R ' M A R
NAME: R'mar (Remarak, R, any number of endearments because he will answer to them all)
GENDER: male
PRONOUNS: he/him/his
ORIENTATION: equal opportunity, baby!
BIRTHDATE: Late Summer 1307, just before the beginning of the Fifth Pass
AGE: twenty-six as of Early Spring 2774
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: time traveler, rider
WING: Nocturne
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Blonde
HEIGHT AND BUILD: six feet and seven inches, very sturdy
PLAY-BY: Yung Gravy
R'mar is the definition of a beach blonde. He's heavily tanned because he spends his off days at the beach on Ista Island, his already blonde hair is sun-bleached from his time on the water. What muscles he didn't get from his nearly ten Turns of riding come from something to do with the water. He's a surf babe, basically.
He's tall, which means he has always picked his wardrobe carefully so he, maybe, actually fits. Without access to his regular tailor, who fully supported his casanova lifestyle even if she often wished he would settle down and stop ripping seams, he's on a quest to find a new style to go with his new wardrobe and his new life. So far his success is mixed, and the clothes he was wearing when he emerged in the Tenth Pass will become quite the worse for wear.
R'mar is a casanova. He likes the ladies, certainly, but he's also partial to pretty men, strong men, nonbinary lovelies so long as they are partial to him. He's open to flirting with anyone, though the difference between a serious flirtation and a polite greeting is sometimes questionable. He falls in love as easily as breathing. He needs everyone to have a good time, though, and he won't pursue someone who doesn't want him back. (He's used to a certain reputation, though, and the idea that there is an entire planet full of people that don't know that he's a skilled and generous lover and therefore have to be convinced to give him the time of day is tragic.)
The saying is that he never met a stranger, which is certainly true. R'mar is not shy in the least, though traveling through the afterlife like he has did put a damper on his natural gregarious self. This perpetual party lifestyle does come with a major drawback - R'mar would much rather have a good time than do work, and he'll put less fun activities on a backburner if he can get away with it. At this stage of his life, he's pretty good at picking and choosing which things he truly needs to attend - like Thread - and which things he can blow off in favor of a good time. 'Pretty good', however, is not perfect, and he has missed important meetings and events that end up biting him later. Case in point being the missed Hatching that led to his impromptu time travel.
FAMILY: A small family in Ista Hold, he's second or third born and the only one Searched of their generation
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Aw, man, isn't this tragic? He doesn't have anyone. Yet.
Remarak was born to a pair of ordinary Holders at the beginning of the Fourth Pass, one of several children they would have. He was charismatic even as a child, and when he was Searched at fifteen, he left behind a lot of friends. One of them sent him with a large fire lizard egg they had saved from their gold's clutch, and he Impressed a gold fire lizard right after he arrived at Ista Weyr. Literally right after, she hatched in the barracks when he was shown his new room.
Remarak made friends easily, as he always had, so when he Impressed the biggest, fastest brown of the clutch when he was seventeen, there weren't many people to wish him ill. Such people would always exist, but R'mar was surrounded by the people who wished him the best, who thought he deserved good things in life. And it was lucky that his brown was just as charismatic as he was, because he became a steady fixture in Flights. There was no green or gold he would not chase. And while he certainly did not win all his Flights, R'mar was welcome to many a Flight room and beyond.
That 'beyond' refers to the bustling social life R'mar enjoyed. He truly never met a stranger, even if he didn't sleep with everyone he met, and he had a tryst set up for after a Hatching expected at Telgar. (Very cute bluerider he'd met at a Gather, they often had fun whenever he found himself at Telgar.) Something went horribly wrong that morning, and R'mar heard that Telgar had a new queen before he had the chance to go. If it was possible to go between one place and another using coordinates like the phase of the moon, he figured it was possible to use something like the time of day to shave a few hours off his arrival.
His math was impeccable. Sort of. The fact that he was relying on his fire lizard for time instead of using his own memory set him up for trouble. Seeing a random blue flit through didn't help at all, but Kiragoth still went between.
Instead of emerging at Telgar just before the Hatching, R'mar and Kiragoth tumbled from cold between to an unfamiliar world some thousand Turns later. The fact that he had always thought the afterlife should be beautiful, like Ista in summer, combined with the prolonged period of time spent suspended from time and space, led him to believe that he had killed his dragon.
This was not helped by the first person he met from Semaca Weyr, who rode a dragon completely drained of all color like he had never seen in his life and asked him if he was there to join a requiem. (Later, he would understand that 'requiem' was a squad, though there was a motion to send him to Lamentoso instead because of his inadvertent time travel. Once cleared by the healers, he and Kiragoth would join Nocturne Wing.)
Time will prove that he cannot go home, and only time will tell how he adjusts to the Tenth Pass.