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Candidate Pom

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Candidate Pom

Pom of White Venrath


GENDER: Cis Female
PRONOUNS: she/her/hers
ORIENTATION: Questioning

BIRTHDATE: Spring 2755
AGE: 15 as of Early Fall 2770
LOCATION: Semeca ( formerly Fort Weyr)

EYES: Green
HAIR: Brown, Wavy
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5’4, muscular enough to do work, but not more than that.

Pom does her best to stay as clean as possible. Her hair is a wavy brown mess that doesn’t tend to lie flat most of the time. Her skin is tanned from being outside most of the time, and she has freckles all over from working with the sheep. She tends to repair her own clothing if she can manage, so what few outfits she owns are a toss up between neatly repaired or haphazardly sewn together.


Pom is timid. No ifs, ands or buts. She tends not to speak up unless she absolutely has to, and will usually go along with the group. However, she still tries very hard to be brave with varying results. She can be skittish and superstitious, as well as naive and uninformed in the ways of dragons and Weyr life. But despite her fear, she is curious. She wants to learn, even if she’s hesitant to take chances and stray from where she’s most comfortable. When she can stand up for what she believes in, it takes a lot to get her to back down.

Despite not being very well versed in weyr life, she can read people better than one might expect. She’s very in tune with people’s emotions, and tries hard to not judge that which she doesn’t understand. Pom also values hearing as many sides to a story as she can, and will do her best to coax or sniff out what info she can without attracting TOO much attention if she can manage.

FAMILY: Woogu ( Older Brother )
BIRTHPLACE: Fort Weyr area cothold
Pom had always been a farming girl. She was raised in the local creche and has only ever known her older brother as family. She kept her head down, and did what she could to be useful to her community. They were mostly farmers and shepherds with very few with an actual farmercraft education. Woogu wanted to go away to learn farmercrafting, and he gladly left Pom to her own devices.

Slowly, she grew up, helping to tend to the kids in the Creche and even learning how to be a shepherd. It wasn’t TOO hard, considering she could make the connections between herding sheep and herding children. Hers was a peaceful existence and it would have stayed that way had the searchdragon never landed in their midst.

Pom had never seen a dragon before. Not up close. It was kind of terrifying, in a way, but also quite awe inspiring. She joined the crowd to greet the rider, only to get singled out by the dragon. Pom was terrified when they nosed her, but she snapped out of it when she was chosen as a potential candidate. She honestly wasn’t sure what to do, but the crowd was egging her on to join the rider, a very kind woman who told her she didn’t have to do anything she didn’t want to.

But pom wanted to. Even if she was afraid.

So she’d pack up what little she owned, and she’d take off on dragonback. It was a terrifying experience and going Between was a lot for her. But she’d survive, and get to Fort Weyr in one piece.
Last edited by ladyweathervain on Fri Oct 06, 2023 7:51 pm, edited 3 times in total.
B'yani of Brown Hyuth
Cecelia of Brown Uriangth
Pyrus of Blue Gask
Hanzo of Blue Velocith
Lou of White Joheith
Lazu of Tanzanite Yharnath
Candidate Tarquin
Daiya of Gold Daisk
Carol of Blue Carsk and Brown Cask
Manuel of Garnet Minevath
Barold of Blue Impacth
Theo of Blue Detrigeth
Nidai of Green Norenath
Soursop of Green Lalulith
Pom of White Venrath
Ollie of Goldstone Ollisk
Phyna of Gold Lutrath
Lars of Bronze Scabellath
G'dan of Bronze Anubaath
Eglantine of Brown Anselth
Dusleros of Brown Runth
Orpheus of Brown Kohgath
Zul of Brown Zulsk
Rider of Blue Dersk
Y'uga of Blue Siarnaith
Kiki of Green Ghyblith
Ganymede of Green Auth
Adeline of Green Casiuth
Hans of Green Rhodoth

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NAME: Venrath
BIRTHDATE Late Summer 2775
AGE: Newborn as of Late Summer 2775

LENGTH: 33ft
HEIGHT: 8.25ft
HEX CODE:#0003cc
On the small side for a blue, Venrath is rather average otherwise. For how small he is, he is not particularly muscular or lean, broad or narrow. He's very middle-looking. He is a bold, rich blue all over. He has bright blue markings across him, over his nose like a painted arrow, down his sides like the whirling winds. There are brilliant and bright "flames" over his legs, and in bolts of "lightning" on his wingsails, fading from a pale blue to a more rich sky blye.. His hind legs fade from a pale blue to a richer ocean blue at the feet.

A very chipper blue, Venrath is a dragon-of-all-trades. He'll do errand flying, hunting, fight Thread, he's got all kinds of skills covered, or he will when he actually does his proper lessons and training. He has a good heart, and an endless enthusiasm for the world. He will fit into any role, and be at home no matter what he does. He's friendly and happy to lend a hand with whatever is being done around him, and he will be quick to adapt to any situation, good or bad. He is wildly curious about what everyone is doing, and will definitely try to imitate them in an attempt to learn about them, but he is a dragon and not terribly adept to things like "being a human" and "wearing clothes" even though he would happily wear clothes if he could.

To his rider, Venrath is a very dear friend and supportive partner. He genuinely likes his partner, and will fly to the ends of Pern and to the twin moons if he had to for them. He's very sweet, but he is not a pushover, and he can be as stubborn as they come. As odd as he is with his hide having changed color, he is a happy and very friendly dragon to those around him. He has utmost confidence in his abilities, and how he sees the world. Being wrong is not in his vocabulary, and while he will be wrong, he just... won't really admit it.

Voice: Infectiously energetic, it is hard not to smile when Venrath talks. He's a happy dragon, and he is happy to tell you about everything.

Why Me?: Pom's idea of fading into the background are doomed to failure with Venrath. I hope she enjoys her new social dragon who will make her more social. No more wall flower for her!
Last edited by ladyweathervain on Fri Oct 06, 2023 7:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
B'yani of Brown Hyuth
Cecelia of Brown Uriangth
Pyrus of Blue Gask
Hanzo of Blue Velocith
Lou of White Joheith
Lazu of Tanzanite Yharnath
Candidate Tarquin
Daiya of Gold Daisk
Carol of Blue Carsk and Brown Cask
Manuel of Garnet Minevath
Barold of Blue Impacth
Theo of Blue Detrigeth
Nidai of Green Norenath
Soursop of Green Lalulith
Pom of White Venrath
Ollie of Goldstone Ollisk
Phyna of Gold Lutrath
Lars of Bronze Scabellath
G'dan of Bronze Anubaath
Eglantine of Brown Anselth
Dusleros of Brown Runth
Orpheus of Brown Kohgath
Zul of Brown Zulsk
Rider of Blue Dersk
Y'uga of Blue Siarnaith
Kiki of Green Ghyblith
Ganymede of Green Auth
Adeline of Green Casiuth
Hans of Green Rhodoth

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NAME: Ruff
AGE: Less than a turn as of Late Fall 2770

FULL APPEARANCE: Ruff is a nice mix of light and dark blue. He has a dark blue streak down the back of his neck, as well as down the back of his tail, the fringes of his wingsails and back legs.


Ruff is just as anxious as Pom can be at times. But unlike Pom, he doesn't know when to stop whining and crying about things. Everything makes him cry. Suspicious towel on the floor? Cry. Dragon shadow passes overhead? Cry. A leaf blows into his face? Cry.
B'yani of Brown Hyuth
Cecelia of Brown Uriangth
Pyrus of Blue Gask
Hanzo of Blue Velocith
Lou of White Joheith
Lazu of Tanzanite Yharnath
Candidate Tarquin
Daiya of Gold Daisk
Carol of Blue Carsk and Brown Cask
Manuel of Garnet Minevath
Barold of Blue Impacth
Theo of Blue Detrigeth
Nidai of Green Norenath
Soursop of Green Lalulith
Pom of White Venrath
Ollie of Goldstone Ollisk
Phyna of Gold Lutrath
Lars of Bronze Scabellath
G'dan of Bronze Anubaath
Eglantine of Brown Anselth
Dusleros of Brown Runth
Orpheus of Brown Kohgath
Zul of Brown Zulsk
Rider of Blue Dersk
Y'uga of Blue Siarnaith
Kiki of Green Ghyblith
Ganymede of Green Auth
Adeline of Green Casiuth
Hans of Green Rhodoth

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