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Haruka of Blue Reikath

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Haruka of Blue Reikath

"I don't really care if you see me as a boy or as a girl. Who you are should be more important than what sex you are." -Haruhi Fujiyoka Ouran High School Host Club


NAME: Haruka
GENDER: Female
PRONOUNS: she/her, but doesn't mind he/him or they/them
ORIENTATION: homosexual

BIRTHDATE: Late Winter 2753
AGE: 21 as of spring 2775
WING: Minuet

EYES: grey-blue
HAIR: pale blond
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 6'3", masculine build
PLAY-BY: Haruka Tenoh, Sailor Moon
FULL APPEARANCE: Haruka is on the taller side, and at first glance, doesn't look like the cis woman she actually is. She is lacking the soft, feminine curves one would expect to see. She has never much cared about her lack of womanly features though.

Her face is androgynous. Handsome rather than beautiful, she still has the ability to draw the eye of admirers. Her eyes are a pale blue-grey and elegantly shaped. She keeps her pale blond hair cropped short, which further lends to her overall masculine appearance. She hates the management longer hair brings, as well as preferring the look of herself with shorter hair.

She favors dark colors and masculine cuts to her clothes, even her fancier duds. Not to say she won't wear more feminine clothes, especially if she wants to show off for someone.

PERSONALITY: Haruka is a fighter at heart. She is protective of her friends, to the point of self-sacrifice. She loves deeply and fully, and wants nothing more than the best for those she loves.

Stubborn to a fault, once Haruka has made her mind up about something, especially something that she wants to do, she will stick with it. Michiru might be able to talk her out of it, but even that is rare.

While she is fully loyal and dedicated to Michiru, she has no problem flirting with any girl she finds pretty. It amuses her to watch others get flustered by her attention. On the other hand, she also gets rather jealous if someone flirts with Michiru (or Michiru flirts with someone other than her).

Haruka can be a bit of an adrenaline junkie, loving the thrill of doing something potentially dangerous. One of the reasons she wants to be a rider is to get her chance at flying and fighting Thread.

FAMILY: Haruna of Brown Foth - Mother
Z'kar(Zykarn) of Green Sasth - Father
Zyna - sister (24 as of 2770)
Nazyk - brother (20 as of 2770)
Hykar - brother (14 as of 2770)
Karu - sister (12 as of 2770)
HISTORY: Haruka was the middle born of five children to a weyrmated pair. As per usual for a Weyr, she was sent to the Creche and raised as a weyrbrat. Life in general was as easy as weyrlife could be. No major events affected Haruka specifically. She decided from a young age that she was made to be a Rider like her parents, so had plans to join the ranks of Candidate when she was old enough. Around when she was 13, her parents decided the idea of helping Semeca build was a fine idea and put in the transfer. Haruka asked to come with because to her it seemed like a grand adventure in a fantastic place. She helped with the Weyr as much as a teen girl could, as her parents warned her that there would be no idle hands at a place like Semeca.

She met another young girl named Michiru as she was doing chores one day and the two became fast friends. They soon began dating, and have been together since.

One of the floods in late 2768 caught Haruka and Michiru unaware and she nearly drowned trying to save her girlfriend and herself. They both made it out relatively unscathed in the end and Haruka helped with the rebuilding.

Haruka entered Candidacy just after she turned 15, ready to do her part for Pern. She was happy to finally be set up to live her dream. Michiru joined her in being a Candidate, which made her happy too.

She didn't trust word of pirates helping the rebuild and refuses to work with any of she can help it. When the spotties attacked, she hunted down a Firelizard egg and gave it to Michiru. It might not be much, but having something to protect her made Haruka feel better.

A Gold clutch is on the sands now and Haruka is waiting to see what come of it.
Last edited by Mal on Tue Aug 15, 2023 12:31 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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NAME: Reikath (Ray-kath)
BIRTHDATE Early Spring 2771
AGE: 4 as of Spring 2775

LENGTH: 36ft
HEX CODE: #82a0ea
A stunning blue, like winter snow at midnight. Reikath is beautiful. She is lean, with long legs and a narrow... pretty much everything. She holds herself high, sort of drifting when she walks. She is an incredibly pale blue, and her wings are a deep, cold night blue. The undersides of her wingsails are spotted with pale blue specks, like falling snow. Over her body is a long, scaled swathe like a massive serpent. It curls over her eyes, down her sides, and around her tail. It goes nowhere, and comes from nowhere.

Reikath is a creature of dreams. She functions well on very little sleep, spending many hours awake even into the night. She is serene, and her response to tragedy is to throw herself forwards and ask how she can help. She is somewhat self-sacrificing, and in her mind if she must suffer so others can thrive, then so be it. She doesn't see herself as heroic. To her, this is what she needs to do, it is only right to do so. Reikath would like to see a world without pain and suffering, and she will do what she can to make it happen.

To her rider, Reikath is a strange one. She talks about dreams she could never have (or perhaps she has a vivid imagination, it is hard to tell), and is good with children. She's astoundingly perceptive, and would prove to be a good ambassador, and talented at Search if Semaca did them. There's something just calming, if very odd, about her. She is quite diplomatic, if a little hard on herself. She would happily take all of the sorrow of the world into herself if it made things better.

Voice: Reikath's voice is quite feminine, airy like voices in a dream.

Why me?: Something about this just fits Haruka, you know?
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NAME: Miranda
BIRTHDATE Early Summer 2775
AGE: Newborn as of 2775

COLOR: Green
FULL APPEARANCE: Miranda is an alluring dark Green! Colored like the deep shadows of a thick woodland, with patches that reach even darker, to some that go lighter. With lighter spots on her inner wings, the glow bugs have come out for their evening flight. Apple green on her face and a patch on her torso, like a fall holiday treat with candy coating.

PERSONALITY: Miranda radiates a sense of tranquility, always maintaining a peaceful demeanor even in the face of adversity. Conflict is something she actively avoids, preferring to find common ground and seek resolutions that promote harmony. Her carefree nature allows her to embrace life's uncertainties with a light-hearted spirit, finding joy in the present moment and cherishing the simple pleasures that surround her. She loves fish and will go catch them herself if Haruka won't give any to her.

The Fortune:
You can make the best plans for any situation, but sometimes patience, luck, and simply being in the right place at the right time is all it takes. Be calm, be ready, and you'll overcome it all. You'll be the slayer of the beast with all the know-how you have! (The Kingfisher 9000 Flit)
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