"Why do people have to call inanimate objects 'she'?"
-Hikaru Sulu, Star Trek: The Original Series
RETIRE INFO: Character - Retire, Dragon - Adopt
NAME: Chalay
GENDER: Cis male
PRONOUNS: he/him/his
ORIENTATION: Pansexual panromantic
BIRTHDATE: Midsummer 2732
AGE: 37 as of summer 2769
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: Wingleader, Titan, Weyrhealer, Journeyman Healer/Dragonhealer
WING: Healer's
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Black with hints of gray/white, short
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5' 6", muscular
PLAY-BY: Kevan Ohtsji
FULL APPEARANCE: For a healer, Chalay keeps himself in surprisingly good shape, able to hold his own with the average fighting rider. Though he's not that tall (kind of short for a man, though don't say that to him), he's well-proportioned and muscular. He keeps his graying black hair cropped short, and it frames an angular face usually set in a neutral expression with a hint of pain in the eyes. He has some scars on his hands and arms from minor altercations as well as a few accidental cuts with scalpels. Usually, he's found in Healer aprons over simple clothes in neutral grays or blacks.
PERSONALITY: For a healer, Chalay is surprisingly distant. He's not cold, per se, but he doesn't allow himself to get too attached to any one patient, treating each one with the same friendliness and humor. He applies this philosophy to life; though he's outgoing and friendly, on good terms with many acquaintances, he has few true friends, preferring to keep people at arm's length. He views this as good for both them and him; attachment leads to unnecessary trouble and grief all around. He does care deeply for a select few, though it's getting harder and harder for people to get to this point.
He wants equality of opportunity for everyone, and might be viewed as radical depending who you're talking to. He sees absolutely no problem with mutations, or women riding bronzes, and has been heard openly stating that it's about time a man Impressed a gold. Though he used to be more of a traditionalist, riding a male green has made him realize that it's rather hypocritical to hold societal standards to others but not himself. He has an odd sense of humor, questioning everyday idioms and slang terms, and is more than willing to poke fun at himself.
FAMILY: None living
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: O'tlan of Green Kadiith, Vella of Green Vellask and Magma Vesk
BIRTHPLACE: High Reaches Weyr
HISTORY: Chalay's parents, two Reaches weyrfolk, had been hoping for a girl and only had the more feminine name "Chalayna" picked out. They chopped off the last two letters, not being very creative people, and thus Chalay was named. A few Turns down the line, he got a younger sister, and she was named Layna, his parents apparently being unable to go with any other name than a variation on that first unfulfilled name. Chalay's parents weren't particularly good at the whole parenting thing, but neither were they neglectful or abusive in any way. Chalay grew up relatively close to his little sister, and picked up his desire to become a Healer when he saw her break a bone from a bad fall.
When he was twelve, he officially apprenticed to the healer craft. He'd never thought about becoming a rider, but a journeyman saw his fascination with war injuries and encouraged him to Stand for one himself. He spent five long Turns in candidacy, continuing to advance in one area of his life but not the other. He was soon to receive his knots when a green Hatched and made its purposeful way over to him.
Let's go, Chalay. I'm Oshuth, and I'm hungry.
It was everything Chalay could have hoped for. There was only one small problem. The green's mindvoice was much, much deeper than expected, and Oshuth firmly referred to himself with male pronouns from the start. Unavoidably, this became known to the Weyr at large, and the pair faced some ostracism. Layna Impressed a brown two Turns after Oshuth hatched, and she took her place in the fighting wings while Chalay worked in the healer's wing and finished up his apprenticeship.
Layna was a brilliant rider and did not go unnoticed by Golre. She was chosen as one of the few non-metallic riders to make the Reaches' last, desperate attack on Fort, and was killed when she got in the way of another Reaches rider. Chalay thinks that she did it on purpose, though it was claimed a Fort murder. Wanting to get away from High Reaches, Chalay transferred to Fort, where his sister's death weighs on him every day.
- Early fall 2764 - After Vaugnairth's disastrous incident with Serapheth's Soldiers of Sorrow clutch and subsequent banishment, Chalay and Oshuth go renegade due to ideological differences.
- Spring 2765 - Oshuth bruises and cuts his head, having banged it on the ceiling of a cave in an instinctive attempt to fight Thread. Chalay laughs for sevendays.
- Spring 2765 - Oshuth catches Caesurath, and the garnet bears a clutch. Oshuth is insufferable for sevendays.
- Spring 2766 - Oshuth is blinded in Threadfall. His spirits are intact, and he's mostly sad about not being able to chase females properly. Chalay is a wreck for a while.
- Winter 2766? - Chalay becomes weyrmates with O'tlan and Vella.