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"I do not snore! I am cute and lovable!"
Cozy Glow, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic


NAME: Cotozi; Tozi is a nickname that stuck among her sisters, much to her chagrin
GENDER: Feminine
PRONOUNS: Feminine (she/her/hers)
ORIENTATION: Power, my beloved...

BIRTHDATE: Early Autumn 2765
AGE: 11 as of 2776
LOCATION: High Reaches Weyr
OCCUPATION: Holdless, Weyrbrat

EYES: Green
HAIR: Blonde
PLAY-BY: Apprentice Witch Maker Picrew
EXPY SOURCE: Cozy Glow (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Cotozi is a small and slight thing, standing at 4' 1" in height and her build wispy, though she still has some growing to do. At full maturity, she'll likely stand at about 5' to 5' 4", by rough estimates. Time will tell if she'll grow into her frame and seem less like a strong breeze could knock her down. For her features, she boasts fine blonde hair kept in a cute braided style and stunning green eyes, her skin warm in color. Once free of her Holdless rags, Cotozi is notably fond of dresses and blouse-skirt combos where she's permitted, as well as ribbons and bows for a little extra touch of cuteness.

At first meeting her, Cotozi is a charming little darling, sweet as May and eager to please. Bubbly and cheery, she's quick-witted and bright child, always happy to be included. But she's not all sunshine and rainbows. Though she plays at being naive and innocent, she's actually crafty and cunning, manipulative and downright mean. There's nothing she won't do to stay a step ahead of everyone else, even if it hurts others in so doing. If she wants something, she takes it, but what she wants most is power; she should be queen of everything and everyone should do what she says. But she has a short fuse. Once she loses her cool, it's easy to see what she is: a little brat who would use others to her advantage given half a chance. If she feels she's won, she can fall into arrogance, bragging about how much better she is than everyone else. But if she's pushed to do so, be it a part of her latest scheme or to defend herself, she can be incredibly vicious, harsh and hostile, displaying aggression a wherry would be hard-pressed to match.

Though Cotozi maintains a careful detachment from everyone, her family is still somehow closest to her, knowing a lot more of her inner workings than most. While she still blames her parents to some degree for her life as Holdless, her sisters are a different story. Though she doesn't often seek them out for companionship, especially not in public (unless to do so is to her advantage), it's usually not an unreasonable assumption that she's skulking about somewhere close to them...unless she's causing trouble elsewhere. Though it seems she doesn't like them outwardly, ranging from cool indifference to blatantly shunning them, it doesn't match her demeanor if she's left to her own devices. Being older than them, someone has to look out for them all, even if she's not always seen among them...and even if she still puts herself first. As such, though it’s rare, little things sometimes end up in her sisters’ possession, be it trinkets or treats, but nothing left behind to confirm it was her that left them.

While Cotozi keeps her machinations to herself, her reasons behind them aren't so hard to understand. Distrusting and distant, she feels she needs to fight to secure things she needs and wants; it's a foreign concept to her that she could actually rely on others and make friends rather than use and throw them away. Often, she can come off as an obnoxious know-it-all, especially if she's trying to ingratiate herself to someone, but it goes to show she's intelligent, enjoys learning, and has good memory for fact; she's misguided to use her talents for her own personal gain. In addition, she hates owing others debts and favors, but respects those who've done her a solid before. Such a thing like Cotozi finding that it was Lanselot and his brown wher Selosk that had happened upon her camp, that both had personally carried her to safety, forced her to change her attitude. As a result, she feels a begrudging respect and gratitude for them, though she's not particularly keen about expressing it.

Parents - both ex-Holdless - both living - open tie(s)!
Kiaya - weyrbrat - younger sister [-1] - living
Galina - weyrbrat - younger sister [-2] - living
Sasha - weyrbrat - younger sister [-3] - living
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Married to her plots for power.
BIRTHPLACE: Holdless Camp
There isn't much to tell about Cotozi's life so far. Being born to Holdless parents, first of four siblings, her birthright was a dangerous and unforgiving life, shunned by a society she knew little about. Though she was young, such a life didn't allow her to be particularly warm and cuddly and girlish. Everything was dangerous, seeing as her family and other Holdless had no support if something were to go wrong, if someone suffered illness or injury. It infuriated her to be included in her parents' punishment, forging her into a crafty child that wouldn't hesitate to do what was necessary to get a leg up, no matter if "what was necessary" could be seen as bad or wrong. After all, she was Holdless by default. What could happen to punish her? That she be made Holdless?

2773 saw blight hit crops in High Reaches Hold; Cotozi was about eight. Food was scarce even for those who could readily get it, so where did that leave her and her fellow Holdless. Hungry. As if it wasn't hard enough to get by, a blight had to destroy reliable food sources. Sasha, her youngest sister, seemed to take it hardest, but it was difficult for them all. Even Cotozi, who had no qualms wheedling for scant extras and swiping what she could, had a pinched look to her face. Times were tough, but things would go from bad to worse. A terrible blizzard swept through in 2775, Cotozi's tenth Turn, two Turns later. A lot of what happened ended up a blur, lost to cold and biting winds, but she remembers hearing galloping paws crunching through snow and a lot of strange voices before feeling warm enough to awaken and study her new surroundings.

Later, Cotozi discovered that she and other Holdess in her camp, including her family, had been rescued by High Reaches Weyr from certain death. Here was her chance to be something more than an outcast, to live a good life and not be afraid of what might hide beyond her tent. Once recovered, she would join other children her age as a weyrbrat, but that didn't mean she wouldn't try to ingratiate herself to others older than herself. Though she would be starting at a disadvantage, she would do what was necessary again, to catch up and thrive in these new surroundings.

  • Early Spring 2776: Cotozi receives a firelizard egg from Dani, one of gold Ceecee's clutch of twelve eggs. It hatches into a garnet, who she names Poison.
Last edited by Agenothree on Sat Mar 09, 2024 12:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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NAME: Poison
BIRTHDATE: Early Spring 2776
AGE: Newborn as of 2776

COLOR: Garnet
A fairly average-sized garnet with a base pink color. She has darker wine colored stripes running up her neck and along the underside of her mouth, as well as on the ends of her toes and on the fork of her tail. There are much thinner wine lines criss-crossing across her body like a fishing net. Her wings are a paler pink near the base of her body, fading to a slightly darker color. Her body is covered in darker, soot-like splotches of the wine color, giving her a perpetually grungy look no matter how clean she is.

It's amazing much attitude can fit into one little firelizard, and this one is quite the handful. She's willful and stubborn and a bit of a contrarian. She's not as clever as she thinks, though, so it's very easy for her human to trick her into doing what they want by pretending they don't want her to do it. She can be a perfectly well-behaved flit, provided she can feel like she's getting away with something.

This garnet will attempt to bully anyone and everyone who shows the slightest sign of weakness in front of her, but she is mostly bark and very little bite, and would typically rather run than get involved in a fight.
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