"I believe in you."
-Yuna, Final Fantasy X
NAME: Yuna; sometimes called Yunie
GENDER: Feminine
PRONOUNS: Feminine (she/her/hers)
ORIENTATION: Heterosexual, she thinks, but perfectly open to exploring romantic options
BIRTHDATE: Early Spring 2755
AGE: 20 as of Late Summer 2775
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: Apprentice Healer, weyrling
EYES: Heterochromic (left - dark blue || right - bright green)
HAIR: Dark Brown
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5' 3" || slender and petite; dainty
PLAY-BY: Yuna (Final Fantasy X)
Yuna is a beautiful young woman, standing at 5' 3" in height and boasting a slim, willowy figure. In addition, she possesses pale skin, the shade of moonlight and the texture of silk, and her features are dainty. Born with heterochromia, her left eye is a shade of blue to rival sapphire stones, and her right eye is as green as the summer plains. Yuna's hair is a rich dark brown, flowing loose and free to her shoulders in waves, with lovely dark blue and gold adornments in her hair beside her right ear.
During her everyday life, Yuna enjoys wearing skirts and dresses, often topped with a white apron or another pocketed garment to hold many treasures. When the time comes for Gathers, Yuna dresses utterly resplendently; nothing held back. On her arms, she wears detached sleeves, white that fades into pink. A sleeveless white dress is her go-to, with a bold gold ribbon with green designs tied around her waist. The accompanying skirt is a rich purple color with pinkish-white flowers and vines trailing over the front. All this is paired with sturdy blank boots.
(Gather-wear depicted at end of application.)
Yuna is, above all, very kind. It's a base part of her nature to always be generous and caring toward others, often placing their needs before her own. Very loyal to those who earn it, she remains a very driven and determined young woman. Should she set a goal for herself, regardless of how big or small it may be, she will see it to completion. Soft-spoken, thoughtful, and well-mannered, Yuna tends to allow others to speak over her...until the time comes when she must break her silence. When she speaks, she speaks directly with conviction, deep-seated honesty, and great emotional intensity. Rarely does she hide what she's feeling. This can allow others to read what she's saying or feeling with ease, and Yuna's perfectly content with that; she has nothing she wishes to hide. Family and friends make up a core part of Yuna's life, and she holds both deeply close to her heart. Yet a balance between work and play is critical, but it is something Yuna has yet to grasp to entirety.
Yuna is rather naive, and dangerously so. Raised in a sheltered Hold with loving parents, she knows little of the dangers that might lurk in the world. As such, she believes that all are noble and good at heart, even if they've done terrible things. With time, effort, and some assistance, such a person could make amends! Trusting comes easily to Yuna, but not always in her best interest. If someone tries to remove the cloth from her eyes, Yuna can prove oddly stubborn to change her view, if said view is in a positive light. How could bronzes and those that rode them, fine and noble beasts they are, do such cruel and terrible things as kidnap people to be Candidates or imprison and torment a queen and her rider? Such a thing simply cannot be! Driven to be entirely honest, Yuna finds it most difficult to keep a secret, even if it's to protect another. And to lie would be criminal! While Yuna is a gentle sort, she holds a shard of motherly devotion close to her heart, and feels compelled to protect everyone under her care.
When the time comes to work, Yuna is right there at the starting line. Should there be burdens others must shoulder, Yuna is there to bear some of the weight herself. Beneath her gentle exterior lies a serious and calm woman. So serious, in fact, that humor often eludes Yuna. There is little that can rattle her, and she strives to remain strong for everyone around her. Don't be fooled into believing she's weak simply because she's quiet and small. Given the chance, Yuna will do all the work for everyone, so that they might not have to. It's more than a worthwhile endeavor, in her mind. It is her duty and honor. That said, she seems vehemently against asking for help. It isn't that she doesn't appreciate the assistance, but she's got the notion that it's her duty as a Healer not only to tend the sick and injured, but to take care of everything. This can lead her to become harried, until she realizes she needs help and requests as such, politely and humbly. While input may be valued, Yuna doesn't seem to understand entirely that some tact might be needed in some situations. When she speaks, it is direct, to-the-point, and entirely honest.
Braska - Hold-bred - father - living - open tie!
Davina - pirate-bred - mother - living - open tie!
Cidolphus - pirate, Captain of the Fahrenheit - uncle - living - open tie!
"Brother" - pirate - cousin - 22 - living - open tie!
Atria - pirate-Candidate - cousin - 18 - living
Siblings/Half-Siblings - none
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: None, but open!
BIRTHPLACE: Bevelle, a mainland Minor Hold beholden to Nerat
Yuna was born out of wedlock to "star-crossed" lovers Braska and Davina. The world sought to keep the pair apart; Braska was the second son of a common weaver, and Davina was the third daughter of a pirate captain. They were not intended to be together, for they were of two different worlds. But a chance encounter at the docks of Bevelle sparked a love that would persist above all else. Slipping away from their respective worlds by night, Braska and Davina would meet by moonlight. There were instances that Davina's life as the daughter of a pirate captain would keep her far from Bevelle's shores, and Braska sorely missed her.
On one of the Fahrenheit's extended stays on shore, it became clear that Davina was with child. Both were delighted...but frightened at the same time. Davina obviously couldn't go back to life at sea. A pirate ship was no place to raise a child! What were they to do? As the Fahrenheit remained docked for nearly two sevendays, Davina gave birth to their child; a daughter they named Yuna. At that time, with their baby girl, the pair came to a decision: they would elope. They would leave the confines of the lives and the expectations others set for them, to be together with their daughter. That's precisely what they did, traveling far from Bevelle, out of Nerat Province entirely, and settling in a small hold of Ista Province called Besaid.
Life for them was good. Yuna was happy and healthy, about five Turns old now, and life in the Hold peaceful. In Yuna's seventh Turn, her parents bought her a flit egg, which then hatched into a fine blue. Yuna dubbed the firelizard Kimahri, and he's been at her side ever since; a protector and guardian to the core. Yuna was delighted with her new friend. In her new home, Yuna grew from a girl to a young woman. But every young individual needed a purpose, and Yuna turned hers to Healing. With her parents' blessing, she journeyed to the Healerhall of Fort and took up the mantle of Healer, beginning to Apprentice with the Journeymen. Even after Yuna's birth, so long ago, the family didn't return to Nerat Province. There was nothing for them there now. But within Yuna grew a desire to see more of her parents' background. Reluctant, but hoping to bring their daughter joy, Braska and Davina brought Yuna to Bevelle Hold.
Bevelle was the strangest, most wonderful place Yuna had ever seen. This was where her father had been born, and where her parents had met. The woman of seventeen Turns was astounded and in awe of Bevelle...but so many questions remained. Why had they left? Did she have other family here? No answers were to be found, much to her dismay. Except...it seemed she did have family. It was by sheer chance that the Fahrenheit had docked, and a few pirate-folk wandered the docks. There, Yuna met Atria, and it was found that they were in fact cousins! While Yuna was understandably nervous and reluctant to meet her prickly uncle, the captain Cidolphus, she and Atria hit it off immediately, for Atria's warm and bubbly personality perfectly meshed with Yuna's serious and polite one.
Right before Yuna and her family were to return to Besaid, after saying goodbye to Atria with promises to write, that a Searchdragon of Ista rode. The blue looked upon Yuna and made his choice for Candidate. Yuna was astounded, and both her parents shocked. Neither could deny how proud they were of Yuna to be selected by a rider. After plenty of encouragement, Yuna accepted the Search and travelled to Ista Weyr for Candidacy. When Yuna was eighteen Turns of age, word came to her that the recently established Semaca Weyr sought Candidates. Yuna was one of those that answered the call. It was a new place full of opportunity for her as a Candidate, and those who might need her talents as a Healer. Should she fail to Impress, Yuna sees the chance for her to continue her studies as a Healer, perhaps even advancing to Journeyman one day. But for now, her sole focus is Candidacy in Semaca.

- Late Summer 2775: At gold Xialath's maiden clutch, sired by bronze Hjalmarth, Yuna Impresses to blue Lanrodoth!