NAME: G'ri (Geri)
PRONOUNS: he/him/his
BIRTHDATE: Summer 2691
AGE: 85 as of Summer 2776
LOCATION: High Reaches Weyr
OCCUPATION: Retired Brownrider
EYES: Brown
HAIR: White
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 6'8" and skinny
EXPY SOURCE: Geri from Pixar's Geri's Game
FULL APPEARANCE: Advancing as he is into old age, G'ri is no longer as physically robust as he once was, his muscles having lost definition and tone. This makes him appear very thin, but there is strength still left in his wiry frame, bent though it is slightly at the back through old injury and the ravages of time. Thin white hair encircles the sides and back of his head, no longer covering the top with more than a few wisps, and kind brown eyes glimmer beneath thick white brows.
He has a large nose and large hands, which he will joke was necessary to pick his nose in the creche. Though often covered by his clothing, he has a small tattoo of his dragon on his upper right arm. (St. Nick's Day)
G'ri is the personification of an old coot. He loves small practical jokes and lighthearted tricks, which he can often be found using to entertain his grandchildren or any other youngster in need of amusement. While ambitious as a young man, the years have tempered his desire for least, mostly. Occasionally, he gets in a mood where the field in which he grows his fucks is barren and gets under the skin of local leadership with his contrarian ideas, though he is never a threat and is usually told to knock it off. Nobody can really say for sure if it's a fleeting memory issue, or if he's just a particularly stubborn old man.
While he may not always have the most modern advice, he's always willing to teach and advise when he can, and even in retirement shows a special interest in aiding the weyrlings. He has a great mind for games of logic and puzzles, and can often be found playing chess when he can convince someone else to play. He is a bit of a sore winner with a tendency to gloat for a bit after a victory, though he's happy enough to show youngsters the ropes. He might even let them win, if he's in a good mood.
Numerous children and grandchildren
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: No permanent weyrmate
TW: Injury
The son of dragonriders, it was always expected that he would eventually impress. Raised largely as a traditionalist, he had a place to fill in the Weyr and knew shirking norms would net him no gain, even if he didn't always agree. He stood from the age he was able, but was left standing at a half-dozen clutches, sparking speculation he would disappoint his rider legacy after all. In his 20th turn, he was on the sounds with a dozen dragonets around him, already set in their life bonds, when the last, unassuming dark green egg split to reveal a brown. Rookyth tripped over the tail of a clutchmate and knocked Geri from his feet. He regained his feet as G'ri, and the two had a deep connection from that first day.
With no Threadfall due for decades, they graduated Candidateship and worked regular patrols, with occasional search-and-rescue over the waters surrounding the island. As the Interval War approached, G'ri worked to solidify his standing in the Weyr, though it would take another ten years before he attained it, and he became Wingsecond.
While defending against an attack from Telgar, G'ri was thrown from Rookyth and suffered a broken shoulder and a back injury. While he recovered after sufficient time and was declared fighting fit, it's an injury that came back to haunt him in old age, causing arthritis pain and infirmity during the worst flares.
He served in his position through the end of the war, when Thread once again threatened the skies of Pern. Finally able to work as a dragon and rider should, G'ri and Rookyth thrived. This was an enemy he could feel proud to battle, after all, after years of turmoil between Weyrs. They were both Threadscored several times over the years, but never devastatingly. After a time, he realized that being a leader wasn't truly what fulfilled him, and forsook rank to volunteer with the Weyrlings and new graduates, always eager to help shape the next generation of riders.
Age eventually became a hindrance to how well he and Rookyth could maneuver in a fall. After a particularly nasty score to the brown's wings and G'ri's legs that left them recovering for weeks, he chose to retire, now firmly in his seventh decade. The old injury to his back flared often from the cold, wet sea winds, and with the advice of the Healers, G'ri and Rookyth retired to High Reaches, (mostly) staying out of trouble and enjoying a well-earned rest.