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V'ryd of Bronze Azenith

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    Mon Feb 15, 2021 5:31 am
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V'ryd of Bronze Azenith

"When you hot but also the devil"


NAME: V'ryd [Virryd]
PRONOUNS: he/him/his

BIRTHDATE: Late Spring 2744
AGE: 26 as of Early Fall 2771
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: Bronzerider
WING: Nocturne

EYES: Hazel
HAIR: Dark brown
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'11" and lanky/long-looking
PLAY-BY: Izaya Orihara (Durarara, note that I know nothing about this anime though) - NOT an expy
FULL APPEARANCE: Despite being of average height, V'ryd looks long. He's a lanky person, one who can be described as "all legs" and/or "all skin and bones." He has little in terms of muscle, though he does have some built up from the rider life. He often has a smug expression on his face, looking to be the kind of person who doesn't bother to hide the fact that he's a snake. His hazel eyes rest beneath pencil-thin, elegantly-arched eyebrows, and overall, he is a bit of a pretty-boy. His hair is a dark brown in color--almost black--with a straight texture, worn in a short but shaggy style.


PERSONALITY: TW: bastard man
V'ryd is a bastard--there's no other way to say it. He doesn't care about others and has no shame or conscience. Motivated only by self-interest, he is willing to step on others to achieve his goals...and at times, even if it isn't to his benefit. Without a doubt, V'ryd is a backstabber. He'll hit you where it hurts, too, and isn't afraid to harm others emotionally. This word is kill or be killed, eat or be eaten--and he wants to be the predator. Don't forsk with him, or you'll regret it. He will do whatever it takes to bring someone down who offends him, even if he gives a thinly-veiled pretense of niceness. He holds grudges and is patient, willing to take his time in getting back at others.

Ruthless ambition and sharp intelligence mingle to create a force to be reckoned with. V'ryd wants to be on the top. Power, prestige, control, fame...V'ryd wants it all. He's not especially materialistic, but sure, he'll take that too. While he has a great deal of street smarts, he is also intelligent in a more abstract way. Conniving and cunning, scheming and calculating, he is certainly a dangerous man. Unfortunately, he has a force of personality as well, not quite charisma but the type who seems confident enough for those to follow him. He's clearly an asshole, not willing to entirely hide it, but he'll say what he needs to say to win others over. This is, however, rarely received well by those who know him--he will eventually gain a reputation as a liar. He is manipulative, but largely not as skilled with social situations, due to being rather clearly two-faced.

As someone who is clearly better than you, at least in his own mind, it's only natural that V'ryd is especially smug. He will rub his superiority in your face when given the chance. He adheres to the color hierarchy where and when it suits him, only because it favors him. Although he misses being on the top, as he was at Benden, his natural sadism and desire to prove himself to be somehow in the right have led him to Semaca. Also, every now and then, he has to do something nice for his dragon, right? Clearly, he's such a good guy, or so he'll tell you.

-W'ryd of Bronze Kleonaith [Waryd/Deceased]
-Weyrfolk Avirana
HISTORY: TW: Everything Benden/Alayna (kidnapping, coercion, trauma, etc.); Victim-blaming
Waryd and Avirana met as candidates; while W'ryd would Impress to a noble bronze, Avirana aged out and became a simple cook. Benden was a traditional weyr, so W'ryd was just happy the love of his life hadn't Impressed to a white, green, or blue. W'ryd was a staunch supporter of the color hierarchy, even moreso when he Impressed bronze. He supported the beliefs of his weyr. In 2744, their first and only son was born, Virryd. W'ryd told Virryd he was destined for greatness, that he would Impress bronze just like his father. His mother was more calm, but Virryd had a rocky relationship with her. Throughout his life, he was close to his father, but never cared much about the woman who, in his eyes, wasn't even seen worthy by a dragon. She, on her part, was rather irked that her son was such a bitch.

Virryd was a brat from the moment he was born, giving W'ryd and Avirana quite a hard time. While he was raised in the creche, his parents--especially W'ryd, who acted as a mentor--were very involved in his life. From his youth, he disdained chromatic dragons and mutations.

When he was 11, the war--that had been going on his whole life--ended; shortly after, thread began to fall. Despite the traditional nature and colorism of Benden Weyr, things were peaceful, in his opinion. In 2759, he turned 15, becoming a candidate; just before he turned 16, a bronze chose him. He couldn't be prouder--and his father couldn't be prouder. Granted, most of what V'ryd cared about was the color of his dragon's hide, and the opportunities and luxuries it afforded him, but he was still fond of Azenith. Around this time, bronzes began Impressing women, and garnets began to hatch--both of which V'ryd disdained. Taliri and Sido came into power, and things began to shift.

Alayna, the new goldrider, was quite vocal about her controversial opinions. Equality? There was a set order to things. It had always been that way. Granted, he mostly felt that way because this tradition put him at the top, but still. He didn't really find any particular reason that bronzes and golds should be so privileged, but it was quite convenient to him, so he'd take it. He wasn't a fan of Alayna speaking out, and often disdained her entirely. Sometimes, he would ignore her, but there were a few times that he'd made snide remarks...sometimes sparking minor arguments.

Just before graduation, Alayna disappeared. At first, V'ryd just assumed she'd quietly transferred, even though he'd heard little about it from other weyrs. When he graduated, however, and chose to stay at his home, he was told the truth. Alayna and Wyzeth were held hostage--even compelled to rise. While he certainly didn't find it a tasteful truth, to some degree, it was what Alayna got. She hadn't appreciated the power and privilege afforded to her, she'd tried to rock the boat in a way that was dangerous. She hadn't worked quietly, gone with the flow and manipulated a situation; she'd been loud about it. And that's what people like that got. Even if he'd had a problem with it, V'ryd knew that a misstep could leave him at Benden's mercy. While he didn't entirely enjoy it, and he didn't entirely think she deserved it, he was spiteful enough to be glad that it was Alayna in that place, rather than anyone else.

In 2764, a few riders were kidnapped from Fort during Serapheth's touching. They were rescued, much to Benden's shame. In 2765, unknown to him, Wyzeth's eggs were being rescued; and then, shortly after, Fort found out and rescued Alayna. In 2767, Alayna shared her experiences and Benden was placed under sanctions. Taliri and Sido stepped down, due to pressures, and Telgar sent a goldrider to Benden.

In 2770, he picked out a large firelizard egg. Golden as it was, he hoped it would hold a gold flit--or at least bronze. Unfortunately...the creature inside was unabashedly garnet. The gall. Well, she was tolerated, had her uses.

In 2771, in early fall, V'ryd's father died in threadfall. A few of Azenith's siblings--including Wyzeth--were at Semaca, so V'ryd decided to transfer there. Maybe he'd see Alayna again, see how she was doing. Maybe make "amends," because clearly he didn't stand by Benden's actions. Largely because Semacans would hate him even more if he didn't. He recently transferred to Semaca, shortly after Z'osh's arrival, and is keenly aware of how he might be viewed.

  • Update goes here!

Last edited by Pan on Sun Feb 21, 2021 6:42 am, edited 9 times in total.
Thread Tracker - Soliloquies
Fort Weyr
D'javi of Bronze Cerasth
Jexin of Brown Hayutoth
Maze of Garnet Temporaeth
Thane of Blue Vesseth
Nes of Blue Gascoigth
Sy'rei of Green Asrakaerth
K'me of Green Wadjeth
Neme of Green Maglyth
V'eil of Green Usamith
Miilo of Blue Miilsk
Arkta of Green Arktask & Blue Arsk
Candidate Sere
High Reaches Weyr
Safvris of Brown Osjeith
Lace of Garnet Rozeth
K'rou of Blue Nonaryth
Keiraly of Blue Sarmith
Ny'ri of Moonstone Asberyth
Sparrow of Green Irabeth
Nova of White Scryth
Nhelin of Gold Nhelisk & Brown Nhesk
Zyri of Blue Zyrisk
Candidate Ryuki
Candidate Pyeri
Semaca Weyr
Deir of Bronze Rollieth
Kas of Garnet Vaheoth
Nysie of Blue Ixith
Kaneki of Blue Tinoceth
J'pei of Green Zelagoth
Hymn of Green Gienath
E'nyo of White Nohadoth
Vixen of Seafoam Xesk
Makai of Blue Kask & Brown Makaisk
Aket of Green-Blue Akhersk
Wyll of Green Wysk
WIP: Candidate Verlian
Posts: 1215
Joined: Sat Jul 27, 2019 7:53 am
    Mon Feb 15, 2021 5:32 am
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NAME: Azenith
BIRTHDATE Spring 2760
AGE: 11 as of Fall 2771

LENGTH: 48 feet
HEIGHT: 12 feet
WINGSPAN: 72 feet
COLOR: Bronze
HEX CODE: #393327
FULL APPEARANCE: Azenith may be large for a dragon, due to his color, but he is small for a bronze. Without being a mutation, he is about as small as a bronze can get. His features are delicate and petite, but rounded--handsome, but also cute. So, so cute. He is lean, but still strong, though his endurance does not match that of bulkier dragons of his size. In color, Azenith is a uniform, dark bronze--darker than most bronzes, and certainly darker than his paler, golden-bronze clutchsibling, Verath. His hide is devoid of markings, but he is no less handsome, with his base color certainly being enough. Overall, he is a fine bronze, even if he's on the smaller side, certainly a paragon of his color...if you ask V'ryd, anyways.

PERSONALITY: Unlike his rider, Azenith wouldn't hurt a fly. He's a very good boy, one who wishes that his rider were a bit nicer, and certainly kinder. He struggled with being complicit in Wyzeth's treatment, not only because of his strong moral compass and general kindness, but also because he struggles to keep a secret. He cares strongly about V'ryd and will always do what V'ryd tells him to--but he struggles with lying, and he's lucky that V'ryd told him to play any awkwardness off as missing his golden sister. Azenith feels bad whenever V'ryd remembers Wyzeth's treatment, and if not for the poor memory of a dragon, he would remember his trauma around his complicity. He always defers to V'ryd and idolizes the man, even to his own detriment. He doesn't have the force of personality to argue, anyways. Overall, Azenith is a people-pleaser, and no one needs to be pleased quite as much as his rider.

Azenith is not stupid, just because he is kind and passive. He's an intelligent creature who enjoys learning. He's quick to interject with random facts, though if he's told to be quiet, he will do so. He's certainly a dweeb and a nerd, a learner through and through. This dragon enjoys puns, often telling them awkwardly, and considers himself to be a prankster. While he is playful, he often thinks things are pranks when they are not, and any actual pranks are extremely harmless. For example, he might tell you the wrong directions, then gleefully say it wasn't true and was a joke, before giving you the right directions before you are even SLIGHTLY inconvenienced. He thinks he is very funny and will be very hurt if not humored. V'ryd, surprisingly, humors him quite often.

Although he is playful and often has something to say, he is quick to grow quiet and internalize if anyone is mean to him, or if he's not recieved well. He's sensitive to criticism and is easily hurt, tending to beat himself up and feel shame over such things.

Other: Wyzeth-sib

Last edited by Pan on Thu Mar 04, 2021 4:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Thread Tracker - Soliloquies
Fort Weyr
D'javi of Bronze Cerasth
Jexin of Brown Hayutoth
Maze of Garnet Temporaeth
Thane of Blue Vesseth
Nes of Blue Gascoigth
Sy'rei of Green Asrakaerth
K'me of Green Wadjeth
Neme of Green Maglyth
V'eil of Green Usamith
Miilo of Blue Miilsk
Arkta of Green Arktask & Blue Arsk
Candidate Sere
High Reaches Weyr
Safvris of Brown Osjeith
Lace of Garnet Rozeth
K'rou of Blue Nonaryth
Keiraly of Blue Sarmith
Ny'ri of Moonstone Asberyth
Sparrow of Green Irabeth
Nova of White Scryth
Nhelin of Gold Nhelisk & Brown Nhesk
Zyri of Blue Zyrisk
Candidate Ryuki
Candidate Pyeri
Semaca Weyr
Deir of Bronze Rollieth
Kas of Garnet Vaheoth
Nysie of Blue Ixith
Kaneki of Blue Tinoceth
J'pei of Green Zelagoth
Hymn of Green Gienath
E'nyo of White Nohadoth
Vixen of Seafoam Xesk
Makai of Blue Kask & Brown Makaisk
Aket of Green-Blue Akhersk
Wyll of Green Wysk
WIP: Candidate Verlian
Posts: 1215
Joined: Sat Jul 27, 2019 7:53 am
    Sat Feb 20, 2021 10:47 am
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NAME: Problem
BIRTHDATE Spring 2770
AGE: 1 as of Fall 2771

HEIGHT: Average
COLOR: Garnet
HEX CODE: #e31314
FULL APPEARANCE: Problem is not a long firelizard, but she is a tall firelizard. Compared to the rest of her body, her legs are quite long, and her wings are even longer. In color, she is a vibrant garnet--certainly not mistakable for any other color. Bright reds mix with darker hues, with spirals that fade into pink. She is quite pretty, despite her strange proportions.

PERSONALITY: Problem isn't a problem at all! She's well-behaved, sweet, and polite. She tries very hard to please her person, working hard to be as unobtrusive as possible, just because that's what he wants. She is a bit shy, and certainly wishes that V'ryd liked her more. She is very close to Azenith, who gives her plenty of love.
Thread Tracker - Soliloquies
Fort Weyr
D'javi of Bronze Cerasth
Jexin of Brown Hayutoth
Maze of Garnet Temporaeth
Thane of Blue Vesseth
Nes of Blue Gascoigth
Sy'rei of Green Asrakaerth
K'me of Green Wadjeth
Neme of Green Maglyth
V'eil of Green Usamith
Miilo of Blue Miilsk
Arkta of Green Arktask & Blue Arsk
Candidate Sere
High Reaches Weyr
Safvris of Brown Osjeith
Lace of Garnet Rozeth
K'rou of Blue Nonaryth
Keiraly of Blue Sarmith
Ny'ri of Moonstone Asberyth
Sparrow of Green Irabeth
Nova of White Scryth
Nhelin of Gold Nhelisk & Brown Nhesk
Zyri of Blue Zyrisk
Candidate Ryuki
Candidate Pyeri
Semaca Weyr
Deir of Bronze Rollieth
Kas of Garnet Vaheoth
Nysie of Blue Ixith
Kaneki of Blue Tinoceth
J'pei of Green Zelagoth
Hymn of Green Gienath
E'nyo of White Nohadoth
Vixen of Seafoam Xesk
Makai of Blue Kask & Brown Makaisk
Aket of Green-Blue Akhersk
Wyll of Green Wysk
WIP: Candidate Verlian
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