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Devon of White Maynarth

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    Sun Jun 02, 2024 10:15 am
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Devon of White Maynarth

"Hoist up the thing! Batten down the whatsit!
What's that thing spinning? Somebody should stop it!
Turn hard to port! (That's not port?) Now I've got it!
Trust me, I'm in control!"
-- Longest Johns, Hoist Up the Thing


NAME: Devon

BIRTHDATE: Summer 2743
AGE: 33 as of Summer 2776
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
OCCUPATION: Apprentice Seacrafter Wingrider
WING: Mazurka Squad

EYES: Blue-Grey
HAIR: Ginger blonde
HEIGHT AND BUILD: 5'8" and pretty average on all accords.
PLAY-BY: Simon Pegg (Shaun of the Dead)
FULL APPEARANCE: Devon is a lad of average everything. His composure is quite pale in comparison to his bright ginger hair, complimented by striking blues that occlude his irises. He's also the victim of a plague commonly called 'receding hairline' and does not do much, or anything at all really, to hide this fact. A shapely goatee dresses his chin, trimmed and proper. Body proportions are all right where they should be and he doesn't stand very tall or ... stoop? very low. Muscular definition is lacking, though he does have rugged calves. Attire-wise, Devon isn't picky. He takes what is within reach and often forgets to shrug off his Threadfighting gear when attending something formal.

PERSONALITY: If ever there was a more whimsical individual, Devon would trump them. Maybe. Probably. He's an impulsive idiot who lives in the here-and-now instead of the future. Thus he doesn't perceive the dangers presented to him even if they are staring him right in the eyes or gnawing on his ankles. This redhead will charge straight ahead, saluting to the sky while shrieking, "HAVE AT THEE!" until lightning strikes him down. Which it will, eventually. Astonishingly he will get right back up to tackle the proverbial bull that bested him.

Devon was born with wanderlust and is never dissuaded by rules and 'proper procedures'. Brashness is his middle name, boldness is his breath. Still, he is at least tactful in his confrontations whereas his dragon counterpart is anything but. Respect is doled out to those who deserve it and he's a little more reserved in airing out his opinion if it might affect another - but only just so, and it depends on the nature of the situation. Otherwise he's a good soul with an erratic mindset.

Ambrosia - mother; creche worker (54)
Philip - father; creche worker (55)
Anphiel - sister; candidate (27)
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Bismatia - Healer (30)
HISTORY: Devon was born and raised in Telgar Weyr - the first child to be born from a pair of creche workers. From the getgo, he was restless leg syndrome personified. He was getting into trouble from the moment he could crawl and frequently got into situations that could unalive him without his parents intervention. He was a handful that surely contributed to his father's premature hair loss. Devon had no problems making friends and often became the leader of the pack - although some were driven off by his wild antics, fearful of their own safety. It wasn't that he was trying to cause harm. He was just insanely reckless.

His younger sister was born when Devon was 6 and the boy was in love with that little girl. Something about hearing her babbles and infant laughs had him swooning over the babe, and he took it upon himself to become her big and brave defender! Over the years his brash personality tamed into something a little less dangerous (but not by much) for the sake of keeping his sister safe in case she tried to tag along on his ventures.

In the turns leading up to his early 20s, Devon dug his heels into a variety of different hobbies in search of a craft that he could really bite into. Seacrafting was a huge aspiration for him! The scent of the sea air, the calling of kestrels, jumping fish! Now, Telgar Weyr was deep in the mountains. Getting to the shore was not going to happen unless some kind of event came up, and it did in the form of a Gather along the coast. He accompanied the weyrfolk with permission from his parents. Somehow during that brief visit, he'd "acquired" a small vessel and set off to explore the ocean. His intend had been to sail out just a little, then come back. But between his inattentive excitement and the unruly nature of sea waves, Devon was swept much further out and had to be rescued by a dragonrider from Ista.

Luckily, the sea vessel belonged to a friend of a friend so he didn't get into serious trouble, despite the boat being lost. Devon did have to repay the man by assisting him in building another, a task that took several months and trips between Telgar Weyr and the shoreline cothold.

At 23, Devon decided he wanted to become a Candidate. He stood at several Hatchings to no avail. He was 27 when a mutated white dragonet spilled onto the Sands and claimed him as their own. Maynarth was an oddity, just like him. The pair was eccentric and often pushed the patience of their teachers to the limits. Devon's little sister also decided to present herself as a Candidate. Luck did not spring into her favor. Somewhere between her difficulty in forming and maintaining friendships and the growing, crushing failure of Impressing, their parents hatched a plot to move to the new Semaca Weyr. A fresh start - something his sister desperately needed. Devon was absolutely on board with the plan.

They made the move not too long after. Devon integrated himself into Mazurka Squad, a team that almost felt made for him. He briefly became enamored with a healer who tended to his wounds after a foul stint into some prickly bushes ... and a pit ... and rocks ... and more rocks ... Bismatia was a darling who matched him wit for wit and applauded Devon's unusual personality quirks. He actually plotted to wed her - a very undragonrider-like thing to do - although it remains to be seen if this aspiration will become successful. They are, however, weyrmates.
Last edited by Windra on Wed Jun 19, 2024 11:25 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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    Sun Jun 02, 2024 10:21 am
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What's that?! Is it the aliens?!

Mutation: Additional tail forks that bend and curl on their own.


NAME: Maynarth
BIRTHDATE Spring 2770
AGE: 6 as of Spring 2776

LENGTH: 28.5ft
HEIGHT: 6.5ft
COLOR: White
HEX CODE: #788188
FULL APPEARANCE: Maynarth is a white who's longer than he is tall. He's equipped with ungainly and awkward wings that are a bit bigger than they should be. The entirety of his hue is a very plain, unassuming white. The outer membrane of his wings taper gradually to a bland gray towards the tip of his 'index' fingers, and the same shade forms an arc across the thin membranes of his underwings, starting at the exterior and coming to a point at the second knuckle on his outer 'finger'. A collar of that same gray ropes around the base of his neck. Maynarth has an unusual tail with two additional forks on either side. While there's only one hole to do his business, the other forks can flex and bend on their own.

PERSONALITY: Maynarth is a sassy and sarcastic dragon. He lack any volume control. The idea of hierarchy is trivial to him, because everybody can mess up and it's stupid to assume somebody knows more just because of the role they're given or the color hide they're born with. He's super quick to call somebody out and is horrible at keeping secrets, easily goaded into snitching on others without much effort. It is very easy to trick him by leaning into his tendency to be gullible. He's a conspiracy theorist and constantly alludes to extraterrestrial life. If Pern had foil, he'd be wearing it as a hat.

To Devon, Maynarth is very much a partner-in-crime. If his rider suggests a very bad idea, the dragon will be hunky dory about committing to it regardless of the repercussions. He does his own share in pushing terrible ideas. They function on the same brainwaves of impulsive blunders.

VOICE: Moderately-pitched and androgynous, he sounds like a gravelly oldtimer.
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