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Ahsoka of Garnet Ahsosk and White Ahsk

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    Tue Jun 26, 2018 8:24 am
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Ahsoka of Garnet Ahsosk and White Ahsk

[img*]coming eventually[/img*]

"Corruption is what happens when someone in power puts their own personal gain before the interests of the people they represent."
-Ahsoka Tano, Star Wars: The Clone Wars[/size]


RETIRE INFO: Character - Retire, Whers - Adopt
NAME: Ahsoka
GENDER: Cis female
PRONOUNS: she/her/hers
ORIENTATION: Homoromantic bisexual

BIRTHDATE: Early spring 2743
AGE: 24 as of fall 2767
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: Lieutenant
WING: Weyr Guard

EYES: Blue
HAIR: Black, tightly curled, goes to mid-back
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 6' 2", lean muscle
PLAY-BY: Ahsoka Tano human fanart
FULL APPEARANCE: Ahsoka moves with an almost predatory grace born of Turns of training. Even when she is still, she exudes a sense of action and purpose, as if she is just pausing rather than truly resting. Her lithe, tall form is accentuated by the tight red shirts and brown pants she prefers, and a dagger hangs at her side when she is on duty. Long black hair in tight curls frames a face with full lips and large, bright blue eyes that contrast with her brown skin. She usually has a calculating or determined expression on her face.

PERSONALITY: Ahsoka is a person of strong moral convictions. Sometimes, these contravene existing laws and doctrines, but she sticks to them nonetheless, believing that what is right is not always what is lawful. Her respect is earned, not given based on ranks, and she strives to someday earn authority in the same way. Though she does ultimately believe in the common good, she loathes sacrificing individuals to achieve it.

Ahsoka is still fierce and resilient, but where once she burned with a wild, hot fire, time and experience have tempered her. She will always trust herself and her gut instincts above all, but she's learned the value of thinking before entering a situation, even if she forgets to do it sometimes. Her temper will always threaten to get the best of her, and she can hold grudges for Turns at a time. The same passionate hatred and long-held animosity are reversed for those she loves. She will die for her friends without hesitation, and once someone has earned her loyalty, it is hard to break that bond.

FAMILY: None biological that she knows of; Anakin (adoptive brother), Padme (sister-in-law), Luke and Leia (nephew/niece)
HISTORY: Ahsoka was taken in at an early age by a group of Fort Hold guards who raised her more or less communally after her parents were killed in a skirmish with bandits. Along with instilling a deep-seated sense of right and wrong, they taught her the ways of both unarmed and armed combat. One of the guards was like an older brother to her, and it was from him that Ahsoka picked up her most-used technique of dagger fighting. She was especially close to a fellow guardling named Barriss, who was a couple of Turns older than her and her best friend.

Barriss became a healer specializing in field medicine, helping her fellow guards, while Ahsoka threw herself fully into the study of combat. As they grew older, their relationship changed from friendship to something they didn't quite realize as romance until near the end of Barriss's apprenticeship.

The rise of Evander was a turning point in the lives of the pair. Barriss quickly grew disillusioned with Evander's changes in policy, while Ahsoka maintained her loyalty to the leaders of Fort and was rewarded with a wher egg. Ahsosk was a fiery soul to match hers, and the pair were well on their way to becoming members of the guard when Evander was mysteriously killed. Ahsoka fled north to High Reaches, and Barriss went with her. She used the skills she'd learned over the Turns to keep both of them alive.

Now, no one knows either of them, and they are content to keep it that way, blending into the masses of wher-related folk.

  • Spring 2765 - Ahsoka breaks her left ankle stepping in a hole during Threadfall but will make a full recovery.
  • Spring 2765 - Still not entirely healed, Ahsoka nonetheless Stands for a wher hatching and bonds white Ahsk.
  • Winter 2765 - Barriss bonds green Moorith, creating a rift in their relationship due to the 18-month separation and their now-opposing schedules.
  • Spring 2767 - Ilesssk knocks over a weapon rack, and a staff falls onto Ahsosk's foot, bruising it.
  • Spring? 2767 - Barriss transfers back, and the two are reunited.
  • Summer 2767 - Ahsosk somehow trips over Ahsk and into Ahsoka, spraining her handler's right knee (Moderate) and breaking her own left hind foot (Major). Ahsk is unharmed by all of this.
Last edited by Tortellini on Sat Jul 25, 2020 11:15 am, edited 5 times in total.
Erian of Bronze Hammerloth + Timori
Moenbryda of Bronze Cendocreth + Tataru
Jeremiah of Brown Cogeath + Villetta
Eclipse Wingsecond Kurue of Garnet Artesiath + Damaya
Rey of Blue Nuth + Beebee
Tae of Blue Mokoith
Weyrling Gino of Green Sawath + Tristan
Niavi of Green Tegoth
Tikra of Green Everieth
Thancred of Green Mayuth + Gunbreaker
Banagher of White Unicoth + Haro Two
Nagate of White Playath + Tsugumori
Ysayle of White Ebrietath
Amuro of Brown Casvath + Haro
Ryoma of Brown Zamth + Kagero
Suzaku of Brown Rath + Albion
Talien of Charoite Arellath
Cid of Blue Volfreth + Alpha
Jullus of Blue Nalaath
A'ric of White Impath + Adria
Lopen of Brown Losk and Green Opesk
Liyanel of Gold Nebulaeth + Fisher + Tater
Saji of Bronze Veototh + 'Brown Haro'
T'challa of Bronze Lockoth
Cornelia of Garnet Guiloth + Strudel
Hy'daeus of Garnet-Bronze Selpith
Shallan of Blue Ophoth + Pattern
Anaiya of Green Adasheth + Feline Hobbes
Weyrhealer Chalay of Green Oshuth + Imagundi
Elend of Green Antoth
Lift of Green Icolenth + Wyndle
Pavane Point Mara of Gold Marsk and Green Marask + Talon
Chirrut of Quartz Chirrusk and White Chirsk + Kyber
Emaran of Brown Almarask and Brown Emarsk + Numa
Guard Lieutenant Ahsoka of Garnet Ahsosk and White Ahsk + Rex
Anakin of Blue Anask and Brown Anakisk + Hondo + Fives
Fartoo of Blue Fartosk and Brown Fartsk + Detoo + Threepio
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    Tue Jun 26, 2018 8:25 am
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NAME: Ahsosk
BIRTHDATE Early winter 2761
AGE: 5 as of fall 2767



LENGTH: 14 ft
HEIGHT: 5 ft
COLOR: Garnet
HEX CODE: #860222
FULL APPEARANCE: Ahsosk's main "base" colors, to use the term loosely, alternate between a deep ruby-red and an orchid-purple. Her underbelly's base color is a light pink. Ring-like markings heavily overlay her hide. On her belly, they are purple, and come in shades ranging from lavender to pink on her legs, spine, and wings. The rings turn into stripes on her face, which alternates between pink and purple. Like her bonded, she is lithe and lean, built for speed rather than brute power.

PERSONALITY: Fire and blood. Well, maybe not literal fire, but Ahsosk is a violent, fiery wher, and it is hard for even the equally strong-willed Ahsoka to restrain her. She has a strong maternal and protective instinct and sees rules as guidelines, unafraid to break them to protect that which is hers. It is rare for her to display outright affection, but usually if she nudges or bites you and doesn't actually hurt you, it means that she likes you. For a wher, she's surprisingly verbose, unafraid to express her opinions, and will often carry on a diatribe while attacking. While not particularly intelligent, Ahsosk adapts easily to new situations and can think on her feet.

Ahsosk's a good friend to Ahsoka, and is the only one to whom she displays any more affection than biting or nudging. She doesn't approve of Barriss but knows when to leave well enough alone, and she can't complain that much since Barriss makes Ahsoka happy. Though the pair may clash on some issues of morality, Ahsosk will learn and grow from Ahsoka as the Turns pass. Ahsosk just wants to help her rider - she hates the word handler - reach her full potential.
Last edited by Tortellini on Sat Jul 07, 2018 10:20 am, edited 2 times in total.
Erian of Bronze Hammerloth + Timori
Moenbryda of Bronze Cendocreth + Tataru
Jeremiah of Brown Cogeath + Villetta
Eclipse Wingsecond Kurue of Garnet Artesiath + Damaya
Rey of Blue Nuth + Beebee
Tae of Blue Mokoith
Weyrling Gino of Green Sawath + Tristan
Niavi of Green Tegoth
Tikra of Green Everieth
Thancred of Green Mayuth + Gunbreaker
Banagher of White Unicoth + Haro Two
Nagate of White Playath + Tsugumori
Ysayle of White Ebrietath
Amuro of Brown Casvath + Haro
Ryoma of Brown Zamth + Kagero
Suzaku of Brown Rath + Albion
Talien of Charoite Arellath
Cid of Blue Volfreth + Alpha
Jullus of Blue Nalaath
A'ric of White Impath + Adria
Lopen of Brown Losk and Green Opesk
Liyanel of Gold Nebulaeth + Fisher + Tater
Saji of Bronze Veototh + 'Brown Haro'
T'challa of Bronze Lockoth
Cornelia of Garnet Guiloth + Strudel
Hy'daeus of Garnet-Bronze Selpith
Shallan of Blue Ophoth + Pattern
Anaiya of Green Adasheth + Feline Hobbes
Weyrhealer Chalay of Green Oshuth + Imagundi
Elend of Green Antoth
Lift of Green Icolenth + Wyndle
Pavane Point Mara of Gold Marsk and Green Marask + Talon
Chirrut of Quartz Chirrusk and White Chirsk + Kyber
Emaran of Brown Almarask and Brown Emarsk + Numa
Guard Lieutenant Ahsoka of Garnet Ahsosk and White Ahsk + Rex
Anakin of Blue Anask and Brown Anakisk + Hondo + Fives
Fartoo of Blue Fartosk and Brown Fartsk + Detoo + Threepio
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    Tue Jun 26, 2018 8:26 am
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Colored by ShopKey


NAME: Ahsk
BIRTHDATE Early spring 2765
AGE: 2 as of fall 2767

LENGTH: 10.5 ft
HEIGHT: 4.5 ft
COLOR: White
HEX CODE: #151515
FULL APPEARANCE: For all that this wher claims he is a white, he's not very... white. Even in form, he's a relatively burly wher, coming in near the top height for a white, though rather short on length. His base tone is a dark charcoal, approaching matte black, and seems to soak up whatever faint light he's near. His wings are a greyer shade, with the undersides of his wing criss-crossed with fine silvery lines - and those are on the dark end of the spectrum for your typical white! A similar pale mark runs along t the side of his tail, a grey ribbon that looks nearly white, in contrast to the dark it rests upon.

The darkness of Ahsk's base tone is made all the more striking by the lighter gray markings that block out his body. His face is a death's mask - not in ichor-like gore, as his sister, but pale against his black neck, with dark almonds giving his eyes the appearance of a brightly-colored iris in a black sclera. Small bars of black mark his lips, like the teeth of a skull. Both forelegs through the shoulder are colored pale, as is a wide circle on his belly; both bear heart-like markings - an inverted heart with a circular hole in it on his left calf, and a ringed heart on the tips of his ribs. His hind feet are marked in the same grey, and his dark talons are all the more striking for their paler settings.

PERSONALITY: Ahsk is a very docile creature in general, someone who is happily a follower to the leaders of the world. He wants nothing more in life than to spend time with his friends and his handler, passing the days away in joy and laughter, fun and delight. He has a soft spot for nature, especially flowers, and loves to spend time in them or have them around him whenever possible. He is sweet, compassionate, and full of love for people in general, wishing to see the very best of the world around him and hoping to see the best in everyone brought forth and allowed to bloom to fruition. He believes friendship and equality are some of the most important things in the world. His favorite places to spend time are underground and in the outdoors.

Ahsk has another side to him, however. Whenever he is treated poorly or seriously doubted another side comes out. He does not do well with these emotions - when left to his own devices or pushed, he becomes mean and bitter. He resents being treated like a child or not being trusted and as such will go out of his way to push back in whatever ways he can, often times mocking or picking fights with others. Whenever he comes out of these fits, he is always extremely remorseful and does everything he can to put things back to the way they were. Perhaps one day he will find the peace to grow out of these episodes, under the right guidance and love.

Voice: Ahsk has a very soft voice that often sounds uncertain. When he becomes angry, his voice is thunderously loud and full of arrogance and rage.

Why Ahsoka?: Ahsk needs a firm hand and someone who can handle his fire, while his more gentle side will compliment his rider and soften her.
Erian of Bronze Hammerloth + Timori
Moenbryda of Bronze Cendocreth + Tataru
Jeremiah of Brown Cogeath + Villetta
Eclipse Wingsecond Kurue of Garnet Artesiath + Damaya
Rey of Blue Nuth + Beebee
Tae of Blue Mokoith
Weyrling Gino of Green Sawath + Tristan
Niavi of Green Tegoth
Tikra of Green Everieth
Thancred of Green Mayuth + Gunbreaker
Banagher of White Unicoth + Haro Two
Nagate of White Playath + Tsugumori
Ysayle of White Ebrietath
Amuro of Brown Casvath + Haro
Ryoma of Brown Zamth + Kagero
Suzaku of Brown Rath + Albion
Talien of Charoite Arellath
Cid of Blue Volfreth + Alpha
Jullus of Blue Nalaath
A'ric of White Impath + Adria
Lopen of Brown Losk and Green Opesk
Liyanel of Gold Nebulaeth + Fisher + Tater
Saji of Bronze Veototh + 'Brown Haro'
T'challa of Bronze Lockoth
Cornelia of Garnet Guiloth + Strudel
Hy'daeus of Garnet-Bronze Selpith
Shallan of Blue Ophoth + Pattern
Anaiya of Green Adasheth + Feline Hobbes
Weyrhealer Chalay of Green Oshuth + Imagundi
Elend of Green Antoth
Lift of Green Icolenth + Wyndle
Pavane Point Mara of Gold Marsk and Green Marask + Talon
Chirrut of Quartz Chirrusk and White Chirsk + Kyber
Emaran of Brown Almarask and Brown Emarsk + Numa
Guard Lieutenant Ahsoka of Garnet Ahsosk and White Ahsk + Rex
Anakin of Blue Anask and Brown Anakisk + Hondo + Fives
Fartoo of Blue Fartosk and Brown Fartsk + Detoo + Threepio
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    Tue Jun 26, 2018 1:00 pm
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BIRTHDATE Summer 2759
AGE: 8 as of fall 2767

HEX CODE: #4b5a94
FULL APPEARANCE: Rex is a large blue firelizard, solidly built and sturdy. His build more resembles that of a brown or bronze, and in silhouette he could be mistaken for one. Though most of him is a slate-blue, he has a pair of white markings between his headknobs resembling a pair of highly stylized eyes. He also has thin white stripes running down each limb except for his tail.

PERSONALITY: Rex is a devoted firelizard, holding the utmost loyalty to Ahsoka and Ahsosk, and by extension everyone that the pair loves. He's brave and scrappy, unafraid to dive into situations even at risk to his own hide. Intelligent and unafraid to take the initiative, he has a good memory for a firelizard and a knack for finding lost things. His favorite foods are mammals; he has an odd aversion to reptilian creatures other than killing them for pest control purposes.
Erian of Bronze Hammerloth + Timori
Moenbryda of Bronze Cendocreth + Tataru
Jeremiah of Brown Cogeath + Villetta
Eclipse Wingsecond Kurue of Garnet Artesiath + Damaya
Rey of Blue Nuth + Beebee
Tae of Blue Mokoith
Weyrling Gino of Green Sawath + Tristan
Niavi of Green Tegoth
Tikra of Green Everieth
Thancred of Green Mayuth + Gunbreaker
Banagher of White Unicoth + Haro Two
Nagate of White Playath + Tsugumori
Ysayle of White Ebrietath
Amuro of Brown Casvath + Haro
Ryoma of Brown Zamth + Kagero
Suzaku of Brown Rath + Albion
Talien of Charoite Arellath
Cid of Blue Volfreth + Alpha
Jullus of Blue Nalaath
A'ric of White Impath + Adria
Lopen of Brown Losk and Green Opesk
Liyanel of Gold Nebulaeth + Fisher + Tater
Saji of Bronze Veototh + 'Brown Haro'
T'challa of Bronze Lockoth
Cornelia of Garnet Guiloth + Strudel
Hy'daeus of Garnet-Bronze Selpith
Shallan of Blue Ophoth + Pattern
Anaiya of Green Adasheth + Feline Hobbes
Weyrhealer Chalay of Green Oshuth + Imagundi
Elend of Green Antoth
Lift of Green Icolenth + Wyndle
Pavane Point Mara of Gold Marsk and Green Marask + Talon
Chirrut of Quartz Chirrusk and White Chirsk + Kyber
Emaran of Brown Almarask and Brown Emarsk + Numa
Guard Lieutenant Ahsoka of Garnet Ahsosk and White Ahsk + Rex
Anakin of Blue Anask and Brown Anakisk + Hondo + Fives
Fartoo of Blue Fartosk and Brown Fartsk + Detoo + Threepio
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