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"And I don't know what we might face, but I know I can't replace you. So I'll do anything to save you." - Whatever it Takes, Hazbin Hotel


GENDER: Female
ORIENTATION: not interested

BIRTHDATE: Early Autumn 2745
AGE: 30 as of Spring 2776
OCCUPATION: Weyrfolk Holdless

EYES: brown
HAIR: black
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'7", average
PLAY-BY: Hana, Wolf Children
EXPY SOURCE: Hana, Wolf Children
Hana is a young woman of average height and build. Overall relatively unremarkable, though her face remains youthful and unmarked, belying her age. She has pale skin and wide brown eyes that don't help her look older. Her nose is small and her lips thin. She keeps her black hair cut to around chin length.

She tries to keep herself clean, though living out in the wilderness makes it tough sometimes. Her clothes are a mix of old and new, as she wears things as she gets them and usually doesn't replace things until they are too unwearable. Soon enough she'll have a proper wardrobe, but old habits are hard to break.

Hana is first and foremost a mom to just about everyone she meets. She might not be old enough to be a person's mom, but she will treat them with the love and care as if she was. She is always taking care of the other holdless she travels with, making sure everyone is getting their share of the food and supplies. She is especially devoted to her own children, even more so when her husband died. Hana loves her children dearly and would do nearly anything she had to to keep them safe.

Despite facing isolation and judgment from the outside world because she was born holdess, Hana is an open-minded and compassionate woman, accepting others where she might not herself be accepted. Although, after her encounter with the Holder, she finds it uncomfortable and awkward when she is around people of rank she doesn't know well, as she is worried they might just use her again.

She is extremely resilient and resourceful. Really, she was forced into it by the circumstances of her life. A Holdless has to be able to hold their own in the wilds of Pern, or they wouldn't survive.

She loved Talbain deeply and still grieves for him. She tries not to show it around her children, but there is still a lingering sadness to her smile that hasn't quite faded. She doesn't have any desire to find another partner, but if her children really needed influence from father figure, she'd figure out some way to find someone for their sake.

With the life she has lead, she has become overly protective and watchful of those close to her, most particularly her children. She tends to hover and rarely lets them out of her sight. It's gotten even worse since they got trapped in that cave.

She is very frugal and hoarding. She will wear clothes until they are literally falling apart, and keep food scraps others would have sent to the midden. 'When you don't have a lot, it's best to hold on to what you have' is one of her mottos.


Parents- Haru, Mother (deceased)
Jarna, father (deceased)
Siblings- Jarru, older brother, estranged
Haruja, younger sister
Husband- Talbain (deceased)
Children - Yuki (8,born late spring 2776), Ame (6, born Summer 2778)
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: none since her husband passed
BIRTHPLACE: wilds of Pern (born Holdless)
TW: animal attack, Death
Hana was born into the Holdless life. She never really knew what her parents did to be banished as they didn't like to talk about it. She had an older brother and soon after a younger sister.

When Hana was a teenager, there was a bad winter in whatever territory they were in and her parents sacrificed their wellbeing to ensure their children's survival. The weather cleared eventually, but it was too late and neither was able to recover.

Her older brother took on the role of patriarch for their group and they found another small group of Holdless that they joined up with. It was here she met Talbain. He was handsome and charming, and they fell for each other quickly. They ended up marrying when they came of age.

In her 21st turn of life, she found herself with child and soon enough, Yuki was born. The pair was estatic. Life on the road was hard, but they figured it out. Two turns later, their second child Ame was born. Hana and her brother got into a heated argument over having children while Holdless and they were unable to reconcile. Instead, Hana and her family left the rest of the Holdless they had been staying with and went off on their own.

The next few turns were relatively uneventful, outside of simply surviving. Yuki and Ame thrived as well as they could(for holdless born) as Hana tried to keep them fed and clothed.

The fall of 2774, shortly before Hana turned 29, a pack of feral canines came upon them. Talbain managed to fight them off, but he got injured in the process and wasn't able to recover. Hana was grief-stricken.

When the winter came, Hana begged for shelter for her children for the winter from a seemingly kind Holder in the territory they were in. She made up a story about traveling instead of admitting she was Holdless. Her lack of a brand led credibility to her falsehood. The Holder agreed and took in the family, telling Hana she could work in the kitchens and stay in the Hold as long as she needed.

The Holder ended up being a much crueler than he came off as at first. He forced her into drudge work, and he threatened Hana that if she did not cater to his every demand, she and her children would be kicked out into the cold.

Hana was distraught. She knew her children needed to stay in the hold or she wouldn't be able to provide for them. She reluctantly agreed to the Holder's demands, and worked hard, no matter what sort of task he assigned her. As soon as Spring came, and it was nice enough to travel again, she packed up her children and stole some supplies before quietly leaving the hold one night. She swore off ever trying to find succor like that again.

Around summer, the family finds a small group of holdless and joins them. She smiles again, feeling like she is among her own kind. She developed a fast friendship with another family that had children around Yuki and Ame's ages.

In the winter of 2775, their group caught in a blizzard in High Reaches territory. Yuki and Ame were playing in a nearby cave and got caught inside. She panicked, begging the riders and handlers that came for them to rescue them. She refused to leave until they had been retrieved and she barely noticed the short flight between to High Reaches.

She managed to slowly settle into life at the Weyr, finding work among the crecheworkers due to her natural motherly nature. She's prepared to leave again if needed, for who would want to have a holdless like her around.
Last edited by Mal on Fri Mar 01, 2024 12:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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BIRTHDATE Early Spring 2776
AGE: 0 as of 2776

COLOR: Garnet
At first glance, this flit may seem like an average garnet with speckling on her wings. Her color is the shade of vibrant red most people think of when anyone says 'red', and her proprotions are fairly average. But a closer inspection of her wings reveals the expansive map of some strange-looking Hold or Weyr, the sort that was plucked straight from a child's imagination.

This garnet is a fiercely independent little flit. She's nobody's baby, and rarely wants to be held. Despite this, she is extremely loyal to her bonded(s), preferring to stick close to them and stick her nose into whatever they're doing to sate her endless curiosity. She's quite an intelligent little thing, not needing much training. The downside of this, however, is that she will sometimes insist on doing things her own way, and will not be deterred no matter what her human does to get her to stop.
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