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Ay'ce of blue Tabecikth

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Ay'ce of blue Tabecikth

"You can't do that! What do you mean you saw me doing it yesterday? You couldn't have done, it was mid... I mean, I never have!"


NAME: Ay'ce
PRONOUNS: he/him/his
ORIENTATION: Heavily Closeted Bisexual

BIRTHDATE: Summer 2754
AGE: 20 as of 2774
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: Drudge/Candidate

EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown and kept short
HEIGHT AND BUILD: A weedy 6' 4 1/2" (the half is very important)
PLAY-BY: Chris Barrie
EXPY SOURCE: Arnold Rimmer, of Red Dwarf

Arnolyce is a young man who believes he stands with his head held high and shoulders thrown back, putting his best foot forward at every movement. That actually ends up with a lot of looking down his nose at people and not actually looking where he's going. Always well turned out, with hair brushed and hands washed and with clothing neatly mended, Arnolyce tries to emulate the respectable people of the Weyr in thought and word and deed, and fails almost entirely.

He does have a pair of nostrils that flare in a quite astonishing fashion, though, and he's very very good at mimicking other peoples' voices.


Arnolyce has always wanted to be better than he is, not to mention smarter than he is. The problem is that he carries himself as though he's perfect in every way, and nothing is allowed to so much as dent that particular look - on the surface, at least. In reality he's petty and spiteful and depressingly obnoxious, happy to quote the rules - wrongly - at every turn, all in an effort to make himself look good and everyone else look awful. And, in those sleepless nights that hit everyone on occasion, he knows it and he hates himself.

Arnolyce venerates those above and denigrates those below, forever trying to ascend from his current standing and blaming everyone around him when that yet again fails to happen. He's very good at only remembering the good things and forgetting the bad; he won't talk about his mother, for instance, but he's forever proud to talk about who she said his father might have been as though he were an acknowledged son - and questions about the mother he hasn't mentioned will only get him irritated. He'll make claims about his past and conveniently forget the details, and he'll big himself up in ways that have a grain of truth but are never even close to the whole of it.

Bitter about his failures, Arnolyce lies and he cheats, and he justifies it all to himself as right for one reason or another - but at the core of him is a lonely, scared child, the butt of all his siblings' jokes.

FAMILY: Benden Weyrfolk

Born at Benden, Arnolyce was the son of Weyrfolk - although his mother did acquiesce to a bronzerider eight months or so before he was born, a point of which Arnolyce makes much, believing himself to be a bronzerider's son even though he's the spitting image of his mother's husband. He grew up in the Weyr, between the creche and his parents, and learned the jobs required of any weyrfolk, mostly cleaning and cooking and those other tasks where skill was not required. He was not a popular youth, forever the butt of the joke among his siblings; he held his head up regardless, and that just made it worse.

He moved into Candidacy at the usual age; he was Weyrfolk, it was expected. And once there Arnolyce became a right little martinet. This was how the Candidatemaster said things needed to be done, therefore this was how Arnolyce did them. And insisted everyone else do them. And tattle on the people who didn't. He didn't make any friends, and to Arnolyce's disdain and disgust the Candidatemaster rejected him as well despite all his efforts. Resentful, but incapable of expressing that to a dragonrider - one whose word could not be questioned - Arnolyce found himself twisting round into a tight ball of bitterness that nothing and no-one could see his worth.

It wasn't just the Candidatemaster who rejected him; the dragonets did as well. At each and every Hatching, Arnolyce was passed up. His bitterness welled up and grew as dragon after dragon passed him by and went to other, less-deserving Candidates. Finally at the age of twenty, Arnolyce decided to make a new beginning at Semaca. Semaca had already proved that anyone could Impress to anything there; maybe they'd have a dragon for him. And of course if he could present that Weyr to Benden, they'd give him the respect and awe that was his due. After all, hadn't he once been a junior steward, the youngest ever seen at Benden? (No, he hadn't. The junior steward had been sick, and Arnolyce had been asked to run and fetch something for her. She wasn't best pleased when Arnolyce brought back three drudges he'd press-ganged into finding and carrying it for him.)
Last edited by Grayson on Fri Oct 06, 2023 2:18 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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NAME: Tabecikth
BIRTHDATE Late Summer 2775
AGE: Newborn as of Late Summer 2775

LENGTH: 37ft
HEIGHT: 9.25ft
WINGSPAN: 55.5ft
HEX CODE: #212c3f
Looking stern with a narrow face, Tabecikth always looks very serious. He is cursed with a resting stern face. His head and nose are narrow, and despite that he is rather average in how he is built, he is slightly on the larger end for blues. He is a dark, denim blue all over with some stunning markings. He has a three diamond "badge" on both his shoulders, lined in a light blue and filled with a rich blue that fades to a light misty blue. The same light blue cuts long swathes down his legs and hind, fading in the same misty to rich color, like he has some half-worn runner barding. The same rich blue fades on the very edges of his wingsails.

Tabecikth is a stern, serious blue with one goal: climb to the very top at all costs. Everyone can be a stepping stone to him, and he will not feel bad about bridges burned so long as they bring him closer to his goal. He wants to be leading Semaca, and he knows that he is the right one to do it. He is not really the friendly type of blue, and most will not go any farther than simply being an acquaintance to him. He will hold firm to his principles, disciplined and determined. Swaying him from his path is nearly impossible. That said, he is not a fool. He knows when to bide his time, waiting for the correct opportunity to make his move.

To his rider, Tabecikth sees them as a confidant for his plans, but ultimately he will seek their help in furthering his goal. If they do not want to be on top with him, he will drag them. He is not terribly personable to most, willing to make friends after he has achieved his goal, though he is not really aware that his tactics will not make him popular or garner much in the way of support. He is not cruel, nor is he spiteful.

Voice: Curt and firm, Tabecikth's voice is deep, and he does not mince words. He will say exactly what he means, even if it is insulting to whoever he is speaking to.

Why Me?: Sure, Arnolyce could have a redemption arc, but what if Tabecikth just makes things worse? That's much more interesting to this blue, of course.

Last edited by Grayson on Fri Oct 06, 2023 2:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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NAME: Holly
BIRTHDATE Summer 2772
AGE: 2 as of 2774

COLOR: Brown

This sturdy little brown has a paler underside and a darker upper side, and where the two colours meet it's in a blotchy muddle. Other than that he's perfectly ordinary in every way, leaving him a perfectly ordinary brown.


Holly is, to put it bluntly, not all there. A Turnday gift from Arnolyce's loving family, he's very keen and he does his best, but his best isn't very good. He does adore his human, but that leads to him doing things like falling asleep in Arnolyce's best shirt, and falling off the bed in the middle of the night and taking the covers with him, much to Arnolyce's annoyance.
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