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Lyari of Garnet Phaedrath

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Lyari of Garnet Phaedrath

Lyari of Garnet Phaedrath
"We are One."


NAME: Lyari
PRONOUNS: They/Them/Their
ORIENTATION: Panromantic Pansexual

BIRTHDATE: Spring 2744
AGE: 30 as of Summer 2774
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: Garnetrider
WING: Nocturne Wing

EYES: Brown
HAIR: Black
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'11" and Lean
Lyari stands at about 5-foot 11-inches with a slim, lean build probably fitting more for someone who does a lot of running rather than a dragonrider. Their skin is naturally tanned with no freckles or blemishes other than an occasional scar from their youth or an unfortunate accident during the trials of life. Nothing of incredible note or particularly marring. Their black hair is kept short, though other than that they don't typically brush it with more than their fingers. After all, who has time for that when they've got a dragon to look after and a Weyr to help keep running? Their brown eyes are quite expressive, and they have trouble hiding their emotions.

Charismatic and friendly, Lyari is easy to get along with and easier to befriend, generally willing to talk to anyone who is interested or even just sit quietly as a presence in a room if someone doesn't want to talk. They'll lend an ear when needed for someone to rant, and offer advice where they can, but they're not a mindhealer so don't expect them to work miracles. They can sometimes feel obligated to help someone even if they don't ask for help, which can be problematic for all parties involved.

Toward those they view as genuine friends they can be quite protective, to the point of overprotective, and try to look out for their well-being wherever possible. From bringing them food from the kitchens to reminding them of their tasks, they can get occasionally overbearing, not terribly unlike a mother hen. That said, they don't want kids and hope they never have any; they don't do well around children despite being a middle child and never really know how to interact with anyone under Candidate age. They can freeze up when dealing with authority, especially if they believe they are in trouble for something, and tend to dwell on their mistakes longer than they should.

BIRTHPLACE: Minor Telgar Cothold
Born the middle of three children, Lyari was neither doted on nor forgotten amongst the family. While never feeling as if they fit into the role of "female" they had been assigned, nor the fate of being found a husband and married with children, they didn't know that things could be different... at least, until they were Searched at age fifteen. Once arriving at the Weyr, they were given the freedom to reinvent themselves, from how they were perceived to match how they felt inside. It was like a whole new door to their life was opened. Immediately, they were much happier with the new, much more free and way of life, adopting neutral pronouns and changing their name to Lyari to suit the "new them." Despite their conservative upbringing, they adapted easily.

Standing for several clutches unsuccessfully, they finally transferred to Fort in the winter of 2761 for a particularly large clutch between gold Imorith and bronze Eberhardth. The first to hatch was a beautiful garnet dragonet, and as fate would have it this garnet was meant for them. Although the hatching itself wouldn't go off without a hitch--a candidate killed by the gold was nothing to scoff at--they were happy with their Phaedrath.

In late fall of 2763, Phaedrath would clutch for the first, and thus far only, time, a healthy set of eggs co-mothered by Green Adeshath. Lyari was proud of their dragon and the dragonets, but things would not remain good forever. In Fall of 2764, bronze Vaugnairth would be banished after fighting on the hatching sands and injuring one of the eggs. Although they considered joining the riders who departed from Fort, they decided to stay.

It actually wasn't until the regime of Z'osh and grounding of any non-traditional dragon-rider pair that the two had had enough. As soon as the coup was complete and all pairs had been put out of commission, Phaedrath and Lyari departed for Semaca. Whether they return or not is up in the air, but seeing the amount of work and help Semaca needs, they currently have no plans to do so, even if Z'osh is deposed.
Last edited by Tyto on Sat Jan 07, 2023 12:51 am, edited 20 times in total.
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  • Early Fall 2771; Threadfall, Lyari wrenches their arm in the wrong direction. (Mild)
  • Spring 2774 ; Bored during the pre-threadfall meeting, Lyari rubs their left eye too hard and leaves themself a slight bruise. They hope nobody notices. (Mild)
Last edited by Tyto on Tue Feb 21, 2023 3:16 am, edited 2 times in total.
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NAME: Phaedrath
BIRTHDATE Winter 2761
AGE: 12 as of Summer 2774

Birthplace: Fort Weyr (Curses)
Dam: Gold Imorith
Sire: Bronze Eberhardth



LENGTH: 46 ft
HEIGHT: 13 ft
COLOR: Garnet
HEX CODE: #535179
FULL APPEARANCE: A dainty sort of Garnet, and very graceful, Phaedrath is large and lean, almost too thin. She looks almost bony, but not unhealthy. Her wings are long and large, and it looks like a strong wind will carry her off. She is a strong purple in color, a dusty sort of purple. She has lovely markings. They are a light, dusty-lavender color. There are intricate markings over her face, lines and patterns from her lower jaw around her eyes. She looks much like someone painted her. Her legs have numerous rune-like markings on her, like someone was painting a vase. On her chest is a large circle, with lines coming out and around like wings

PERSONALITY: Phaedrath is a very calm and serene sort of Garnet with a huge thirst for learning. She enjoys broadening her knowledge, learning and seeking out new things. Once she has found something, she will follow it until it is trapped under her claws so she may properly inspect it. Such actions will cause her to require frequent baths. She is the first to root out information or any hidden treasure. She does not like to start conflict, and she tries her best to be a peacekeeper in most situations, preferring to back down instead of fight. However, if it comes to conflict, she will quite quickly shed the calm and become a proper combat monster. She tries to use it as the absolute last resort.

To her bonded, Phaedrath will be rather sweet and caring. She will take care of them first in a rather motherly fashion. She is very good at figuring out puzzles and planning, and will most likely try to help her bonded in any way she can, even if she can get in the way sometimes. If one is looking for flit eggs or a wild wher nest, Phaedrath is the one who will find them. She has a firm sense of duty and right and wrong, and does not hesitate to act on what she feels is right.

Voice: Her voice is smooth and soft, not timid - just gentle and calming. It is hard to tell when she is angry unless something riles her. And even then she rarely raises her voice.
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