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Lucio of Green Baixoth

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Lucio of Green Baixoth

"Cant stop wont stop!"


RETIRE INFO: Retire Character, Adopt dragon.
NAME: Lucio
ORIENTATION: Panromantic Pansexual

BIRTHDATE: Early Summer 2744
AGE: 32 as of Early Summer 2776
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: Dragonrider
WING: Minuet Wing

EYES: Dark Brown
HAIR: Brown, worn in long dreadlocks.
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5' 4". athletic and well built, but short.
PLAY-BY: Lucio (Overwatch)
Lucio is a fairly short man. He's several inches shorter than the PERN average, and is built in such a way that it doesn't give him much bulk. He's strong, but his athletic build is angled more towards speed than strength. His legs and core are strong, and his upper body strength doesn't quite compare. He has dark brown eyes and the beginning of crow's feet at the corners of his eyes due to how much he smiles. His skin is dark and he cares for it diligently.

His hair is worn in tightly curled dreadlocks. With how long they are, Lucio keeps them tied back in an odd looking high ponytail, giving him the illusion of a few extra inches with how his hair stands up. He also has a small beard. Though it only covers his chin, it grows fairly thickly. The rest of his jawline would be lucky to have a few whiskers, so he doesn't bother to encourage the sparse growth.

Lucio's entire personality somehow manages to be upbeat. He's all smiles, and his optimism manifests itself in the form of compliments, encouragement and more often than not nicknames for those close to him. He's capable of bringing a team of people together, and motivating them to do well. There is, however, a possessive side of him. His hard work is his own, and his accomplishments are some of his most prized possessions. He doesn't tolerate people taking credit for his work, and will call out anyone he considers to be trying to take the attention from the proper party.

He is also fiercely independent, and highly suspicious of leadership. Those that would use their positions of power to impose their will on unwilling people are the lowest of the low to him, and he's vocal of that belief to the point that he can be fairly disrespectful. He's also fairly prejudiced against bronze and gold dragons and their riders due to this, and regards them all with some level of suspicion until they prove to be trustworthy. This also extends to people from High Reaches, though he's far less willing to trust them than he is shiny dragons.

Olavo (Father)
BIRTHPLACE: A small hold near High Reaches Weyr
Lucio was born to a small, tight knit hold. His father was a Harper, and his mother was uninterested in raising him. She left to other holds when he was still very young, and he only has foggy memories of her. Growing up, he had a nice quiet life, learning songs and music from his father. He took an interest in it, and had every intention to follow in his father's footsteps and become a Harper himself. When his father asked to be moved to High Reaches to further his mastery as a Harper, Lucio jumped at the opportunity to join him. He was only twelve turns at the time, but figured the experience would be worth his while.

It didn't take him long to question his father's choice. Golre was just as much the tyrant as the rumors had said. He was appalled, but his father seemed content enough to work under the "Mad Golds". Couldn't he see the suffering of chromatic dragonriders under their rule? Was he willfully blind to it because he wasn't a rider himself? The questions and his father's unwillingness to move them back to their Hold to further his craft drove a rift between them, and when he was of age, Lucio decided he'd had enough. He decided to become a candidate. His father was supportive, of course, which dampened some of the spiteful intent. Still, he couldn't let such injustices stand! He had no power as a candidate, but vowed to be a change when he was a rider.

He was 17 when Golre fell, and still standing on the sands. It was frustrating, but a relief at the same time. Fort was helping the rebuilding process, and chromatics had their claws in positions of power, finally. It was a nice change of pace, though he still eyed High Reaches metallics with heavy suspicion and often times distain.

He stood until he was twenty, when he impressed to Green Baixouth at Telgar. She was beautiful, energetic, and sweet. He couldn't have asked for a more perfect partner. She also had far too many toes, which didn't seem to bother or impede her at all. Lucio found the trait oddly cute, and affectionately called her 'Six-Claws' as a nickname. That same turn, he caught wind of an establishment in the summerlands, which piqued his interest. After graduation, Semaca had officially been recognized, and he decided he would much rather have the company of a bunch of rebels rather than deal with High Reaches for the foreseeable future. He needed a break from all the chaos. So, at twenty-two, he transferred to help Semaca increase their numbers.

He found the experience enjoyable. Semaca was warm, and the leadership was elected, much like High Reaches chose to do. It was a few quiet turns before a mysterious egg hatched on the sands, and hatched gold of all things. He was immediately on guard, but the gold seemed to be... tolerable. She didn't strike him as similar to the Mad Golds at least. And then, a turn after, another gold transferred. Yet another one that seemed to have a proper head on her shoulders. Lucio even considered her... kind, in a way. He still held his suspicions, but kept them to himself. While he wasn't too happy with the development, he decided to stay at Semaca, for better or for worse.
Last edited by Ignys on Fri Jul 26, 2024 6:29 am, edited 9 times in total.
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NAME: Baixoth (Bai-shouth), affectionately nicknamed Six-claws.
BIRTHDATE Early Spring 2764
AGE: 12 as of Early Spring 2776



LENGTH: 30 ft
HEIGHT: 7.25 ft
WINGSPAN: 43.75 ft
COLOR: Green
Baixoth is beautiful. She's a myriad of colors blended together, ranging from mint green to seafoam green too a darker, almost teal green. The underside of her wings and her body are speckled with lighter markings that look like stars or light snowfall. The backs of her wings are solid pale mint green, hiding the beautiful star markings on the underside. She's a bit long, but otherwise proportional for a green. She's lean and graceful and built for speed, which she makes sure to take advantage of. Her extra length only adds to how graceful she appears. She also has far too many toes on her feet. Baixoth has two extra toes on all four of her feet, giving her six on the front and five on the back.

Baixoth is a dragon of duality. On one hand, she's a bouncy, energetic friend of a dragon. On the other, she can be soft and soothing, more reminiscent of a lullaby. There doesn't appear to be much rhyme or reason to these two sides of her, and she switches between both fairly often. Her bubbly, energetic side is often what she greets people with, though she may switch to her soothing side should she feel she's overwhelmed someone. She would find herself at home in the Healer's Wing, or a high flying wing.

To her rider, she's a best friend and a good listener. Sometimes she's unsure which side of herself to present, and can become distressed, which will fall upon her rider to guide her. Her being completely silent is odd for her, and only occurs when she's upset, something her rider will need to be attentive about.

Voice: Much like her personality, Baixoth has two settings. One is an oddly warbly, upbeat timbre reminiscent of fast paced music, and the other is a soft melodic tone that's rather soothing to listen to.
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