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Wi'rad Of Green Sinnath

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    Fri May 03, 2024 12:55 pm
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Wi'rad Of Green Sinnath

"Ah, this is pathetic. Now he’s a loser with a dragon"


NAME: Wi'rad
PRONOUNS: he/him/his
ORIENTATION: He'll be lucky just to get a woman to look in his direction
BIRTHDATE: Late Spring 2747
AGE: 29 as of Early Summer 2776
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: Greenrider , general problem
WING: Minuet Squad

EYES: Brown
HAIR: Dark Brown
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'8 | Solid fella
PLAY-BY: Antonio Banderas
Wi'rad is a man with broad shoulders, and a fine postrue. He likes to hold himself as a dignified man (with whatever little diginity he believes he has left). Wi'rad will spend hours infront of a mirror , making sure he looks absolutley perfect for the day. However, nothing about him ever wants to work with him, no matter how much he tries to try a new hairstyle, it'll fluff up so much he'll be forced to damp it and brush it back. Wi'rad's wardrobe consists mostly of shirts in greens and various shades, he argues its a personal prefernce, that green dyes make the cloth more softer to wear or some other silly arguement like that. No matter what he says, the real reason is his soft spot for Sinnath. Just his way to show his love for her.

Wi'rad has a thin scar spanning from his left temple to his jaw, he claims having gained it from a very heroic encounter. He does not smile much, there's always a very deadpan expression upon his face.

Wi’rad is an arrogant , stuck up fool with the ego of a Benden bronze rider. He’s unable to see beyond his own nose and utterly believes the world simply revolves around him. He devotes himself to duty because what else is deserving of all his wonderful attention besides being a dragonrider? Him and his dragon are the best thing since sliced bread and he won’t accept arguments saying otherwise, Wi’rad will never allow anyone to ever criticise Sinnath ever, those who dare he shouts and argues at them. Neither is he going to allow anyone who believes that he has a soft spot for her. Being a rider is a 24/7 job and Wi’rad knows it, going to the extent of ignoring his own needs for it. Dinners spent instead reviewing what could be done better in drills , not only his performance but others too!

Underneath all that snobby exterior is a man who cannot express his feelings properly , a side he does not show to anyone. A childhood worth’s of lessons in how a rider should behave have left him believing that showing your true self is a weakness. Quick to dismiss others’ feelings and even quicker to criticise them. Wi’rad believes he’s the only one who can do a task to perfection even though he may have only done said task once. He is rather good at being a dragonrider though…well he believes he is one and his opinion is all that matters to him.

Father (Green Rider)
Mother (Brown Rider)
Brother [-3] (Dragonrider) [Open Tie]
Array of younger siblings
Wi’rad’s story starts as many other’s do, born from flightlust. His parents decided that although they were not the fondest of eachother, the brown rider and green rider would try to be as present in his life as much as possible. The two riders dedicated themselves to babying Wi’rad and subjecting him to their high standards , he should at least aim to be like his mother. 3 years into raising a son together, his parents decided to become weyrmates and had another son. A brother Wi’rad saw as competition in the race to become riders.

As a result, Wi’rad grew self entitled and snobby. The boy fully believed throughout his candidature that he would grow to become the best rider to have graced Pern’s land. After all if his parents said he was smart enough to be a weyrleader and with hard work he’d earn a big strong dragon and lead the weyr intro prosperity. A hope that turned the aim for his own achivements.

Wi’rad was 17, the Vaults of Pandora clutch upon the fort sands. The young man was quite certain that there was a certain shiny dragon in there for him. After all, he’d been good all turn, maybe luck was on his side this time! He was so sure that his mother , father and brother were in the crowd cheering him on.


Well, this was far from a bronze. Sinnath was... weird to say the least and Wi'rad did not like weird. At least he had reached the status of rider before his younger brother, a competition that had encouraged years of arguments between the two siblings. Wi'rad struggled through out weyrlinghood with Sinnath, with trying to teach the green boundaries and keeping her out of trouble, he had no moment of rest. Between all her quirks and strangeness, the greenrider could not teach himself to consider his bond with Sinnath more than something purely functional.

3 turns at Fort dragged far too slowly for Wi'rad's tastes, his spare time spent teaching all there was to know about being a dragon rider to his younger brother, no one could teach being a rider better than the best rider on Pern. A message went out to riders, from the south, asking for more helping hands in a brand new Weyr. The idea peaked his interest and even more so the one of Sinnath, the two decided that they would leave as soon as his brother impressed and was halfway through his weyrlinghood, as not to leave the boy without any support. However, the green rider grew impatient, he longed for a new adventure and decided to leave soon after making his promise to his brother.

As a parting gift, his brother got him a fire lizard egg, making him promise (one he wouldn't break) that he’d write to him as soon as he could. At least he had one person from his family who cared about him. The egg came with him to Semaca , hatching in the days while the pair settled in. Unfortunately, the flit hatched while Wi’rad was thoroughly drunk from little celebration that was long over due. The little bronze flit was named Sir Flitsalot, both Wi’rad and Sinnath thought it to be the funniest thing in Pern . There in their drunk fuelled laughter, he decided that his green would be his best friend no matter what.

Wi’rad’s first thread fall at Semaca was not without disaster. The easy part was flying thread. Wi’rad had caught the eye of a rather cute crèche worker , and girls love to be boasted to don’t they? So in his hurry to get down from his weyr to the lower caverns, Wi’rad tripped with his laces and tumbled down the entire stair case, slamming his head rather badly against the sharp side of one stair. To anyone who asks about that scar down the side of face, they should know that it was a scar gained through skill and bravery while flaming thread out the sky and saving a squad mate, not when he embarrassingly tripped down the stairs of course.

As of late, Wi'rad has found companionship among a younger bronze rider , blue and garnet handler. Their friendship has proved worthy as the group gathers for weekly talks over dinner (or breakfast for some) in the dining hall.
Last edited by GalaxyMir on Fri Aug 09, 2024 11:08 am, edited 13 times in total.
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    Fri May 03, 2024 12:55 pm
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Alright, I need a bath. Preferably immediately. Wi'rad, why is the sand so... gross? I'm all dirty! Sinnath - that would be me you know - demands to be clean! And why is everyone so upset? It all feels so weird. I don't like it.


NAME: Sinnath
BIRTHDATE Early Summer 2763
AGE: 13 as of Early Summer 2776



LENGTH: 26ft
COLOR: Green
HEX CODE: #869820
Not any bigger than Spriggth, Sinnath is a little spindly green who looks not unlike she is trouble. A lot of trouble. She is quite adept at getting places that she should stay out of, and she is quite flexible. She also likes to stare, a lot. She's an olive-green all over, with her face spotted with a brighter green that looks not unlike she has goggles over her eyes, and a little blip on her nose. There are darker, grass-colored lines under her chin and over her nose, and the same color swishes around the pale green ribbon across her chest and sides. She has dark square markings around her neck hand ankles as if she is wearing pretty jewelry. For her size, Sinnath is not a particularly fast green.

Sinnath is a smart dragon, with wild theories and a healthy taste for exploration and learning that borders on invasive. She has no problem sticking her face in someone's food, or hair, clothes... anything for the sake of knowledge! Yes, she will probably lick someone's face to determine their taste, it is clearly important to learning! She is very friendly, and not at all shy. If Sinnath has a question, there is almost nothing stopping her from outright asking, even if it may seem a little awkward to the humans. Sinnath has no real concept of privacy, keeping no secrets and having no problem saying exactly what is on her mind.

To her rider, Sinnath isn't quite sure how to handle being a friend. Friends are weird, she's not used to having them. So she is awkward. She loves them, but she is awkward, and will occasionally ask questions in an attempt to figure them out until she finds her groove. Even then, she'll have her slip ups. It is not unusual for this green to talk to objects. She doesn't expect them to talk back, she just needs to talk! Sinnath may go long periods without rising, and she is not particularly a fan of babies or children.

Voice: Sinnath has a light, feminine voice that sounds fairly chipper. She is prone to speaking very quickly when she is excited.
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    Mon May 27, 2024 4:44 pm
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Sir Flitsalot


NAME: Sir Flitsalot (Also responds to Sire , Flint and Excellency)
BIRTHDATE Late Summer 2763
AGE: 12 as of 2776

COLOR: Bronze
Sir Flitsalot is pretty standard for a bronze. His hide's base colour is an orange-y bronze, his head a lighter, more creamier bronze that also covers his wings in a pattern resembling a dragon's flame when scorching thread.

Sir Flitsalot fears nothing! Well.... except his own reflection. He is extremely afraid of mirrors, and will attack one on sight, hissing and growling until it is covered up. The firelizard enjoys the company of others of his kin and dragons, he especially likes spending time with Sinnath, fond of how the green will talk and talk and talk.
Sir Flitsalot lives up to his name, he is one regal firelizard. He knows quite a few tricks , and is a loyal companion to Wi'rad. Flitsalot is known to try to hunt little semancan critters, often appearing home with small rodents to show to his other companions. During drills and such, Sir Flitsalot will follow the green pair , enjoying being flown around on his counterpart’s neck.
Last edited by GalaxyMir on Sun Jun 23, 2024 2:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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