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I'peiros of Blue Ailreth

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I'peiros of Blue Ailreth

I'peiros of Blue Ailreth
"lyrics or quotes here"


NAME: I'peiros
GENDER: Agender
PRONOUNS: they/them/their
ORIENTATION: Greyromantic Asexual

BIRTHDATE: Spring 2748
AGE: 26 as of Summer 2774
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
WING: Minuet Wing

EYES: Brown
HAIR: Black
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'10" and Average
I'peiros considers themselves fairly average in appearance, and they aren't too far from the truth. There's nothing that particularly stands out about them. Paler skin, short black hair, light brown eyes, an average height for both men and women and an indiscernible chest which makes it easier for them to dress how they please without any bigots really being able to guess their assigned gender. They aren't particularly curvy or broad, either, making them very androgynous. They like to dress in darker colours, deep shades of blue and purple that are nearly black when possible.

I'peiros is a trickster. They seem to have a permanent smile, enjoying entertaining others and being in the spotlight rather than the background. They don't have any wishes for glory or power, just to ride out life in style. While not outright or intentionally malicious, it is easy for their trickery to overstep boundaries, especially toward those they are unfamiliar with or don't know as well. They will do things such as switch drinks of friends in the dining area when someone turns away, or hide or rearrange belongings in someone's weyr while they're away. They've even gone so far as to dump water out over people as they walked by and then run before they could get up to the level they were at. Nothing intentionally malicious, but things that could surely be annoying to some.

This said, they seem to not know themselves quite yet, hiding behind smiles and laughs to cover their own insecurities. Anyone who gets to know them well, which is a bit difficult thanks to their tendency to hide their true feelings and past with deflection, will find this information out eventually. They have friends, sure, but don't share much personal information much unless they have to, and even then it may not all be true. There's really no issue in white lies, right?

BIRTHPLACE: Igen Cothold
HISTORY: Warning: mentions of bullying
Ianpeiros was born to a pair of Holders in a rather large Igen cothold. They grew up as an only child but with plenty of other children their age to get to know and befriend. Unfortunately, they were teased a bit growing up as their family was less well-off than some of the neighboring children. This teasing turned into a deflection as they learned how to trick and tease their tormentors in return, slowly earning themselves a niche of their own. They'd make a few real friends as they aged, but they kept their secrets to themselves behind a mask of delightful trickery.

At nineteen they were Searched to Igen Weyr, standing for two Turns before finally Impressing to their lovely blue. It was a miracle they weren't thrown out of Candidacy in the meantime, though, as they tricked and gently teased their companions--even once or twice the Candidatemaster (though to a far lesser extent than their peers). Impressing mellowed them out somewhat, far more distracted with raising a baby dragon than anything, and although they still found time to pull occasional pranks, Ailreth was their whole world.

Their first Threadfall saw a near-miss that sobered them for a long while, and it would take a full Turn before they began their antics anew.

When they put in for a transfer to Semaca, it didn't take long for the approval to come down the line. It seemed Igen was eager to shoo them off onto another Weyr.
Last edited by Tyto on Sat Jan 07, 2023 12:44 am, edited 16 times in total.
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  • Summer 2773 - Simple Tricks
  • Spring 2774 ; Ailreth is deeply disconcerted by the sight of his wingmates’ blood and is out of sorts for the rest of threadfall. (Trivial)
Last edited by Tyto on Tue Feb 21, 2023 3:16 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Blue Ailreth


NAME: Ailreth
BIRTHDATE Spring 2768
AGE: 6 as of Summer 2774


LENGTH: 35ft
HEX CODE: #91d0d2
Ailreth is a beautiful, if almost ghostly blue, pale and near-white like stained sea glass. He has no distinguishing markings or shapes on his pristine hide. Size-wise he falls neatly into the middle in length, with long legs and average wingspan. His legs do look a bit on the thin side, though it may just be their length as he's never had any ailments or trouble with landing or takeoff. His head is narrow and his knobs are a bit longer than average, though this doesn't seem to afford him any sort of boon or affliction.

A soft dragon with a softer personality. He walks, talks, and moves quietly, like a ghost. He's gentle and quiet, incredibly empathetic. He has the making for an excellent Searchdragon. The sight of blood disturbs him--ichor or human. With an intense hesitation to harm and fighting in general, he's a bit of a pushover when it comes down to it.

To his rider, he is a steadying force, albeit a timid one. He is the voice of reason and security, warmth and comfort. Always there, waiting and ready to help however he can. Although his aversion to harm means he won't fight back if he is a target, he is a poet with words and will fill his rider's mind with them so they can do the fighting for him.

He whispers when he speaks, and opts to speak only to his rider.
Last edited by Tyto on Sat Jan 07, 2023 12:47 am, edited 2 times in total.
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NAME: Seawave
BIRTHDATE Early Winter 2770
AGE: 3 as of Summer 2774

Seawave is a bright blue firelizard covered in dark wave-like patches, hence his namesake. He's got a narrower head than most of his species and a slightly longer tail than average.

This creature tends to alternate between sticking to his bonded and engaging with the Weyr's various faires of bonded firelizards. He's smart enough to take letters to and from locations without issue, but sometimes can't figure out why he can't steal human food that is too heavy for him.
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