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Candidate Henri

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Candidate Henri

Candidate Henri
"I collect crow feathers. Maybe if I gather enough, I can fly. Fingers crossed!"
Henry (Fire Emblem: Awakening)


NAME: Henri
PRONOUNS: Masculine
ORIENTATION: Demiromantic Demisexual

BIRTHDATE: Winter 2753
AGE: 17 as of Late Summer 2771
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr

EYES: Purple
HAIR: White
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'4" and Thin
PLAY-BY: Henry (Fire Emblem: Awakening)
Henri is a petite, short young man. He was born with albinism, often wearing clothes to cover more of his skin to do his best to avoid sunburns. He has white hair that cups around his head and purple eyes, though he often has his eyes either closed or squinting when outside. He likes to wear more neutral colors, excluding the color purple. He will often wear purple if he can. He tends to put feathers in his hair as well. He tends to have a wide smile on his face, and tends to laugh.

Henri has little to no social awareness. He has a grim fascination with a lot of creepy stuff and likes to show others, not realizing he is creeping them out. He especially loves morbid subjects, often with a smile on his face. Often, if he finds something he really likes, he will run off to show someone it almost immediately.

He also tends to appear perpetually happy. He will almost always have a smile on his face and tends to laugh a lot. However, because of this, he does not tend to show any other emotion. He likes to hide any negative emotions with a smile and laugh it off. However, because of this, he can be very insincere about his emotions and can come across as fake.

He has a genuine love for animals, as well. If he finds an injured animal, he will go out of his way to take care of them. He is especially fond of birds, often remarking that he would love to fly like them. He tends to collect feathers he finds and likes to put them in his hair.

Validar (Father)
Aversa (Half Sister)
Robin (Half Brother)
BIRTHPLACE: A Minor hold near Igen
Henri was born the youngest of three children, his mother dying shortly after he was born. His father, a man named Validar, was shocked to see how pale the child was and, admittedly, was a bit protective of the child. He had expectations for all three of his children, with Henri being no exception. However, if the boy was upset by this, he did not make it apparently.

He was often a happy child, often going outside in the shade to play with other children or animals. However, he did not have many friends growing up, mostly as he would creep a lot of them out. He just tended to shrug this off and didn't mind playing by himself. He seemed to enjoy playing with animals more anyway.

He lived a comfortable life in the hold, his older brother being searched when Henri was young. He was a bit jealous of Robin, as the idea of flying excited him. He would love to take to the skies and fly around. However, Henri would get his chance at sixteen, as he would be searched. Validar was just as proud as he was when Robin was searched and Henri was off to Igen Weyr.

However, when he arrived, he couldn't find his brother anywhere. He was saddened by this, but focused on his candidacy. During this time, he had fallen in love with whers and decided to become a dual candidate when he turned seventeen. He would eventually learn that Robin had transferred to Semaca Weyr. As soon as he could, he decided to transfer there. In the late summer of 2771, he arrived in Semaca and was ready for what he would learn and experience here.

Though he may regret it due to the amount of sunlight.
Last edited by MothyCake on Wed Feb 10, 2021 11:24 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Z'rya of Bronze Gravith (Midnight Wing)
Wingleader Ozma of Brown Akioth (Eclipse Wing)
Regal of Brown Brickth (Eclipse Wing)
Arashi of Garnet Hercegth (Twilight Wing)
Squilf of Garnet Tamiascith (Twilight Wing)
Clover of Blue Kurceth (Aurora Wing)
Sak'rou of Blue Hastuth (Daylight Wing)
Shulk of Blue Arachoth (Daylight Wing)
Eichi of Blue Cheruth (Twilight Wing)
Aoi of Blue Kurabeth (Daylight Wing)
Journeyman Healer Kouichi of Green Kuzoth (Healer's Wing)
Haru of Green Rosaceaeth (Aurora Wing)
Flynn of Green Nith (Daylight Wing)
Perryl of Green Pyrrhiath (Aurora Wing)
Trein of Green Ideth (Daylight Wing)
Alder of Green Unnverdath (Healer's Wing)
Zanza of Gold Zansk (Dusk Squad)
Yuri of Blue Yurisk (Dawn Squad)
Reyn of Green Reysk (Dawn Squad)
Eclipsa of Green Eclipsk (Dawn Squad)
Zagi of Green Zask and Blue Zagisk (Dusk Squad)
Weyrling Fujin of Green Sativuth
Candidate Loek
High Reaches
Leon of Bronze Chopith (Firestorm Wing)
Jason of Bronze Jezeroth (Firestorm Wing)
Zia of Brown Molossth (Stormlight Wing)
Weiss of Garnet Glyphith (Moonshot Wing)
Jacek of Garnet Rinisath (Moonshot Wing)
Vil of Garnet Syzygiuth (Moonshot Wing)
J'ack of Blue Reyth (Starfall Wing)
Oscar of Blue Currth (Raindance Wing)
Mikleo of Blue Denizth (Starfall Wing)
Flora of Green Linpheth (Healer's Wing)
L'ouis of Green Tomoeth (Raindance Wing)
Edsel of Green Rexcalith (Raindance Wing)
Trey of Green Clovith (Raindance Wing)
Graham of Green Paceth (Healer's Wing)
Sol of White Ateth (Healer's Wing)
Magnius of Brown Magniusk and Green Agnisk (Windsong Squad)
Maple of Green Plesk (Sunburst Squad)
Ironwood of White Ironwosk (Windsong Squad)
Weyrling Ge'is of Green Mimikyuth
Candidate Inosuke
Journeyman Smithcrafter Kvar
Wei'ling of Porcelain Chenqith (Lamentoso Squad)
Damario of Bloodstone Dask (Pavane Squad)
Glassi of Brown Fuwath (Nocturne Wing)
Penny of Brown Sedatath (Pavane Squad)
Zelos of Blue Lupruth (Chopin Squad)
Shinku of Blue Cinnimith (Pavane Squad)
Aegis of Blue Imorth (Pavane Squad)
Kyros of Blue Callioth (Minuet Wing)
Dedue of Green Essengeth (Chopin Squad)
Solhrae of Green Herth (Requiem Squad)
Sylvanas of Green Amaeth (Requiem Squad)
Akai of Green Norrith (Mineut Wing)
Edalyn of White Lechuzath (Minuet Wing)
Genn of Brown Gesk (Weyr Guard)
Ercilia of Garnet Ercilisk (Mazurka Squad)
Mariana of Garnet Marisk (Mazurka Squad)
AWH Palutena of Blue Lutenask (Weyr Guard)
Gale of Blue Galsk (Chopin Squad)
Jetsam of Green Tsask (Chopin Squad)
Shamura of Green Murask (Requiem Squad)
Dimitri of White Dimisk (Chopin Squad)
Weyrling Henri of Green Inadameth
Weyrling Wr'ion of Blue Sameth
Journeyman Weaver Amara
Pirate Alun
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NAME: Inadameth
BIRTHDATE Late Summer 2775
AGE: Newborn as of Late Summer 2775



LENGTH: 25ft
HEIGHT: 6.25ft
WINGSPAN: 37.5ft
COLOR: Green
HEX CODE: #90D060
Inadameth is a green that has a spring in her step. Unfortunately she is also a clumsy creature, tripping over herself when she's excited, or when she's just walking, one may never really know what made her lose her footing. She's a wide showing of greens, from the spring green on her nose to the dark green on her tail. Her wingsails have bold bands of light green on them. She has a long 'cape' like marking down her sides. It is lined with a swampy-green collar, and it is a bright green that fades almost to a neon color down at the base of her tail. She is a small green, especially compared to many of her siblings.

A very peppy and eager to help green, Inadameth is easy to like. She will volunteer if there is a chance of being useful, and she genuinely does want to make things better. She, however, is a pushover, and can easily be talked into doing things she doesn't want to just because it'll make someone else's life easier. She knows the world can be both good and bad, but she wants to do whatever she can to make it actually better. To do something that is great. Or really something that will just make things better for the people around her. She is by far the underdog of her siblings. She's not flashy, she's not the fastest, but she has the biggest heart and the eagerness to make sure that she is actually doing something right.

To her rider, Inadameth is a cheery friend. She will try to follow them everywhere if it means she can help do their chores. She will also wake them up at the crack of dawn for drills, making sure that they are there first and that they can help another rider pair if they look like they're having problems. For as friendly as she is though, she cannot stand Ylaylath and Omilith, finding both of them absolutely detestable and irredeemable. She will not work with them under any circumstances, which will definitely cause problems should they be in the same squad. Her mind will not be changed. She won't be outright rude, but she will be curt and sharp with them.

Voice: Cheery and young, Inadameth has a very energetic voice. She isn't hyperactive, and she doesn't talk fast, but her energy is infectious, it's hard not to smile when she talks.

Why Me?: Though clumsy and uncoordinated, Inadameth is drawn to Henri's chipper nature. Even though she doesn't really like the creepy things he's into, she's just happy that he has something that makes him happy. Whether or not her infectious nature curbs those morbid tastes has yet to be seen.

Last edited by MothyCake on Sun Oct 08, 2023 1:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Z'rya of Bronze Gravith (Midnight Wing)
Wingleader Ozma of Brown Akioth (Eclipse Wing)
Regal of Brown Brickth (Eclipse Wing)
Arashi of Garnet Hercegth (Twilight Wing)
Squilf of Garnet Tamiascith (Twilight Wing)
Clover of Blue Kurceth (Aurora Wing)
Sak'rou of Blue Hastuth (Daylight Wing)
Shulk of Blue Arachoth (Daylight Wing)
Eichi of Blue Cheruth (Twilight Wing)
Aoi of Blue Kurabeth (Daylight Wing)
Journeyman Healer Kouichi of Green Kuzoth (Healer's Wing)
Haru of Green Rosaceaeth (Aurora Wing)
Flynn of Green Nith (Daylight Wing)
Perryl of Green Pyrrhiath (Aurora Wing)
Trein of Green Ideth (Daylight Wing)
Alder of Green Unnverdath (Healer's Wing)
Zanza of Gold Zansk (Dusk Squad)
Yuri of Blue Yurisk (Dawn Squad)
Reyn of Green Reysk (Dawn Squad)
Eclipsa of Green Eclipsk (Dawn Squad)
Zagi of Green Zask and Blue Zagisk (Dusk Squad)
Weyrling Fujin of Green Sativuth
Candidate Loek
High Reaches
Leon of Bronze Chopith (Firestorm Wing)
Jason of Bronze Jezeroth (Firestorm Wing)
Zia of Brown Molossth (Stormlight Wing)
Weiss of Garnet Glyphith (Moonshot Wing)
Jacek of Garnet Rinisath (Moonshot Wing)
Vil of Garnet Syzygiuth (Moonshot Wing)
J'ack of Blue Reyth (Starfall Wing)
Oscar of Blue Currth (Raindance Wing)
Mikleo of Blue Denizth (Starfall Wing)
Flora of Green Linpheth (Healer's Wing)
L'ouis of Green Tomoeth (Raindance Wing)
Edsel of Green Rexcalith (Raindance Wing)
Trey of Green Clovith (Raindance Wing)
Graham of Green Paceth (Healer's Wing)
Sol of White Ateth (Healer's Wing)
Magnius of Brown Magniusk and Green Agnisk (Windsong Squad)
Maple of Green Plesk (Sunburst Squad)
Ironwood of White Ironwosk (Windsong Squad)
Weyrling Ge'is of Green Mimikyuth
Candidate Inosuke
Journeyman Smithcrafter Kvar
Wei'ling of Porcelain Chenqith (Lamentoso Squad)
Damario of Bloodstone Dask (Pavane Squad)
Glassi of Brown Fuwath (Nocturne Wing)
Penny of Brown Sedatath (Pavane Squad)
Zelos of Blue Lupruth (Chopin Squad)
Shinku of Blue Cinnimith (Pavane Squad)
Aegis of Blue Imorth (Pavane Squad)
Kyros of Blue Callioth (Minuet Wing)
Dedue of Green Essengeth (Chopin Squad)
Solhrae of Green Herth (Requiem Squad)
Sylvanas of Green Amaeth (Requiem Squad)
Akai of Green Norrith (Mineut Wing)
Edalyn of White Lechuzath (Minuet Wing)
Genn of Brown Gesk (Weyr Guard)
Ercilia of Garnet Ercilisk (Mazurka Squad)
Mariana of Garnet Marisk (Mazurka Squad)
AWH Palutena of Blue Lutenask (Weyr Guard)
Gale of Blue Galsk (Chopin Squad)
Jetsam of Green Tsask (Chopin Squad)
Shamura of Green Murask (Requiem Squad)
Dimitri of White Dimisk (Chopin Squad)
Weyrling Henri of Green Inadameth
Weyrling Wr'ion of Blue Sameth
Journeyman Weaver Amara
Pirate Alun
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    Wed Nov 03, 2021 12:02 pm
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NAME: Plague
BIRTHDATE Early Summer 2771
AGE: Early Summer 2771

FULL APPEARANCE: Plague is a petite small crow. She has soft black feathers.

PERSONALITY: Plague likes to fly around Henri whenever he's walking around. When she has a chance, she'll often perch onto his shoulder, cawing happily or as a response to what someone says to Henri.
Z'rya of Bronze Gravith (Midnight Wing)
Wingleader Ozma of Brown Akioth (Eclipse Wing)
Regal of Brown Brickth (Eclipse Wing)
Arashi of Garnet Hercegth (Twilight Wing)
Squilf of Garnet Tamiascith (Twilight Wing)
Clover of Blue Kurceth (Aurora Wing)
Sak'rou of Blue Hastuth (Daylight Wing)
Shulk of Blue Arachoth (Daylight Wing)
Eichi of Blue Cheruth (Twilight Wing)
Aoi of Blue Kurabeth (Daylight Wing)
Journeyman Healer Kouichi of Green Kuzoth (Healer's Wing)
Haru of Green Rosaceaeth (Aurora Wing)
Flynn of Green Nith (Daylight Wing)
Perryl of Green Pyrrhiath (Aurora Wing)
Trein of Green Ideth (Daylight Wing)
Alder of Green Unnverdath (Healer's Wing)
Zanza of Gold Zansk (Dusk Squad)
Yuri of Blue Yurisk (Dawn Squad)
Reyn of Green Reysk (Dawn Squad)
Eclipsa of Green Eclipsk (Dawn Squad)
Zagi of Green Zask and Blue Zagisk (Dusk Squad)
Weyrling Fujin of Green Sativuth
Candidate Loek
High Reaches
Leon of Bronze Chopith (Firestorm Wing)
Jason of Bronze Jezeroth (Firestorm Wing)
Zia of Brown Molossth (Stormlight Wing)
Weiss of Garnet Glyphith (Moonshot Wing)
Jacek of Garnet Rinisath (Moonshot Wing)
Vil of Garnet Syzygiuth (Moonshot Wing)
J'ack of Blue Reyth (Starfall Wing)
Oscar of Blue Currth (Raindance Wing)
Mikleo of Blue Denizth (Starfall Wing)
Flora of Green Linpheth (Healer's Wing)
L'ouis of Green Tomoeth (Raindance Wing)
Edsel of Green Rexcalith (Raindance Wing)
Trey of Green Clovith (Raindance Wing)
Graham of Green Paceth (Healer's Wing)
Sol of White Ateth (Healer's Wing)
Magnius of Brown Magniusk and Green Agnisk (Windsong Squad)
Maple of Green Plesk (Sunburst Squad)
Ironwood of White Ironwosk (Windsong Squad)
Weyrling Ge'is of Green Mimikyuth
Candidate Inosuke
Journeyman Smithcrafter Kvar
Wei'ling of Porcelain Chenqith (Lamentoso Squad)
Damario of Bloodstone Dask (Pavane Squad)
Glassi of Brown Fuwath (Nocturne Wing)
Penny of Brown Sedatath (Pavane Squad)
Zelos of Blue Lupruth (Chopin Squad)
Shinku of Blue Cinnimith (Pavane Squad)
Aegis of Blue Imorth (Pavane Squad)
Kyros of Blue Callioth (Minuet Wing)
Dedue of Green Essengeth (Chopin Squad)
Solhrae of Green Herth (Requiem Squad)
Sylvanas of Green Amaeth (Requiem Squad)
Akai of Green Norrith (Mineut Wing)
Edalyn of White Lechuzath (Minuet Wing)
Genn of Brown Gesk (Weyr Guard)
Ercilia of Garnet Ercilisk (Mazurka Squad)
Mariana of Garnet Marisk (Mazurka Squad)
AWH Palutena of Blue Lutenask (Weyr Guard)
Gale of Blue Galsk (Chopin Squad)
Jetsam of Green Tsask (Chopin Squad)
Shamura of Green Murask (Requiem Squad)
Dimitri of White Dimisk (Chopin Squad)
Weyrling Henri of Green Inadameth
Weyrling Wr'ion of Blue Sameth
Journeyman Weaver Amara
Pirate Alun
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