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Meira of Green Munakatath

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Meira of Green Munakatath

Meira of Green Munakatath
"Never regret anything that made you smile."
– Mark Twain


NAME: Meira
GENDER: Female
PRONOUNS: she/her/hers
ORIENTATION: Biromantic Bisexual

BIRTHDATE: Summer 2747
AGE: 27 as of Summer 2774
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: Apprentice Healer, Greenrider
WING: Minuet Wing

EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown
PLAY-BY: Picrew
Meira is a simple young woman, built leaner rather than sturdy, and rather flat-chested (which suits her just fine). Her skin is dark, as is her hair which falls just past her shoulders in length. Her eyes are deep brown and very expressive, set a little larger on her face and giving her a more youthful appearance than average. She has no extremely visible scars, though does bear some casually on her arms and legs from childhood. Clothing-wise, she prefers to wear brighter colours.

A highly empathetic and caring young woman, she hates loneliness and other people's loneliness. This can lead to her being a bit obtrusive in an attempt to help someone when they don't want to be helped. Before becoming a Candidate and subsequently a rider she was very passive and calm, hating any sort of violence or conflict. Since joining the ranks of the Weyr however, and learning she had friends and companions to protect, she will not hesitate to fight if it means protecting them. She is no longer frightened by the concept of Thread.

She has become a little more introverted than she was as a youth, but still supports her friends and companions wholeheartedly. Her eyes are very expressive and it's easy to see her emotions on her face, making her a terrible liar. She also has a bit of a childish side which comes out especially prominently when discovering new things.

FAMILY: 3 Siblings (2 older, 1 younger)
BIRTHPLACE: Telgar Cothold
Miera was born the third of four children to a pair of Wherhandlers in a small cothold. Growing up around whers, she has no fear of them despite their reputation as being aggressive and violent, having really only known them as protective. But, she had also been raised with a healthy respect for them by her parents. Beyond that, her family was tight-knit and loving, encouraging each of their children to pursue their desires even if it took them far from home.

As a result, she grew up well-rounded and understanding of the various important parts of life.

At fifteen a pair of Searchriders landed in their small cothold, taking Miera and one of her siblings with them back to Telgar Weyr, where they began their career as Candidates amidst the end of the interval war. Although Miera was not successful in Impressing, she remained hopeful, picking up Healercraft to learn alongside her Candidate lessons--thus should she just so happen to age out she would still be helpful in the long run.

For many Turns she largely flies under the radar, maintaining her place as a Candidate, following the stories as much as possible of the renegades who fled following bronze Vaugnairth's banishment. Then, hearing of a recent Gold clutch at the Weyr, she arranged for a formal transfer. Not so much for dislike of Telgar but for a strong desire to help. The settlement would still need whatever hands it could get and even if she were only an Apprentice, healers were always needed. Plus, she wasn't having any luck Impressing at Telgar!

It wasn't until nearly her twenty-forth Turnday that she would finally Impress to her green. Only sevendays later, on the fateful day of the spotty attack during Weyrling training, she suffered some minor wounds defending her dragonet from the big cats--not attempting to be heroic, simply getting them both away from the ambush. Nightmares of the incident have become commonplace as a result, though she has more respect than fear of spotties.
Last edited by Tyto on Sat Jan 07, 2023 12:52 am, edited 17 times in total.
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  • Early Summer 2775 ; Threadfall, Munakatath gets too close to a tree on the ground, which pokes her in the left eye, bruising her (Mild).
Last edited by Tyto on Sun Jul 30, 2023 4:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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NAME: Munakatath
BIRTHDATE Early Spring 2771
AGE: 3 as of Summer 2774

Birthplace: Semaca Weyr (Obscuras)
Dam: Gold Nebulaeth
Sire: Blue Rauseth


LENGTH: 26ft
HEIGHT: 6.5ft
COLOR: Green
HEX CODE: #6eb590
A smaller green, Munakatath is lithe and lean. She is fairly average in frame and proportion, though her wings are narrow on the ends, and her tail is long. She is an evergreen color all over, with the backs of her wingsails a softer, brighter minty green. The inner sails are dark, streaked with all sorts of brighter and pale green lines in nonsense patterns. The paler green covers her snout, and curls around her sides. Her right hip has a bright green butterfly on it, almost glowing against her darker hide.

If Saeth is the dutiful twin, Munakatath is not. She will coward out, even when she shouldn't. Not lazy, but afraid of failure, it should be noted. Munakatath would rather not do something instead of try and fail, and this anxiety is deeply rooted within her. She would love to try something new, but that fear is strong. She will need patience and encouragement. She means very well, and is a very kind dragon almost to the point of being a pushover. Saeth can easily push her around, and she'll listen to her twin before she listens to other dragons. Guilt is a very strong motivator for her, she'll do it if she feels bad about it.

To her rider, Munakatath tries her best. She's working hard, or trying to. She doesn't like being alone, and will try to follow them everywhere until she's confident enough that being alone is okay. She likes to be outside, especially if there is a nice bright place for her to sun. She tries to be positive and easy to get along with, and setbacks greatly discourage her. She needs to built her confidence, and that will come in time.

Voice: Munakatath's voice is young, sounding very much like a twelve-turn-old girl.Image
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