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Lucheena of White Fauxpawth

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Lucheena of White Fauxpawth

(Will Nicen later but basic idea)


NAME:Lucheena (Loo-chee-nha)- Can be called “Lu/Loo/Lucy”
PRONOUNS: she/her/hers

BIRTHDATE: Summer of 2759
AGE: 17 as of 2776
LOCATION: Semaca Weyr
WING: Mazurka Squad

EYES:Dusty or greyish blue
HAIR:Dark brown, almost black and very curly and bouncy
HEIGHT AND BUILD:5'5 with room to grow, and teenager scrawny
Lucheena is youthful in every sense of the word. With plenty of childish features, she's just breaking into the world of adulthood. With round face and thin limbs, she has very little curves at her waist, but she is easily picked up as 'feminine'.

Lucheena's complexion is a light tan, not quite dark, but certainly not pale, and very dark and tightly coiled hair. Would it ever be tamed to straightness, it would reach passed her shoulders, but it's always nicely volumed and kept wild about her head, with a headband or sash for accessory. She also has a dusting of freckles, mostly concentrated over her round button nose, with a speckle here or there on the rest of her body.

Usually wearing oversized and draping clothing, shoes are only worn when forced to. If she could, she'd prefer to be barefoot 100% of the time.

Lucheena is a born explorer, enjoying everything the outdoors and the world has to offer. She never minds getting down and dirty, thinking it the most fun when she gets to crawl into a tight space or look into a deep cave to see what she can find. She's naturally curious and inquisitive, prompting her to ask a lot of questions.

While she's always willing to learn and get her answers, Lucheena can get a bit 'much' in that aspect. She won't think twice about butting into a conversation or something she had little part of, if the interest strikes her. Plus, her eagerness to explore can send her right into situations she's not always equipped to handle, and she can get herself and others into things way over their heads.

She also has very little care of appearance, and won't see the problem coming to dinner or somewhere absolutely filthy or with torn clothing. Such things are prone to happen when you're always climbing to high places; which is one of her favorite activities. Lucheena fears no height, and is relatively skilled in climbing just about anything: ropes, trees, sails, and even dragons.

Through it all, Lucheena has a very empathetic heart. She wants to be helpful, and aid anyone or thing that needs. In her youth, this habit manifested in always picking up stray animals, namely, canines, felines, firelizards, frogs (etc etc)--- which also subsequently fell to her friends and family members. This is especially true now, as she was unable to mind her 'pick ups' as a candidate and new dragonrider, so her “Poppy” is usually tasked with the job of finding such creatures an appropriate home.

Lucheena is a firm believer in the mentality of 'doing good, gets you good in return'. She tends to be very superstitious in general, with luck and otherwise. It's not hard for her to believe something if someone makes the superstition sound viable enough~

Father – “Poppy” Eenan (Alive)Available but I may make him myself
Mother – (Alive) Tie Available
Siblings – Prob a few and available
BIRTHPLACE:cothold beholden to Nerat

Lucheena was born to a modest, seafaring family. Much of her childhood was running along the coasts, picking up pretty shells or interesting treasures that seemingly appeared on the sands. She always loved looking through the tide pools, picking up all the tiny fish and strange looking creatures she could find. Her father, Eenan, was always happy to answer any question she had for him while he worked. Despite the air of firm practicality he displayed, Lucheena got her soft-heartedness from him.

He knew he had his own family and obligations to mind first, but it was always hard for him to turn Lucheena away when she found a hurt wherry or a firelizard that was too thin. He was firm when he needed to be, but it was almost impossible for him to speak otherwise when his daughter's intentions were good and well-meaning. As such, he was her clear favorite, and why everyone eventually took to referring his as 'Poppy', including his wife and friends. (Because he is sweet like a flower and her 'Poppy' and everyone should think of him as 'Poppy' because that's what he's best at: says Lucheena)

From the moment she could walk on her own, Lucheena found her knack for climbing, offering her so much opportunity to explore and see things from a new perspective. One of her favorite past times, was aiding Poppy with his boats rigging and climbing the masts and tending to the ropes. It was all good fun to be so high and laugh at the soaring birds and firelizards that went by. Lucheena assumed this would be the things she would do on her own when she was properly grown. Atleast, until a Searchdragon noticed her upon the rigging as they and their rider flew passed.

At the chance to be a dragonrider, it seemed a foolish notion to decline. Lucheena would miss the time with her family, but if by chance she did not get a dragon, she would simple come back. It would work out either way, so off she was taken to Igen Weyr.

Though, if Lucheena was to ever be asked, she wasn't very fond on her candidacy. Too many rules, and too many restrictions... and too many shoe requirements. However, she wanted to do good, and make her Poppy and family proud, so she stuck it out as best she could. Her 'good' endeavors were rewarded soon enough, as a White with an awkward stumbling step, and a few too many toes, made her way to Lucheena. White Fauxpawth was also interested in adventures, and grand things to see, and doing the best good they were able to together.

Despite impressing a dragon she adored, Lucheena found herself growing more discontent as her weyrlinghood went on. Igen Weyr was so far from home, and there was so many obligations. She missed her Poppy, and she missed not being able to help him and ask him all the things she wished to learn about. Lucheena brought up these concerns to her family often.

Which prompted Poppy to make the decision to shift the immediate family to travel to Semaca. The Southern Continent was a bit out of their league, his logical side told him, but Lucheena and Fauxpawth could transfer to the Weyr there, and effectively cut the distance between them all. Of course, she and her bonded would have their expected duties, but if their whole collective duty as a family was set to Semaca's prosperity, then by default they could be together.
Last edited by EW-NA on Tue Jul 23, 2024 9:02 am, edited 3 times in total.
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White Fauxpawth



BIRTHDATE Winter 2774
AGE: 2 as of 2776

HEX CODE:#858694
Fauxpawth is a solid median grey tone over most of her body, with purple undertoned pale wings, patterned with cosmic speckling like splatters of stars or snow. The most prominent stars are set directly upon the cover of her face, between her eyes, and on the top part of her back legs. At the bottom of each of her feet are stripe-patterns 'socks'.

She has extra toes: 6 on her front feet, and 5 on her back. Each one is functional.

Fauxpawth is a dragon that is very closely matched to her rider. She is curious about so many things in the world, wanting to pick apart and understand all that she doesn't know. While Lucheena asks questions more on a whim of getting an answer, Fauxpawth is much more skeptical and determined about it. Even when given an answer, she may press more if the pieces don't seem to fit together in her mind. And, this is common enough with a creature with a very limited memory span~ She has little shame when it comes to sticking her and her rider's nose in the business of others, and won't ever feel guilty on that.

Fauxpawth is also a very 'hands on' dragon, so to speak. She's very dexterous with her little toes, quite able to move and use every single one. This makes her great and picking up small intricate items, and fiddling things like latches and lids. She's a very cat-like dragon, having once been clumsy as a hatchling with her extra digits, to the definition of balances and posed. She likes to jump and land on rocks and sturdy branches, and is more than happy to perch herself on a ship's sail if it will hold her.


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