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Aliera of Bronze Hjalmarth

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Aliera of Bronze Hjalmarth



"I'm trouble
Yeah, trouble now
I'm trouble y'all
I got trouble in my town"
-Trouble by P!nk


NAME: Aliera; what nicknames?
GENDER: Androgynous, born feminine
PRONOUNS: Yes. (he/him/his, she/her/hers, they/them/their)
ORIENTATION: Why do you feel the need to know?

BIRTHDATE: Early Fall 2743 (September 8th)
AGE: 29 as of Early Winter 2772
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: Bronzerider
WING: Nocturne

EYES: Blue, appears grey in some lights
HAIR: Blonde, trimmed short on the sides
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5' 4" of whoop ass
PLAY-BY: Alecia Beth Moore (P!nk)
Aliera is a force of nature contained in a small body, being 5' 4" in height, but sturdy from Turns of physical labor. Her hair is...quite a statement! Bright blonde in color, she has elected to keep the side shaved short with a bob on top, both to reduce the drag in her Threadfighting helmet and for her own personal preference. Her eyes are a dark blue color, which can sometimes appear to be grey in the right light and angle, or if you draw very close to Aliera. The latter is not recommended for safety. When it comes to her wardrobe, Aliera likes to wear garb out of the ordinary, but still functional. As a result, she often decides on her well-worn boots, a pair of black pants, and a sleeveless top under a sturdy leather jacket.

Headstrong and fierce are two good words to describe Aliera. Rarely does she take no for an answer, and always challenges the limits of what is deemed to be impossible. With her own two feet and her wits, she can go where she pleases, and there ain't nobody who can stop her. Recklessness is another trait of Aliera's, but sometimes to her benefit. Screw the risks! If there's something that needs done, it's gonna get done. Yet her reckless behavior can endanger her and sometimes others, as she thinks things through for barely a split second before charging the Hold's gates. One shouldn't underestimate Aliera because she's small in stature. This woman will beat your ass without mercy, given reason to. Or not given reason to. Aliera has been known to pick fights at times, for reasons unknown, though she seems to engage in brawling only after calling out someone's bullshit. However, Aliera has been known for being incorrect at times, and often refuses to listen if people point out that she's in the wrong. When she catches a whiff of that nonsense, she's gone. No way, no how will she tolerate it for a second.

If there's someone that needs saving, Aliera is the first to heed the call. Diving headfirst into danger for others on the back of her bronze Hjalmarth is like second breakfast to this person. She's known for her bravery and empathy, though it's hard to see it under her outward attitude of sass, snark, and sarcasm. Sensitive to the needs of others, Aliera is always there to give someone hurting a pat on the back or a slap upside the head. It just depends on the situation. She will absolutely not take shit from anyone, and has no problem bluntly stating what's on her mind. She's also not afraid to throw hands, if that's what it takes. Aliera's loyalty is hard to earn, and her respect even harder. However, once you've won her loyalty, it would take Thread falling up to dissuade her. Additionally, Aliera is difficult to shake. Stubborn and resilient, she can take a beating in all senses of the word. Though it doesn't seem like it, she takes her duty to her Weyr very seriously, and she'd do anything necessary to protect it.

J'rey - brownrider - father - deceased (Threadfall)
T'dy - greenrider - mother - living
J'son - dragonrider - elder brother - living
Born amid some of the worst storms Ista Weyr had ever seen, Aliera seemed to absorb a part of the churning waves and thunderous claps into her being at birth, for she emerged a squalling, fighting thing. Her childhood was unremarkable, spending her days doing chores, learning her lessons, getting teased by her older brother and his friends, and dogging the heels of the adult riders. To be born into a Weyr - and thus open to the opportunity of Impression - was such a boon! From a young age, Aliera started preparing herself for the day she would stand on Ista's sands as a Candidate.

Aliera signed herself up for Candidacy as soon as she was able, expecting to Impress in relative short order. It was normal to expect such things, right? Well, apparently not, as many dragonets passed her by over the many Hatchings she attended. Yet when she was nearing her 23rd Turn, it was her time to shine. A fine bronze hatched, shook himself off, and marched straight to Aliera. Hjalmarth had made his choice, and he wasn't about to change it for anything. Aliera was his person, now and forever, and he was her perfect partner. They were one; two halves to a whole. Aliera was enraptured with her bronze, and they entered weyrling training together with no small amount of pride in their stride.

Aliera graduated from training, and Hjalmarth had matured into a magnificent bronze dragon. Their first Threadfall was a success, with no major injury. Then Hjalmarth flew a beautiful garnet, and Aliera became close to the garnetrider. Yet over time, they two humans fell out, and a resentment bloomed between them over matters Aliera refuses to speak of. In truth, they just weren't right for each other, but neither would admit it. Rather than remain in Ista and deal with this mess, Aliera and Hjalmarth transferred to the Semaca Weyr. What awaited them? Who the forsk knew?

  • Late Fall 2773: In Threadfall, Hjalmarth doesn't notice some Thread falling from above, which lands on Aliera, badly scoring her chest, left arm, and left thigh. (Major) The bronze panics, colliding with Espinneth in his hurry to get to Healers on the ground; he's miraculously unharmed in the crash.
  • Early Spring 2775: Spotties attack Semaca's most vulnerable while most of its fighters are away in Threadfall, but Aliera and Hjalmarth leave the wing to help with the spotties. One tackles Aliera from behind. Her left arm is dislocated when she falls (Moderate). Thankfully the spotty runs off to attack someone else.
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NAME: Hjalmarth
BIRTHDATE: Late Fall 2767
AGE: 8 as of Late Spring 2775

LENGTH: 55 ft.
HEIGHT: 13.25 ft.
WINGSPAN: 83.75 ft.
COLOR: Bronze
HEX CODE: #6e6e3c
An utterly massive bronze, Hjalmarth is built for raw strength, meant to keep pushing onward though any hazard and any storm. Delicate tasks and sharp turns are difficult for him with his bulk, but that's alright. It doesn’t bother Hjalmarth. Best play into his strengths and rely on others to do what he cannot, and vice versa. Hjalmarth's hide is a dark green-bronze, paler over his body than his wingsails, and speckled all over with clusters of bright star-like markings.

Hjalmarth is a protector above all. Born bronze, he feels himself assigned to the duty of protecting those weaker than him. He accepts this duty with great pride, thinking it an honor to serve Pern and those who may suffer from any woe. Respectful and humble, Hjalmarth will never seek to dominate or bully others to gain power. He will prove himself worthy - or unworthy - of respect through his actions. He possesses little anger as a whole, but will not hesitate to react as such if a situation warrants his rage to emerge. Hjalmarth prefers not to posture or bluff, for that is quite dishonorable, and he is an honorable, dignified dragon; he is bronze Hjalmarth of Semaca Weyr.

To his rider, Hjalmarth is a sentinel, devoted guardian, and teacher. What does he have to teach? Patience. Consideration before action. Many things, if Aliera will slow down and listen. Deep inside, Hjalmarth is capable of intense, yet quiet, affection for certain people - but Aliera is held near and dear to his heart. Despite his positive traits, Hjalmarth holds an odd sense of doom and gloom. Everything will one day die; either slain prematurely by some cause or another, or naturally of old age or illness. Even the brightest flowers will wilt, and the most beautiful butterflies fall from flight.

Voice: Hjalmarth has a pleasant-sounding, confident voice. Definitely masculine, yet capable of smooth and high tones, and filled with great passion.

Last edited by Agenothree on Mon Jan 03, 2022 9:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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