite harsh toward those who've wronged her or those she loves. While she can learn to forgive a slight against her, she cannot forgive someone who harmed those under her care, no matter how minor an incident.

After Golre's reign in High Reaches, Glenna is more distrustful than before, especially toward dragonriders and wherhandlers. No one is better than someone else, no matter what color dragon or wher under your rump; she absolutely does not condone attitudes of superiority in others. Before Golre, she identified as a Traditionalist, but no more. Nowadays, a gold in charge is nothing but trouble, seeing her placing her trust in High Reaches' Council. Glenna and her obstinance could very well be her downfall, in addition to her being impatient, which worsens under pressure. If you don't hand her your washing sharp, if you don't pick up your dishes, if you do something out of order, Glenna'll tell you right quick what's on her mind. Blunt and brusque, she doesn't take "no" for an answer. And if given a juicy tidbit of gossip, she can't help but share it among her friends, no matter her firm sense of logic and reason.

Parents - both dragonriders - both deceased
Isla - weyrfolk - younger sister - open tie!
Tammas - weyrbrat - nephew [-54] - open tie!
Timmit - weyrbrat - nephew [-56] - open tie!
Tamitha - weyrbrat - niece [-58] - open tie!
Tallera - weyrbrat - niece [-60] - open tie!
Weyrmate - dragonrider - deceased (Threadfall)
Son - dragonrider - open tie!
Daughter - weyrfolk - open tie!
Laoghaire of Blue Laosk - wherhandler - granddaughter [-48]
Murtagh - dragonrider - nephew [-12] - open tie!
BIRTHPLACE: High Reaches Weyr
HISTORY: TW: death
Glenna was born to a busy pair of riders, followed by sister Isla some Turns later. Raised in High Reaches' creche, she stayed close to her parents until both passed, growing up devoted to serving her Weyr. As soon as she was able, she signed up for Candidacy at fifteen. At twenty-two, she was still Standing as war broke out, Golre and her Vyzeth ascending to Senior Weyrwoman shortly after. These Mad Golds lived up to such a title, declaring war on Fort Weyr and disrupting hundreds of lives. Glenna herself continued to stand at various clutches until she aged out. Afterwards, she accepted a place as weyrfolk in High Reaches' kitchens. If she wasn't meant to be a dragonrider, she could serve in other ways. Those frightened under Golre's reign could find found solace under Glenna's care, from weyrfolk like her to mighty dragonriders and everyone in between; Glenna took it upon herself to take those that needed comfort under her wing and make them feel better.

After Golre was felled, Glenna was among those to celebrate and gladly bid her farewell. Under Fort's guidance, life could return to some semblance of normal, now that Golre, Vyzeth, and most that supported them gone. Seeing as she had no faith or interest in following Tradition ever again, Glenna was willing to give a newly established Council a chance; they've not failed her yet. Shortly after Golre's reign of madness ended, Glenna ended up weyrmated to her childhood sweetheart, after spending Candidacy together, now a dragonrider himself. Together, they had two fine children, hoping both might end up dragonriders; her son succeeded, while her daughter aged out and accepted a life as weyrfolk alongside her mother. It was a happy period for them, a little High Reaches family, until Thread claimed her weyrmate and his blue, both going between. Glenna was heartbroken and struggled for Turns, seeing little point in going on now that her love was gone. But life promised a brighter future, finding new happiness in taking care of her children and her children's children and all her little nieces and nephews.

Ultimately, she listened. Glenna still proudly serves as weyrfolk and has no intention of quitting, puttering about cooking and overseeing children like a hen minding her brood, though she hopes to end up as Headwoman or Assistant Headwoman one day. While a dark spot lingers in her heart for her lost weyrmate, she's decided to enjoy what life she has left, making sure everyone else follows suit too.

  • Late Fall 2772: Glenna obtains a flit egg at a handout and Impresses gold Autumn!
Last edited by Agenothree on Sun Mar 10, 2024 9:32 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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NAME: Autumn
BIRTHDATE: Late Fall 2772
AGE: 4 as of 2776

Large for her color, Autumn carries herself like a queen most regal. Though she has no markings, Autumn is hard to miss, given her bright colors. While her front half is a rich orange color, it fades into a lighter gold as it runs further across her body; her coloration led to her name, for looking like leaves in autumn.

Autumn is a quiet and observant firelizard, cool-headed and calm; there's little that can startle or shake her. It's her first instinct to protect her loved ones, but she isn't outright vicious. Oddly intelligent for a flit, Autumn will use tactics like posturing or staring before escalating, if facing something she determines is dangerous. Viewing herself as a benevolent queen, she doesn't search for conflict, but understands it's sometimes necessary. While it's rare for her to express it, Autumn is playful at heart, though hidden behind her stoic attitude; namely, she loves to play in baskets of clean laundry. Incredibly snuggly, she often cuddles others to cheer up those that are sad; if she sees someone upset, she has to make it right.
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